demonstrator gifts
by Stephen
Posted on 02-07-2020 11:31 PM
Prometheus: demonstrator of future engine passed its definition review 02-04-2019
The objective of the pull event was simple. It was designed to focus the development organization on a tangible event to force completion of a learning cycle with the objective to physically demonstrate it. —dantar p. Oosterwal.
To access the demo account, click the access demo account link at the end of this section. When you click the link:
if you already have a google account, you are prompted to log in to that account.
If you do not have a google account, you are prompted to create an account and then log in.
Oems and retailers can create new custom content for the retail demo app using the microsoft rdx submission tool. If you don’t currently have an account for the rdx submission tool, please reach out to your account manager, and let them know which microsoft account (msa) you'd like to use to access the tool.
A meeting, held at the end of an iteration, at which the development team demonstrates working software and solicits feedback from the product owner, the customer, management, other development teams and other project stakeholders. In scrum, this meeting is called a sprint review.
Mike cohn describes the format of a sprint review in his introduction to scrum:.
2 min
in scrum the goal of each iteration is to produce a working increment of the product which can be demonstrated to stakeholders.
Naturally then, one of the key meetings in a scrum sprint is the end of sprint demo (also known as the sprint review meeting). Here the work that the scrum team has completed in the sprint is demonstrated and the progress of the team is assessed against the sprint goal.