by Bechtel
Posted on 13-07-2020 04:56 AM
1. A judge, esp in a competition
2. An arbitrator, esp in a dispute
thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend:
adjudicator - a person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
individual , mortal , person , somebody , someone , soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
judge , jurist , justice - a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice.
A person or group that makes an official decision about something, especially about who is right in a disagreement : she acted as adjudicator coffee mug adjudicator arbitror adjudicator coffee mug in the dispute. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words.
Adjudicator urdu meaning - find the correct meaning of adjudicator in urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from english to urdu.
There are always several meanings of each word in urdu, the correct meaning of adjudicator coffee mug adjudicator arbitror adjudicator coffee mug in urdu is Øاکم, and in roman we write it haakim.
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we found 23 dictionaries with english definitions that include the word adjudicator:
click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where " adjudicator coffee mug adjudicator arbitror adjudicator coffee mug " is defined.
General (21 matching dictionaries).
First recorded in 1685–95, adjudication is from the late latin word adjÅ«dicÄtiÅn- (stem of adjÅ«dicÄtiÅ). See adjudicate , -ion other words from.
These words and terms are commonly used in the unjust dismissal adjudication process. Understanding what they mean may be helpful to you.
Cardoza, benjamin n. 1960. The nature of the judicial process. New haven, conn. : yale univ. Press. Lewis, william d. , ed. 1922. Commentaries on the laws of england. Philadelphia: bisel. Lucy, william. 1999. Understanding and explaining adjudication. Oxford univ. Press. Roosevelt, theodore. 1908. Message to congress. Congressional record, december 8, pt. I:21.
This bureau is responsible for coordinating the analysis and dissemination of federal and internal policies and procedures; congressional and critical case inquiry responses; training development; and processes requests for consultative examinations from administrative law judges in the social security administration’s office of disability adjudication and review (hearings).
The term “adjudication†is used to describe the formal giving of a judgment or decision by a judge in a court of law. For example, an adjudication is made after all of the applicable evidence has been reviewed, including the legal arguments put forth by both sides’ attorneys. Once all of that information has been collectively weighed, the judge is then empowered to make a decision on the matter at hand. To explore this concept, consider the following adjudication definition.
At hardwicke coulson j recently spoke to the london common law and commercial bar association about adjudication and posed the question, is adjudication a model for all commercial dispute resolution? while adjudication is the norm in construction disputes, attempts to expand it beyond the construction sphere have met with little success. Should parties be so reluctant to consider adjudication as a model for dispute resolution? in this blog post, i look at the advantages and disadvantages of using adjudication to resolve disputes outside of the construction industry.
Recent examples on the web there was the reader looking for adjudication in a dispute with a nurse friend who wanted to break lockdown to visit a romantic prospect. — lily rothman, time, "what it's like to be an advice columnist during a global pandemic," 11 june 2020 will final adjudication of the law fall to hong kong courts or some other authority? — grady mcgregor, fortune, "what does hong kong’s security law mean for global businesses?," 4 june 2020 the trump administration’s policy that forced asylum seekers to wait for an adjudication of their cases in mexico was supposed to offer exemptions for the sick. — remy tumin, new york times, "nevada caucuses, coronavirus, kobe bryant: your weekend briefing," 23 feb. 2020 the various abuse cases against the bsa that have been filed in state courts will be halted and transferred to federal bankruptcy court for adjudication, pfau said. — corky siemaszko, nbc news, "boy scouts of america, hobbled by multiple sex-abuse lawsuits, declares bankruptcy," 18 feb. 2020 during the festival, each troupe performs 15 minutes of a broadway junior show for adjudication by a panel of musical theater experts. — cleveland, "mercury theatre co. Junior troupe wins big on national stage," 6 feb. 2020 imposing a suspension, prior to a hearing and adjudication is unconstitutional the interim policy allows the university to impose serious interim sanctions without a hearing. — david jesse, detroit free press, "federal judge: u-m students accused of sexual assault must have rights protected," 24 mar. 2020 the board member who the inspector general said had a potential conflict in the adjudication, william j. Emanuel, also had a role in proposing the rule. — noam scheiber, new york times, "franchise workers lose some power to challenge labor practices," 25 feb. 2020 families who have been found by a uscis officer to have a credible fear of return cannot be held by ice for more than 20 days and will be released into the u. S. And told to show up for their asylum claim adjudication years down the road. — anna giaritelli, washington examiner, "dhs deploys dozens of border patrol agents to do uscis job of reviewing asylum claims," 27 feb. 2020.
Adjudication - ​a step by step approach kelliher & associates present a half day seminar on the adjudication process- a step by step approach. The seminar aims to give an overview of the adjudication process under the construction contracts act 2013. It will outline what is required for adjudication to take place, and the practical steps required in the process from the outset to the decision of an adjudicator. The seminar will outline what is required by each party at each step in the process and seeks to break down the terminology into an easy to understand guide through the process.
Competitions[ edit ] adjudication can also be the process, at dance competitions, in television game shows and at other competitive forums, by which competitors are evaluated and ranked and a winner is found. In court[ edit ] "the legal process of resolving a dispute. The formal giving or pronouncing of a judgment or decree in a court proceeding ; also the judgment or decision given. The entry of a decree by a court in respect to the parties in a case. It implies a hearing by a court, after notice , of legal evidence on the factual issue(s) involved. The equivalent of a determination. It indicates that the claims of all the parties thereto have been considered and set at rest. ".
Understand positive adjudication understand how the positive adjudication matrix will help reduce bias and compliance risk set criteria to de-emphasize irrelevant offenses configure the positive adjudication matrix to fit your hiring practices this article is for the following user roles: admin looking for a place to start with positive adjudication? learn how you can make your adjudication process more efficient and compliant in our three-minute video:.
Learning objectives: students shall demonstrate comprehension of the scope, purpose, and processes of the personnel security program (psp) in its support of national security. Delivery method: elearning length: 3 hours target audience: federal government personnel who perform national security adjudication or who have national security adjudicative type functions (collateral and sci).
Communication skills, both oral and written, are important in claims adjudication, as is the ability to use a variety of computer applications. Disability claims adjudicators have an aptitude for learning medical terminology and conditions, as well as interpreting procedures and regulations. They work well under pressure and can juggle cases in various stages of review simultaneously. Applicants fluent in spanish and english are increasingly needed.
The 1986 ole ntutu boundary commission had recommended some five ranches be reclaimed from these adjudication sections as they were used to encroach into the forest. Five other adjudication sections, illmotiok, ololulunga, nkareta, nkoben and naisuya, were later declared to the south of the forest which led to increased pressure in the previous sections.
The respondent can only respond to an adjudication application if they have provided a payment schedule to the claimant within: 10 business days after being served the payment claim; or five business days after being served a notice from the claimant of their intention to apply for adjudication (as a result of the claimant not being provided with an initial payment schedule and not being paid by the due date of payment).
,while he had the right to stop the trent, examine the mails, and, if he found despatches for the enemy among them, carry the vessel into an american port for adjudication, he had no atithority to board the vessel and arrest two of her passengers. The real beginning of english equity is to be found in the custom of handing over to that officer, for adjudication, the complaints which were addressed to the king, praying for remedies beyond the reach of the common law.
The term, "adjudication" is a formal way of saying, "deciding" or "resolving. " the process that the insurance company goes through when deciding whether it owes you money or not is called "adjudication of a claim. " it begins when someone submits a claim to the insurance company and requests reimbursement, such as for payment of a fence blown down in a windstorm. Claim adjudication is a relatively broad term used by different types of insurance providers including automobile, homeowner, workers' compensation and medical insurance carriers.
Adjudication describes the legal process that helps expedite and deliver a court's resolution regarding an issue between two parties. The result of the process is a judgment and court opinion that is legally binding. Most adjudication hearings center on disputes that involve money or nonviolent infractions and result in the distribution of rights and obligations for all parties involved.
The directive that governs security clearance adjudications takes into account the financial challenges some employees may experience due to no fault of their own. It directs personnel security adjudicators to evaluate financial considerations “in the context of the whole person†and to consider whether “the conditions that resulted from the financial problem were largely beyond the person’s control. And the individual acted responsibly under the circumstances. â€.
Adjudication is the process used to resolve unemployment questions and issues. A claim may need adjudication if there are questions regarding how a claimant left a job or other eligibility issues. In some cases the adjucator may be able to make a decision after a conversation with a claimant. In other cases, information from other sources, such as the employer, may be needed.
Arbiters[ edit ] an example is a person who makes a preliminary judgment as to an unemployment insurance claim. An adjudicator makes an initial decision to keep a case from going to court. Although the adjudicator's decision does not have legal weight, the adjudicator has rendered a decision. Although a case can be appealed to a judge, the adjudicator's decision is frequently accepted as the same as what a judge would make, keeping many time-consuming cases out of the court system.
1 the process of determining judicially or ordering or pronouncing by law. 2 in immigration law, an adjudicator is an officer with the function of dealing with immigration appeals from decisions of the immigration authorities. 3 in the scots law of diligence or legal enforcement, the process used against debtors to take away their heritable property. The action is raised in court and the decree registered. When this is done, the property thenceforward belongs to the creditor but is subject to a right of redemption in 10 years, known as the legal.
Adjudication refers to the ultimate decision governed by law. It relates to the procedure of resolving a legal issue with the help of court or legal authorities. When a case is presented in court, the final verdict offered by the judge is said to be adjudication. One can also consider the procedure of endorsing an insurance claim and an order between creditors and bankrupt person as adjudication.
Definition: the giving or pronouncing a judgment or decree in a cause; also the judgment given. The term is principally used in bankruptcy proceedings, the adjudication being the order which declares the debtor to be a bankrupt. In french law. A sale made at public auction and upon competition. Adjudications are voluntary, judicial, or administrative. Duverger. In scotch law. A species of diligence, or process for transferring the estote of a debtor to a creditor, carried on as an ordinary action before the court of session. A species of judiciui sale, redeemable by the debtor. A decreet of the lords of session, adjudging and appropriating a person's lands, hereditaments, or any heritable right to belong to his creditor, who is called the "adjudger," for payment or performance. Bell; ersk. Inst, c. 2, tit. 12, §§ 39-55; fort). Inst pt. 3, b. 1, c. 2, tit 6.
Search adjudicator and thousands of other words in english definition and synonym dictionary from reverso. You can complete the definition of adjudicator given by the english definition dictionary with other english dictionaries: wikipedia, lexilogos, oxford, cambridge, chambers harrap, wordreference, collins lexibase dictionaries, merriam webster english-definition dictionary : translate english words into definition with online dictionaries
an adjudicator is someone who presides, judges and arbitrates during a formal dispute. The term adjudicator essentially means a judge, without invoking the legal term. An ombudsman is a type of adjudicator in local government in the united kingdom. An example of an adjudicator is a person who makes a preliminary judgment as to an unemployment insurance claim. An adjudicator makes an initial decision to keep a case from going to court. Although the adjudicator's decision does not have the same legal weight, an adjudicator has still rendered a decision just like a judge. Although a case can be appealed to a judge, the adjudicator's decision is frequently accepted as the same as what a judge would make, keeping many time-consuming cases out of the court system.
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl. Im/axylm here is wikipedia's defintion billy baggins an adjudicator is someone who presides, judges and arbitrates during a formal dispute. The term adjudicator essentially means a judge, without invoking the legal term. An ombudsman is a type of adjudicator in local government in the united kingdom. An example of an adjudicator is a person who makes a preliminary judgment as to an unemployment insurance claim. An adjudicator makes an initial decision to keep a case from going to court. Although the adjudicator's decision doesn't have the same legal weight, an adjudicator has still rendered a decision just like a judge. Although a case can be appealed to a judge, the adjudicator's decision is frequently accepted as the same as what a judge would make, keeping many time-consuming cases out of the court system. Simon cowell is well known for his role as an adjudicator on tv talent shows like american idol. Adjudicator is also a term used to refer to a panel of judges in the process of receiving a top secret/sci clearance for the united states government. Adjudicators are the panel that review all of the information from a background investigation and a polygraph and make a decision whether or not to grant the clearance. Adjudicators in a medical review board make disability and retirement benefit decisions for federal employees and military personnel after an individual has applied for immediate retirement because of a serious or chronic medical condition. Adjudicators also exist for immigration benefits. In contexts such as music and theater, an adjudicator (often referred to as a "judge"), is a person who gives a critical evaluation of performances in competitions, festivals or talent shows, resulting in the award of marks, medals or prizes. I know there has to be some that are loving, but in legalistics there are laws so in all we do know, the spirit of the law is the best(in has mercy and forgiveness in mind and heart) in this world we pray and hope for the best in others to shine through but ultimately i know whom i know, the living god, our wonderful counselor, the king of kings, the alpha and omega the only one who knows both justus and mercy inside out the giver of all life is the only one truly fit to judge all matters. Lovingly kar (wisdom,discernment, knowledge, understanding, knowing what is right, versus wrong, not partial, fairness, honoring the good, versus the bad).
Advertisements hello everyone! i am freaking out at the moment, so i will try my best to explain what is going on. I was fired for "insubordination" on april 24th, 2015, my ex employer sent me a text massage letting me know of this. He did not answer the phone. On april 27th i filed for unemployment in illinois. Shortly after i received a letter that explained my benefits, later a debit card and then an interview date. I also received a letter from my ex employed on may 9th that he accepts my resignation as of april 23rd, 2015. I never resigned?? i had an interview with the adjudicator on may 14th. To my knowledge that went pretty well, the adjudicator even said that he is sure beyond a reasonable doubt that the determination will be made in my favor. Well now here we are 3 weeks later and i still have not heard anything back, when i call in to the automated system it keeps telling me that there is an adjudication issue. Does this mean ive been denied??.