by Simon
Posted on 11-08-2020 02:10 AM
The english verb compound, first appearing in middle english in the late 14th century as compounen, compownen, comes from old french compondre, compundre “to direct, arrange,†from latin compÅnere “to put together, add together, match, match up. †the adjective compound, originally a past participle of the verb, is also recorded at the end of the 14th century. The noun, a development of the adjectival sense, is recorded considerably later, in the first half of the 16th century.
The final, unetymological -d in compound arose during the 16th century; it is of the same origin as the -d in the english word sound (meaning “noiseâ€), which developed from the earlier english soun (from old french son, from latin sonus ), and the archaic verb round “to whisper,†a derivative of rune “a secret. â€.
Compounding is crucial in finance , and the gains attributable to its effects are the motivation behind many investing strategies. For example, many corporations offer dividend reinvestment plans that allow investors to reinvest their cash dividends to purchase additional shares of stock. Reinvesting in more of these dividend-paying shares compounds investor returns because the increased number of shares will consistently increase future income from dividend payouts, assuming steady dividends.
The compound return is the rate of return , usually expressed as a percentage, that represents the cumulative effect that a series of gains or losses has on an original amount of capital over a period of time. Compound returns are usually expressed in annual terms, meaning that the percentage number that is reported represents the annualized rate at which capital has compounded over time.
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Definition: the compound annual growth rate, also called cagr, is the return on investment over a period of time. It measures a true return on an investment by calculating the year over year returns, compounding them, and considering the investment values. In other words, it’s a far more accurate way to measure the overall return on an investment than using an average returns method.
As the table above illustrates, the longer a savings or investment window you have, the more you stand to benefit from compounding. In other words, while you can capitalize on compounding by investing for just a few years, your gains will be higher if your returns compound for 20 years instead.
By rick wayman updated sep 24, 2019 compound annual growth rate , or cagr, is the mean annual growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time longer than one year. It represents one of the most accurate ways to calculate and determine returns for individual assets, investment portfolios, and anything that can rise or fall in value over time.
Banking accounts, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, personal loans —each uses compound interest. To manage your personal finances successfully, it helps to have a basic understanding of compound interest and how it can work to grow your money. So, how does compound interest work? it turns out it’s not that complicated―and you can use it to your advantage to make the most of the money you’ve got.
Understanding compound interest can help you save money on credit cards and other loans while earning more from savings and investments. When you sign up for a credit card or student loan, you’ll typically find an interest rate attached to your account. It’s easy to understand that a higher interest rate costs more and a lower interest rate costs less, but if you don’t take compound interest into account, you won’t fully understand the long-term costs of borrowing.
2 any combination of two or more parts, aspects, etc. 3 a word formed from two existing words or combining forms
vb mainly tr
4 to mix or combine so as to create a compound or other product
5 to make by combining parts, elements, aspects, etc.
To compound a new plastic
6 to intensify by an added element.
Compounding is a linguistic phenomenon that might at first glance seem straightforward: in his introductory text bauer ( 2003 : 40) defines a compound as ‘the formation of a new lexeme by adjoining two or more lexemes’. But marchand, in ‘expansion, transposition, and derivation’ (1967), presents another view, in effect saying that compounds don't exist as a separate sort of word formation; indeed, he distinguishes only two basic categories of word formation: expansion and derivation. Whether a complex word belongs to one or the other category depends on whether what he calls the ‘determinatum’—in effect, the head of the complex word—is an independent morpheme or not. For marchand, an expansion is a complex word in which the determinatum is an independent morpheme. Expansions might have either a bound or a free morpheme as their ‘determinant’—in current terms, their modifier or non-head element. This allows marchand to class prefixed items like reheat or outrun as the same animal as compounds like steamboat or colourblind. Words in which the determinatum/head is bound are derivations; in effect, suffixed words constitute one category of word formation, compounds and prefixed words another.
From longman dictionary of contemporary englishcompoundcom‧pound1 /ˈkÉ’mpaÊŠnd $ ˈkÉ‘Ëm-/ â—â—â—‹ awl noun [countable] 1 hcc technical a substance containing atoms from two or more element s → element man-made organic compoundscompound of sulphur dioxide is a compound of sulphur and oxygen. 2 mixa combination of two or more parts, substances, or qualities compound of teaching is a compound of several different skills. Brush on a damp-proofing compound. 3 tbban area that contains a group of buildings and is surrounded by a fence or wall a prison compound4 slg technical a noun , adjective etc that is made up of two or more words. The noun ‘ flower shop ’ and the adjective ‘ self-made ’ are compounds. Collocationsadjectives/noun + compoundan organic compound (=containing carbon)the organic compounds of which living things are madean inorganic compound (=not containing carbon)a chemical compound (=formed by a chemical process involving two or more elements)a carbon/nitrogen/sulphur etc compounduse a copper compound to protect the trees from pests. A toxic/dangerous compound (=containing poisonous or harmful substances)toxic compounds such as heavy metalsverbsform a compoundatoms combine in specific ways to form chemical compounds. A compound contains somethingthis compound contains two atoms of nitrogen and four atoms of hydrogen. Examples from the corpuscompound• the second way was to find a compound which would compete for or block the inactivating enzyme. • sulfur dioxide is a compound of sulfur and oxygen. • freebase is a compound that can be inhaled or smoked. • the special forces adviser compound in pleiku had showers. • a binary compound contains two elements. • sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide are two common chemical compounds. • marines protect the u. S. Embassy compound. • then cover the filler wood with a thin layer of joint compound and paper joint-compound tape. • seal all wall joints with joint compound and tape. • the soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen compound. • an organic compound• she knew the meeting place; the pool in the little park on the south side of the palace compound. • it is probably very rare for consciousness to scan every component of a particular compound of limitation. • the upshot: a decade later, this compound and some other persistent pesticides were banished.
Types of compound words closed compounds if at least two words come together and form a single meaning, sometimes these words are written side by side, without any space between them. People who make typos about such words usually write these words with a hyphen between them or separate the words directly. The adjacent writing of words adds more intense meaning to the word and conceptualizes the word in this way. Let’s examine a few examples if you wish.
Compound adjectives adjectives are words used before the name, qualifying the name. There are many types of adjectives in english, one of them is compound adjectives. In general, compound adjectives are formed by combining two different words. When these two different words are combined, they can either be similar in meaning to the words or have a completely different meaning.
Words can be combined to form compound nouns. These are very common, and new combinations are invented almost daily. They normally have two parts. The first part tells us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is. The second part identifies the object or person in question. Compound nouns often have a meaning that is different, or more specific, than the two separate words.
Sometimes a compound is called a molecule. Usually, the two terms are synonymous. Some scientists make a distinction between the types of bonds in molecules ( covalent ) and compounds (ionic). Ionic vs covalent bonds - understand the difference is water a compound or an element? double displacement reaction definition and examples.
This is the british english definition of compound. View american english definition of compound. Change your default dictionary to american english.
Volatile organic compounds (voc) means any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates and ammonium carbonate, which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions, except those designated by epa as having negligible photochemical reactivity 2. Volatile organic compounds, or vocs are organic chemical compounds whose composition makes it possible for them to evaporate under normal indoor atmospheric conditions of temperature and pressure 3. This is the general definition of vocs that is used in the scientific literature, and is consistent with the definition used for indoor air quality. Since the volatility 4 of a compound is generally higher the lower its boiling point temperature, the volatility of organic compounds are sometimes defined and classified by their boiling points.
Elements and compounds are the two forms in which pure substances exist. Element definition: elements – elements constitute the simplest chemical substances in which all the atoms are exactly the same. Compound definition: compounds – compounds are chemical substances made up of two or more elements that are chemically bound together in a fixed ratio.
Compounder(noun) one who, or that which, compounds or mixes; as, a compounder of medicines present for a compounder compounder mugs gift ideas for compounder (noun) one who attempts to bring persons or parties to terms of agreement, or to accomplish, ends by compromises compounder(noun) one who compounds a debt, obligation, or crime compounder(noun) one at a university who pays extraordinary fees for the degree he is to take.
1. 4 anagrams one who attempts to bring persons or parties to terms of agreement, or to accomplish ends by compromises. 1662, [samuel butler] , “[the first part of hudibras]â€, in the first of these two was a presents compounder mug gift compounder present for a compounder , the other who was an accumulator, was lately made provost of trin. Coll. Near dublin, and on the 31st of march 1692 was nominated bish. Of kilmore.
Fda representatives on an apha webinar said that the agency will look to 503b compounders to grapple with drug shortages and turn to 503a compounders to fill the gaps. Among the most notable of fda’s clarifications is that medications on the agency’s drug shortage list are effectively considered… october 1, 2019.
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A compounder works to mix or otherwise combine ingredients to create substances based on a preset formula. Your duties include sourcing materials, weighing each element, batching correctly, and ensuring the proper ratios in the final product. A compounder can work in a variety of industries, but this job is usually associated with the pharmaceutical or chemical industry. In this field, you work to combine chemicals and ingredients to create medications. Compounders can also work for perfume companies, food companies, or producers of chemical-based household products.
Companies that make polymers may sell different “grades†of a polymer that have a range of melt flow rates, contain some basic additives needed to keep the polymer from degrading during processing, and sometimes have other additives designed for specific uses. But there are many other types of additives needed to create desired properties—such as flame retardants, uv stabilizers, processing aids, or colorants, among many others. A specialty compounding company’s experts know just which additives can be combined to produce the desired properties in a cost-effective way. The polymer compounder also has special compounding equipment designed to precisely feed materials at the right ratios and to mix the materials well so that the compounds can function as they should. The compounder has the know-how to run this equipment optimally to obtain consistent, high quality compounds.
When we use compounding, we link together two or more bases to create a new word. Normally, the first item identifies a key feature of the second word. For example, the two bases back and ache can combine to form the compound noun backache, and the two bases post and card combine to form the compound noun postcard. ….
In linguistics , a compound verb or complex predicate is a multi- word compound that functions as a single verb. One component of the compound is a light verb or vector, which carries any inflections , indicating tense , mood , or aspect , but provides only fine shades of meaning. The other, "primary", component is a verb or noun which carries most of the semantics of the compound, and determines its arguments. It is usually in either base or [in verb + verb compounds] conjunctive participial form.
A compound inequality is a sentence with two inequality statements joined either by the word “or†or by the word “and. †“and†indicates that both statements of the compound sentence are true at the same time. It is the overlap or intersection of the solution sets for the individual statements. “or†indicates that, as long as either statement is true, the entire compound sentence is true. It is the combination or union of the solution sets for the individual statements. A compound inequality that uses the word “and†is known as a conjunction. Although “and†and “or†are parts of speech known as conjunctions, the mathematical conjunction has a different meaning from the grammatical one. To prove the point, the conjunction (part of speech) “orâ€â€”when used in a compound inequality—forms what is known as a disjunction. Just remember “con†means “with another,†and “dis†means “one or the other. â€.
Noun in india and the east generally, a walled inclosure or courtyard containing a residence with the necessary outhouses, servants' quarters, etc. To make (a steam-engine) operate on the compound principle, whereby the steam expands first in a small cylinder and does work in propelling the piston, and thence exhausts into a larger low-pressure cylinder, where it expands still further until released at the exhaust when the traverse is completed.
Noun: compound protein.
For example: noun-noun compound: note + book → notebook adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed verb-verb compound: stir + fry → stir-fry adjective-verb compound: high + light → highlight verb-preposition compound: break + up → breakup preposition-verb compound: out + run → outrun.
Compound when applied to a human habitat refers to a cluster of buildings in an enclosure, having a shared or associated purpose, such as the houses of an extended family (e. G. The kennedy compound for the kennedy family ). The enclosure may be a wall , a fence , a hedge or some other structure, or it may be formed by the buildings themselves, when they are built around an open area or joined together.
A real estate compound is a property that has multiple buildings in one area. While they may be viewed as playgrounds for the rich and famous, and many are, they have other purposes too. Some compounds allow people to live and work in the same place, while others achieve lower environmental impacts than traditional residences. Building them, however, can run afoul of local zoning laws.
Since the process of compounding smooths out the damaged areas of the paint, the paint correction is more permanent and will not come off after a few washings.
As noted above, we’re discussing two products, one a subset of the other: floor leveling compound is any mix used to fill low areas and imperfections or add as a topcoat to existing flooring. Unless the product is labeled as self-leveling, it will need to be worked with tools as outlined above. Consider these pros and cons of floor leveling compound that must be finished with tools:.
In the field of pharmacy , compounding (performed in compounding pharmacies) is the preparation of a custom formulation of a medication to fit the unique need of a patient which cannot be met with commercially available products. This may be done for medical reasons, such as to be administered by a different route (ex: tablet to liquid), to avoid a non-active ingredient the patient is allergic to, or to provide an exact dose that isn't commercially available. Medically necessary compounding is referred to as "traditional" compounding. Compounding may also be done for optional reasons, such as preference of flavor or texture, or dietary restrictions.
Compound pharmacists combine various ingredients to create a customized medication or dosage for an individual patient, as opposed to a mass-manufactured medication. Most pharmacy programs include coursework on compounding, and compound pharmacists are not required to have any more licensing or certification than traditional pharmacists. However, those who wish to work specifically in compounding can choose to pursue additional training and accreditation.
this ad looks like 6. 25%, but is really 6. 335% because it is easy for loan ads to be confusing (sometimes on purpose!), the "apr" is often used. Apr means "annual percentage rate": it shows how much you will actually be paying for the year (including compounding, fees, etc). Here are some examples: example 1: "1% per month" actually works out to be 12. 683% apr (if no fees).