by Alex
Posted on 13-07-2020 04:54 AM
Aflac benefits consultants earn $69,000 annually, or $33 per hour, which is 19% higher than the national average for all benefits consultants at $57,000 annually and 6% higher than the national salary average for ​all working americans. The highest paid benefits consultants work for corporate synergies at $113,000 annually and the lowest paid benefits consultants work for hewitt associates at $36,000 annually.
Benefits consultants have in-depth knowledge of group insurance and employee benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and more. They use a variety of tools to help employers compile the best possible benefits package to attract and retain employees, increasing employee satisfaction. Many companies rely on benefits consultant gift ideas funny geographer mug funny gift for consultant s to establish and run an employee benefits program.
Searching for rebc training? then you've come to the right place! abtrainingcenter. Com offers rebc training courses for those individuals interested in earning the prestigious registered employee benefits specialist designation. The registered employee benefits consultant (rebc) designation is the undisputed professional credential for persons who are selling or servicing the group insurance, health insurance, retirement planning, and incentive compensation markets.
The first thing your benefits consultant needs to be is knowledgeable. Benefits consultant gift ideas funny geographer mug funny gift for consultant s need to understand the ins and outs of the benefits world in relatively great detail. Compliance, the health marketplace, and risk & disease management are all topics your consultant should know. Additionally, the benefits industry is full of laws, regulations, and minute details your consultant has to be aware of.
“if tuition reimbursement for graduate or other programs is important to you, ask about it, and tell the employer why it matters to you. Remember: the worst they can do is say no. But if you don’t ask for it, you’ll never know what the answer is. Plus, if you’ve researched the company to familiarize yourself with their values and understand what benefits they offer, you should be able to make a strong case for yourself. †—matthew burr, an hr consultant gift ideas funny geographer mug funny gift for consultant who previously owned a business.
Add up all the salaries that a company pays to employees, multiply that number by 30. 3 percent, and you'll estimate the typical cost for a company to provide employee benefits, as of december 2010. The employee benefit research institute also reports that almost 70 percent of employees consider employee benefits very important when choosing a job. To provide benefits that are competitive and affordable, companies hire benefit consultants to help them select, design and administer their employee benefit plans.
Benefits consulting groups can assist businesses in a number of ways, from the initial selection of a benefits package through administering the plan and providing year-round support. With a team of consultants with expertise in different types of employee benefits, a benefits consulting group works collaboratively with a business to assist them in putting together an optimal benefits plan for their company and employees.
A bachelor's degree is required to become an employee benefits consultant. Studies in human resources, business or economics can benefit those planning to enter this field.
Earning certified employee benefit specialist credentials can be an asset. Those planning a career in this industry may also take an exam to earn a life and health insurance license.
There are two main divisions of actuarial work. The likely most familiar space is in the life and health insurance industries working in such areas as retirement benefits, health and wellness benefits, life insurance , and short- and long-term disability benefits. Consultants use mortality tables , health yardsticks, and other tools to determine the likelihood and odds the insurance supplier will have to pay a claim. They then calculate the premium, or price, the insurer needs to charge the company to cover all calculated risks.
A benefits broker will: reach out to you ahead of your plan renewal with the new rates of your carriers and will likely come into the office to provide a one hour presentation to staff covering the highlights of the plan and allowing for a question and answer session. A benefits consultant will:.
Often at quikchex , we receive queries from our clients who want to know if they can classify their employees as consultants. The reasons for doing so vary from operational flexibility to financial liability management. Sometimes, it might also be driven by the employee. Far too often, there tends to be confusion with regards to the benefits of classifying a worker as a consultant, as well as the legalities of the process. In our piece below, we address both these aspects.
Learn something new every day more info jan fletcher last modified date: 25 june 2020 benefits consultants explain the various aspects of benefit packages provided by employers or administered through insurance companies and government programs. They may provide explanatory information or advice to employees, employers, or retirees on how to obtain access to benefits and how to use benefits. Veterans of military service, or victims of accidents may also be advised by benefits consultants. Typically, a benefit consultant may both educate and assist an individual or a company to access or differentiate between various benefit plans. Accident victims, and those who are seeking recompense may also seek the advice of benefits consultants.
Many nurses are lured by the benefits of becoming a legal nurse consultant. Being able to work from home, setting your own wages and hours, and learning a new field is attractive to nurses looking for a change from bedside nursing. Best of all, there are no long, 12-hour shifts. According to payscale. Com , the average salary for a legal nurse consultant can range from $55,092 to $211,399. Salary is dependent on the state, city, organization, and whether the lnc is self employed.
Take your relationship many steps further. Not only will they reach out to you multiple times throughout the year, they will encourage you to reach out to them with even the simplest of questions. Not simply refer you to the plan document for the answer, a benefits consultant will find the language you are looking for and explain what it means in a language you will not only understand but will also be able to relay to your employees.
Sixty-nine percent of employees indicated that benefits were "very important" when choosing a job, according to the employee benefit research institute. That's why senior benefits consultants are essential to corporations and insurance benefits agencies. They help their employers or clients select comprehensive and cost-effective health insurance, retirement, life insurance and disability plans.
These professionals also supervise and train benefits consultants. Senior benefits consultants earn average annual salaries above $90,000.
We developed this website because there are limited resources and very little available information online on the issues that affect group insurance and employee benefits in canada.
This website contains volumes of material including informative articles, tutorials, reports and industry insights and resources to help you with every aspect of your canadian group insurance and employee benefits program from a timely and practical perspective. Don’t let that overwhelm you though because no matter where you begin, it will only take a few clicks to find something of value to you. And the best part is it’s free!.
Contrary to popular belief, a benefits broker and consultant are not the same.
It's important to know what the difference is between these two if you are considering outsourcing the management of your employee benefits. Your employee benefits budget is usually one of your biggest operational expenses. Therefore, it is vital that you know exactly what you are paying for when partnering with a broker or consultant.
To become a benefits consultant, you need a bachelor’s degree in human resources, business, economics, or a related field. Acquire an entry-level position in a human resources department at a local company to gain experience in the field. Earning certified employee benefit specialist status from a nationally recognized organization may increase your job opportunities. A mathematical background, an analytical approach to problem-solving, and strong written and verbal communication skills are essential to this position.
An entry-level benefits consultant with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $51,282 based on 11 salaries. An early career benefits consultant with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $63,605 based on 62 salaries. A mid-career benefits consultant with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $74,258 based on 51 salaries. An experienced benefits consultant with 10-19 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $84,511 based on 63 salaries. In their late career (20 years and higher), employees earn an average total compensation of $104,762.
If you are a federal employee, you may want to work with a chartered federal employee benefits consultant (chfebc) to help you address your financial concerns. Chfebcs are financial professionals that are knowledgeable of changes to federal benefits and associated programs. They also have extensive knowledge about fers, csrs, and special provisions. Read on to discover how a chfebc can help you address your financial affairs as a government employee.
Chartered federal employee benefits consultant explained a chartered federal employee benefits consultant (chfebc) is a designation obtained by federal employees, financial advisors, attorneys, or other financial professionals. These individuals have successfully completed coursework and an exam focused on federal employee benefits. The coursework and exam content covers topics including: civil service retirement system (csrs) and federal employees retirement system (fers) annuities (pensions).
A benefits consultant is a professional who is responsible for advising businesses on employee benefits, different types of insurance, including health insurance, retirement plans, and various other products. Some benefits consultants specialize their expertise on one or more specific types of benefits, allowing them to provide sound and well-researched advice to their clients on how to select, purchase, and administer benefits.
Earnings vary depending on the field of consultancy and whether a consultant works for a large company or is self-employed. Earnings can be high for successful self-employed consultants, while company employees enjoy possible additional compensation such as profit sharing, bonuses, stock ownership and health benefits. Salaries for consultants also vary depending on area of expertise. For example, according to payscale. Com, in 2020, the median annual salary for human resources consultants was $73,888, for information technology (it) consultants it was $78,760, and for management consultants it was $87,281. The bls projected the number of jobs for management analysts will grow by 14% from 2018-2028, while jobs for human resources specialists will grow by only 5% in the same time.
Medicaid provides free or low-cost health benefits to adults, kids, pregnant women, seniors, and people with disabilities. Children’s health insurance program (chip) offers free or low-cost medical and dental care to uninsured kids up to age 19 whose family income is above medicaid’s limit but below their state’s chip limit.
Using a consultant can have many benefits, but before we go through these benefits it’s important that we cover a few things about consultants, as well as some tips for when using one. The nature of a consultant’s engagement with the client will change as priorities are refined and projects develop. Care must be taken to keep the project focused and stop it becoming an open-ended arrangement. It is essential that the client clearly remembers the initial purpose of the consultancy, and that changes in direction are subject to rigorous assessment.
Our team the healthcare and pharmacy benefit management landscape has changed dramatically in the last few years. Drug costs have exploded due to specialty pharmaceuticals, which now account for roughly 40% of total drug spend. Meanwhile, pbms have consolidated further, reducing competition and choice. So it’s hard to know if you are getting a good deal – and whether your pbm is doing enough to manage your costs.
As health care costs continue to rise, and legislative and economic changes alter the benefit landscape, employers are seeking innovative and cost-efficient employee benefits solutions. Employers must continue their laser-focus on near-term cost management, including strong vendor management and sound design and cost sharing tactics. At the same time, employers seek to change the longer-term cost curve by addressing employee health, lifestyle choices and productivity. Aon’s health and benefits consulting practice works with employers to develop customized benefits plans that drive engagement, promote responsibility and accountability, help participants manage health risk and chronic conditions, and reduce absence.
Health insurance is one of the most desirable benefits you can offer employees. There are several basic options for setting up a plan: a traditional indemnity plan, or fee for service. Employees choose their medical care provider; the insurance company either pays the provider directly or reimburses employees for covered amounts.
One of the main reasons people stay as employees is to have employee benefits, like health care, paid for by their employers. If you need health insurance, you can get it if you work independently, but you will have to pay for it all yourself. You can find health care coverage for self-employed individuals through healthcare. Gov. However, plans be expensive: in 2019, the average annual premium for single coverage was $7,188, and $20,576 for families. .
When you are self-employed, several everyday expenses become tax-deductible. For example, if you don’t have access to a group plan, your premiums for long-term care and health insurance (including all parts of medicare) for you and your spouse become an above-the-line deduction. In addition, several other necessities can become deductible, assuming they are bona fide business expenses. Examples include computers, phones, certain travel, etc. Even with the self-employment tax, many consultants find their tax situation to be improved in early retirement.
A downside of consulting is that consultants often lack knowledge of in-house procedures. This can create work conflict, as their mode of operation may affect workflow for your regular employees. You typically have limited control over independent contractors; they are guided only by what is spelled out in the contract. If you operate a multinational corporation, one of the disadvantages of consulting is that hiring consultants in foreign countries can be a challenge due to language difficulties and cultural differences, requiring extra resources to ensure a productive engagement.
What is the difference between an employee benefits broker, consultant and advisor? may 31st, 2018 by admin there are three terms to describe the professionals that help your company with its benefits programs that have come to be used interchangeably in the market: employee benefits broker, employee benefits consultant, and employee benefits advisor. Here is some insight into the similarities, and differences between these titles.
Share if you’ve been working with the same employee benefits broker for several years it can be a little scary to consider a change. On the other hand, you’ve also probably noticed that your benefit costs continue to increase each year. It’s a tough spot to be in. That’s why unlike working with a traditional broker, one of the major advantages of being a league client is that you’ll have a dedicated benefits consultant at your side. Not only will they check in regularly to update you on your benefit usage, but they’ll also be providing fresh plan design solutions for next year to ensure you’re getting the most value for your benefit spend.
Once you have a good understanding of the growth trajectory of your company, start thinking about using an insurance broker. As mentioned earlier, this is typically around the 100 employee threshold, but every situation calls for a different solution. While peos provide benefits in a bundled package, insurance brokers work with you to find best in class services that meet your company’s needs. Think of it as the difference between a catered dinner and a la carte service.
Tell us about your work---what do you do? i interact with corporations and assist them in implementing an employee benefit program that meets their corporate objectives primarily on a financial and recruitment/retention basis. What skills are needed? this position requires a person who is analytical , has strong oral and written communication skills, and good people skills. What was your major? i have a dual major in risk management and insurance and human resources. How did you get started in your career? i did an internship at reliance standard life insurance company. What experience do you need in this job? an internship with an insurance carrier or insurance brokerage firm would be helpful but not necessary. Describe your "typical" workday: there is no such thing as a "typical" workday. Depending on how you view the need for structure in your career, this is either a good or bad thing. Each day will be very different from the other depending on what type of consulting projects you are working on for a client or what emergencies have occurred for one of your clients. The only constant about a "typical" workday is the ability to expect a fast-paced day. What is the hardest aspect of your job? since the insurance industry has typically been viewed as a blue-suit gray-haired male-dominated environment (even though that does not fit the recent evolution), it can be difficult at times for a young woman to gain credibility. However, in the last few years of employment, i have seen a drastic shift in the proportion of females to males in the industry. What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? since each day is different, you are never bored with the same routine. Also, as a consultant, much of my time is spent interacting with my clients. What are your suggestions for someone considering this field? it is a creative and dynamic field. It is important to be patient in the early years to make certain that you have a strong technical and analytical foundation in place. It tends to be a demanding position where some aspects are considered "sexy" (traveling, entertaining clients, etc. ) but there are important routine tasks (contract reading) that must be given high priority.
Previous next if you are working on a commercial real estate project, you may find yourself wondering if you should hire consultants to help with the project or if you should attempt to be your own project manager and oversee all construction aspects. There are many benefits to hiring a consultant for your construction project. Learning about these benefits will help you decide if you should proceed with hiring one or not. Here are a few of the benefits associated with hiring a consultant during your construction project.