by Theodore
Posted on 03-08-2020 05:11 AM
Thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend:
virus - (virology) ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic; a piece of nucleic acid (dna or rna) wrapped in a thin coat of protein
pathogen - any disease-producing agent gifts gifts for travel agents agent presents (especially a virus or bacterium or other microorganism)
agent - an active and efficient cause; capable of producing a certain effect; "their research uncovered new disease agents".
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Yes. Changes to the registered agent or registered office information must always be filed with the secretary of state and comply with applicable statutory requirements. A registered agent with a change of address may notify the secretary of state of the change by submitting form 408 ( word , pdf ). A registered agent also may use form 408 to simultaneously change the registered office address for more than one represented entity.
The term agent is derived from the latin word “agens,†meaning to do or to act. The meanings of the term “agent†vary. A representative or official of an administrative agency or government is known as an agent: an fbi agent. An agent can be a thing or a substance that produces change: a chemical agent, an electronic agent.
This is the british english definition of travel agent. View american english definition of travel agent. Change your default dictionary to american english.
W naszym słowniku synonimów języka polskiego dla słowa agent znajdują się łącznie 44 synonimy. Synonimy te podzielone zostały na 9 różnych grup znaczeniowych. Jeżeli znasz inne wyrazy o podobnym znaczeniu do słowa „agent†lub potrafisz określić ich nowy kontekst znaczeniowy, możesz je dodać za pomocą formularza dostępnego w opcji dodaj nowy synonim.
What is the meaning / definition of travel agent in the hospitality industry ? travel agent is a person whose job it is to arrange travel for end clients (individuals, groups, corporations) on behalf of suppliers (hotels, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, railways, travel insurance, package tours). His task is to simplify the travel planning process for their customers in addition to providing consultation services and entire travel packages.
The second point was this: those with whom i had had misunderstandings were equally his agents. Their thieves are the most daring and their agents the most cunning. Irish agents are here described as of two different species. The agents in london, trieste, and mombasa were each paid £800 per annum. Many of the agents know apparently nothing about conversion.
Instead of going directly to a company and buying an insurance product, a lot of people get an agent instead. For one, it is rare that the client gets to pay the agent a fee for services because the former earns an income from commissions from products or policies sold. Also, the law requires agents to offer client the best policy and thoroughly inform them about a policy's coverage before the client starts paying for it. Failure to do so can lead to the loss of the agent's license.
Louville was the secret agent whom the regent determined to send. Like you, i came to paris as a secret agent of "the family. "berg and lancaster sat in the rear, and the secret agent chatted all the way. Being a secret agent isn't all fun and games, but it has its compensations.
An oxidizing agent is a compound or element that is present in a redox (oxidation-reduction) reaction which receives electrons originating from a different species. The oxidant is a chemical compound which easily transfers atoms of oxygen or another substance in order to gain an electron. If one agent in the reaction releases oxygen or gains electrons or hydrogen, it is considered an oxidizer. The oxidizer is reduced as it takes on electrons. However, the reactant undergoes oxidation by letting its electrons be captured by the oxidizer. Oxygen is the eponymous example of an oxidizing agent.
A person or business authorized to act on another's behalf: our agent in hong kong will ship the merchandise. A best-selling author needs a good agent. A person or thing that acts or has the power to act. A natural force or object producing or used for obtaining specific results: many insects are agents of fertilizatio.
It looks like you may be using a web browser that we don't support. Please use another web browser to get the full agent provocateur experience.
Agent(noun) one who exerts power, or has the power to act; an actor. Etymology: from agens, present participle of ago agent(noun) one who acts for, or in the place of, another (the principal), by authority from him; one intrusted with the business of another; a substitute; a deputy; a factor. Etymology: from agens, present participle of ago.
[ ey-juh nt pruh-vok-uh-tur; french a-zhahn praw-vaw-ka-tœr ] show ipa phonetic respelling noun, plural a·gents pro·vo·ca·teurs [ey-juh nts pruh-vok-uh-tur; french a-zhahn praw-vaw-ka-tœr] /ˈeɪ dʒənts prəˌvɒk əˈtɜr; french a ʒɑ̃ prɔ vɔ kaˈtœr/. A secret agent hired to incite suspected persons to some illegal action, outbreak, etc. , that will make them liable to punishment.
Perhaps the biggest distinction among the three is that a broker can work independently, while an agent has to work under a licensed broker. So when you work with an agent to buy or sell your home, you're actually working someone who is employed by a real estate brokerage agency. In effect, you're hiring the agency to help you through the process, with the agent acting as the firm's representative.
Curious about how the premier agent program can help you grow your business? give us a ring or fill out our form and a representative will be in touch. 855-593-6004 get in touch.
Byron lazine and nicole white are two agents in connecticut who give us their thoughts on the week’s news every friday in “ the real word ,†a weekly video column on inman. Offerpad recently announced its new listing service, which would allow clients to “list their homes for sale with licensed offerpad employees as well as utilize the company’s concierge services to prep the home for market,†according to an inman article published june 1. Byron and nicole discuss why agents should be worried about that and how the company’s new services differ from discount brokerage offerings.
This is viewer supported news. Please do your part today. Donate as president trump announces a “surge†of federal agents into major u. S. Cities to confront protesters, we speak with philadelphia district attorney larry krasner, who warns he will arrest and charge trump’s police forces if they violate the rights of residents in his city. “the law applies to the president of the united states, even though he doesn’t think so. The law applies to law enforcement. The law applies to civilians. It is real simple,†says krasner. He also discusses the importance of releasing incarcerated people during the pandemic, and tackling police corruption, such as in the case of political prisoner mumia abu-jamal.
The exact definitions of and distinctions between a real estate agent and a real estate broker vary among states. Generally, however, anyone who earns a basic real estate license (which involves taking a certain number of accredited courses and passing an exam) can be called a real estate agent. A real estate agent is essentially a salesperson, qualified to help consumers buy or sell a property.
Party that has express (oral or written) or implied authority to act for another (the principal) so as to bring the principal into contractual relationships with other parties. An agent is under the control (is obligated to) the principal, and (when acting within the scope of authority delegated by the principal) binds the principal with his or her acts. Additional powers are assigned to agent under the legal concept of 'apparent authority. ' the agent, however, does not have title to the principal's goods in his or her possession , except where agent's lien is applicable. In general, advertising agencies do not fall under this definition of an agent, because they act as principals for the services they buy on behalf of their clients.
Note: this feature is only for axeda connector and axeda gateway agents. The backup agent provides a secondary channel to the asset where a primary instance of axeda gateway or connector agent is running. This secondary channel is intended for situations where the primary agent has been deactivated or has become disabled and a remote service technician needs to access the asset to diagnose and fix the problem. It is expected that the backup agent will remain transparent in the platform until it is needed.
1a person who acts on behalf of another person or group. ‘in the event of illness, a durable power of attorney enabled her nephew to act as her agent’ more example sentences ‘you stated that the immigration officer did ask you questions but you were given instructions by the agent and the agent replied on your behalf. ’.
For a mobile node when its location is changed to somewhere other than its home network. There are two different types of mobility agent: a home agent and a foreign agent. A home agent is a router on the mobile node's home network that maintains information about the mobile node's current location, as identified in its care-of address. The home agent uses tunneling mechanisms to forward messages to the mobile node at its current location.
Synonymy note: an agent is, generally, a person or thing that acts or is capable of acting, or, in this comparison, one who or that which acts, or is empowered to act, for another [the company's agent]; unresolved cross ref now usually denotes an agent for the sale of goods; a , deputy is a public official to whom certain authority has been delegated by superiors; , proxy implies the delegation of power to substitute for another in some formal or ceremonial.
Delayed emesis: moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (single-day chemotherapy regimens only).
los angeles is full of beautiful girls working as waitresses , hoping to be discovered by a movie agent. She has worked as a real estate agent among other things. The agent has put a price of $120,000 on our house. The undercover agents went to the rendezvous knowing that it might be a trap.
After being under lockdown together for such an extended period of time, it’s no surprise that a lot of couples claim that quarantine has negatively affected their relationship. With an expected surge in divorces post-covid-19 , how can soon-to-be divorced couples pick a real estate agent to handle selling their home?.
Washington (fox 5 dc) - a d. C. Real estate agent is looking for another job after he was recorded launching into a racist tirade against multiple police officers. The man was recorded at 16th and l street, northwest uttering racial slurs toward two african-american officers, who can’t be seen in the video.
Commercial agent is defined as a person who finds customers for a company who has hired the commercial agent. A commercial agent is both a job as well as a business. They find prospective customers for a variety of businesses , from commercial real estate companies to oil pipeline product manufacturers , so commercial agents function as independent salespeople. Commercial agent compensation is usually paid a commission for each product which they have sold.
A seller’s agent, or seller’s real estate agent, is a professional who helps list the property for sale. The seller’s agent represents the person selling the property and holds allegiance to that party.