by Theodore
Posted on 03-08-2020 05:12 AM
A judge on friday denied the oregon attorney general's request for a temporary restraining order to rein in the activities of federal agents responding to protests and unrest in portland. As part of a lawsuit against federal agents in the city, oregon attorney general ellen rosenblum had requested that federal officers clearly identify themselves when seizing protesters and stop arrests without probable cause.
Portland, ore. — a federal judge heard arguments wednesday on oregon’s request for a restraining order against federal agent gifts ideas agent mug gifts present for agent s sent to the state’s biggest city to quell protests that have spiraled into nightly clashes between authorities and demonstrators. The lawsuit, filed by oregon attorney general ellen rosenblum, alleges that federal agents sent by president donald trump have arrested people with no probable cause, whisked protesters away in unmarked cars and used excessive force to quell the unrest. It’s part of growing pushback against the trump administration’s use of federal agents in portland and its plans to do the same in other cities.
Oregon gov. Kate brown , who this weekend blamed president trump for the growing violence in portland and characterized the federal presence in the city as "political theater," said at a press conference wednesday that federal cops are “secret police abducting people. â€the democratic governor said: "let me be very clear with oregonians, when i spoke with the director of the department of homeland security last week, i told him to go home and take his federal troops with him. This is a democracy, not a dictatorship. We cannot have secret police abducting people into and putting them in unmarked vehicles. I cannot believe i have to say that to the president of united states.
I know that oregonians are outraged. American should be appalled. ".
Jason stanley, a philosophy professor at yale university, argues that trump's deployment of federal agents in cities such as portland could serve to reduce voter turnout. Research suggests that voting declines in communities that have the most exposure to law enforcement. "one thing we need to worry about is cbp and ice being used to intimidate people at the polls," stanley said. "i'm not predicting it will happen. I'm not saying it will happen.
I'm saying that we have to worry about it. ".
Jason stanley, a professor of philosophy at yale university, is the author of 2018's "how fascism works: the politics of us and them. "stanley spoke with business insider about the deployment of federal present for agent gifts for travel agents present for an agent s in us cities; what "fascism" would look like if it came to america; what happens if the president is reelected; and why he is more worried about the republican party than he is about donald trump.
Share portland, ore. — the trump administration is facing growing pushback — in the courts and on the streets — to sending federal agents to portland, oregon, where protests have spiraled into violence, and vowing to do the same in other democratic-led cities. Far from tamping down the unrest that followed george floyd’s death at the hands of minneapolis police, the presence of federal agents on the streets of progressive portland — and particularly allegations they have whisked people away in unmarked cars without probable cause — has energized two months of nightly protests that had begun to devolve into smaller, chaotic crowds.
Portland, ore. — mardy widman has watched protests against racial injustice unfold in her hometown of portland, oregon, for more than seven weeks but stayed away because, at age 79, she feared contracting the coronavirus. But that calculus changed for widman when president donald trump sent federal law enforcement agents to the liberal city to quell violent demonstrations — a tactic he's said he'll use for other cities. On monday, a masked widman was in the street with more than 1,000 other portland residents — a far larger crowd than the city had seen in recent days as it entered its eighth week of nightly protests.
Synonymy note: an agent is, generally, a person or thing that acts or is capable of acting, or, in this comparison,
one who or that which acts, or is empowered to act, for another [the company's agent]; unresolved cross ref now usually denotes an agent for the sale of goods; a , deputy is a public official to whom certain authority has been delegated by superiors; , proxy implies the delegation of power to substitute for another in some formal or ceremonial.
A person or company employed by another person or company (called the principal ) for the purpose of arranging contracts between the principal and third parties. An agent generally has authority to act within broad limits in conducting business on behalf of his or her principal and has a basic duty to carry out the tasks involved with due skill and diligence.
Tests have shown that the silt contains no contaminants, allowing it to be used as cover material for household waste at the landfill site or incorporated into green waste to act as a bulking agent and re-used for composting purposes. And since it mimics the texture of fat, oliggo-fiber provides "an added richness to food products, especially low-fat foods, while offering fewer calories than traditional fat- and carbo hydrate-based ingredients. " cargill also notes that, with its mildly sweet taste, oliggo-fiber can be used as a bulking agent in low calorie, sugar reduced or diabetic-suitable foods in combination with intensive sweeteners and/or polyols.
Los angeles is full of beautiful girls working as waitresses , hoping to be discovered by a movie agent. She has worked as an estate agent among other things. The agent has put a price of £120,000 on our house. The undercover agents went to the rendezvous knowing that it might be a trap.
Agent and patient. This phrase is used to indicate the state of a person who is required to do a thing, and is at the same time the person to whom it is done; as, when a man is indebted to another, and he appoints him his executor, the latter is required to pay the debt in his capacity of.
One definition of a vector is that of a carrier — it might be an insect like a mosquito that carries and transmits a bacterium or virus, or it might be some agent that carries genetically engineered dna into a cell. Considering that the latin word vector comes from the word vehere, which means "to carry," it's not surprising that the current use of the word also "carries" the same meaning. In fact, in computers, a vector is a method used to propagate a computer virus. However, the word vector is also used in various scientific areas, including mathematics, where it indicates something possessing both size and direction; and aeronautics, where it indicates a projectile's course.
One definition: an (intelligent) agent perceives it environment via sensors and acts rationally
upon that environment with its effectors.
Hence, an agent gets percepts one at a time, and
maps this percept sequence to actions. Another definition: an agent is a computer software system
there are various types of chemical agents that affect the human body in numerous ways—blister agents, blood agents, nerve agents, riot control agents, mustard agents, psychotomimetic agents, and toxins. When the chemical agent is disseminated as a vapor, as liquid or solid particles of respirable size, or as a spray deposited on surfaces to eventually evaporate to form a vapor, it poses an inhalation hazard.