by Kenneth
Posted on 14-07-2020 12:34 AM
There is no difference between dispatch and despatch. The latter is an alternative spelling that was common in the 19th century and earlier, but dispatch has gained undisputed dominance in modern english. Despatch has mostly disappeared from the language—except in the u. K.
, where it appears in place of dispatch about a third of the time—and dispatch is the preferred spelling for all senses of the word.
Anything that needs to be mailed, sent off, or quickly shipped needs to be dispatched. Letters, official reports, teams of police — if it has somewhere to be, you can dispatch it to get there. Sometimes spelled despatch, this word was first used in the early 1500s as a verb meaning “to send off in a hurry. †these days we get hurried dispatches in noun and verb form, from journalists sending in their war zone stories to emergency squads getting dispatched to the scene of an accident. And in its most sinister sense, dispatch means to kill off without delay.
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Since may, uber riders have been able to see their gps location and the make, model, color, and license plate of their car in the app when they tap uber's emergency button to call 911 and tell dispatchers that information.
Ottawa county dispatchers complained to local news wnem that 10 accidental calls a week were being made by apple watch users, while the same thing was happening in tolland county, which issued a warning to the smartwatch owners about a spike in the accidental wrist-dials.
Sub example rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem define variables dim document as object dim dispatcher as object rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rem get access to the document document = thiscomponent. Currentcontroller. Frame customized dispatcher gifts funny dispatchers customized dispatcher gifts = createunoservice("com. Sun. Star. Frame. Dispatchhelper") rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------- dim args1(0) as new com. Sun. Star. Beans. Propertyvalue args1(0). Name = "text" args1(0). Value = "some text" dispatcher. Executedispatch(document, ". Uno:inserttext", "", 0, args1()) rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------.
Dispatcher nnoun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (transport controller) despachador, despachadora nm, nfnombre masculino, nombre femenino: sustantivo que varÃa en género. Se usa el artÃculo masculino (el, un) o femenino (la, una) según el caso. Ejemplos: el alumno, la alumna; un doctor, una doctora. The dispatcher asked for details of the caller's emergency and location.
The client contacts the listener over the network the listener detects and incoming request and , based on oracle net configuration, determines that it's for a multithreaded server. Instead of handing the client off to a dedicated server, the listener hands the client off to a dispatcher for the network protocol the client is using.
Cannot connect to rmi dispatcher if it is running on a server with multiple network interfaces.
Controlling, directorate, testing, scrutiny, supervisor, dominated, governed, administered, regulated, managed, controlled, managerial, manageable, supervising, manageability, controllability, abatement, suppression, governing, control element, dispatcher, dispatch, governor, restraint, adjuster, alignment, adjusting,.
Uk:*uk and possibly other pronunciationsuk and possibly other pronunciations/dɪˈspætʃ/
us:usa pronuncation: ipausa pronuncation: ipa/v.
Dɪˈspætʃ; n. Also ˈdɪspætʃ/
us:usa pronunciation: respellingusa pronunciation: respelling(di spach′)
ⓘ one or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term
dis•patch /v. Dɪˈspætʃ; n. Also ˈdɪspætʃ/usa pronunciation v. [~ + object]
to send off or away with speed:he dispatched his best troops to the borders.
Listen: uk:*uk and possibly other pronunciationsuk and possibly other pronunciations/dɪsˈpætʃəʳ/us:usa pronunciation: respellingusa pronunciation: respelling(di spach′ər) dis•patch•er (di spach′ər),usa pronunciation n. A person who dispatches. A person who oversees the departure of trains, airplanes, buses, etc. , as for a transportation company or railroad. Dispatchers, [slang. ]a fraudulently made pair of dice; loaded dice. Wordreference random house learner's dictionary of american english © 2020.
Knowledge of computer operations sufficient to enter, retrieve and manipulate data ability to read and follow oral and written instructions net keyboard/typing speed of 40 wpm or better(gross minus errors = net) effectively prioritize situations and make decisions based on the information received ability to hear and understand multiple sound sources able to handle multiple tasks to receive and communicate information to and from several sources ensuring calls for service are dispatched and monitored in a timely manner.
I got a dispatch from, him quoting the virago of paris—meaning the figaro, of course. The dispatch was long, and he read it with a deepening frown. If you don't get this dispatch through, you don't get anything. He drew the dispatch from the inside pocket of his waistcoat. His dispatch undoubtedly was of great importance, and yet he was not able to deliver it.
Dispatch, v. T. L. 1. To send or send away; particularly applied to the sending of messengers, agents and letters on special business, and often implying haste. The king dispatched and envoy to the court of madrid. He dispatched a messenger to his envoy in france. He dispatched orders or letters to the commander of the forces in spain. The president dispatched a special envoy to the court of st. James in 1794.
To provide feedback on the community policing dispatch, e-mail the editorial board at cpdispatch@usdoj. Gov. To obtain details on cops office programs, publications, and resources, contact the cops office response center at 800-421-6770 or askcopsrc@usdoj. Gov u. S. Department of justice office of community oriented policing services 145 n street, n. E. Washington, dc 20530.
To send someone or something to a particular person, place, or thing.
When i got their phone call, i immediately dispatched an ambulance to the scene of the crash. See also: dispatch.
If shared server is enabled, each session using a dispatcher is routed to a shared server process, and trace information is written to the server trace file only if the session has enabled tracing (or if an error is encountered). Therefore, to track tracing for a specific session that connects using a dispatcher, you might have to explore several shared server trace files. To help you, oracle provides a command line utility program, trcsess, which consolidates all trace information pertaining to a user session in one place and orders the information by time.
Dispatch agreement means that certain dispatch agreement executed on even date herewith (together with any exhibits, schedules, and any written supplements thereto) by and between department and seller. The dispatch agreement shall automatically terminate and be of no further force or effect upon any novation of this agreement or any assignment by department of its rights and obligations under this agreement to a qualified electric corporation. Upon termination of the dispatch agreement, the dispatch limits shall be defined as the operational limits on dispatch of the facility set forth in appendix d.
Dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently; he dispatched the task he was assigned.
As it may therefore be of importance, i dispatch it with my own, by my servant, post-haste. It was therefore necessary to dispatch a courier to mexico, and to wait his return. She could pick a lock too, when needed, with great neatness and dispatch. "wait a minute, bond," he said as he handed me the dispatch.
The army immediately advanced with all dispatch to the swamp.
Ready for dispatch from within the uk. A few miles from the causeway a dispatch rider approached us. The stress sara tried to surrender method of dispatch these are the. Scrupulous attention to detail means you can have total confidence from first inquiry to final dispatch. Kingdoms pride themselves in providing an unrivaled delivery service, aiming to dispatch packages first class within 12 hours of you placing your order.
Head, chief, coach, organizer, boss, managing director, leader, executive, governor, business executive. Administrator (noun) supervisor, superintendent, dispatcher, admin, steward, traffic manager, traffic superintendent. Controller (noun).
‘he dispatched messages back to base’ more example sentences ‘the government dispatched 150 police to restore order’ ‘they didn't have any weapons - or weed, for that matter - so they were dispatched and sent on their way. ’‘from his driveway, benelli dispatches patrol cars and sends officers to new assignments. ’‘police quickly dispatch a cab and send them home. ’.
Liens recommandés: fleex: cherchez dispatcher et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes français de reverso. Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de dispatcher proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes français reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes de mots français : wikipedia, trésor de la langue française, lexilogos, dictionnaire larousse, dictionnaire le robert, dictionnaire hachette, maxidico, dictionnaire de l’académie française, littré.
Dispatcher and message router configuration is done in a file named cobalt-router. Conf located in the config directory. It is read in at viewer startup time and is used to configure the external connectivity, the authentication services and error logging. It's a file of smalltalk code that returns a configuration object to the dispatcher, so it follows the smalltalk syntax rules.
‘they dispatched the opposition’ ‘meanwhile, shuae had already quickly dispatched his opponent, the twin blades surprising and overcoming his foe. ’‘o'malley's ability depends largely on his eagerness to dispatch opponents back to the dressing room quickly in sometimes alarming states of dishevelment. ’‘it's a sign of the changing attitude of the players that this season they have been far more disciplined in dispatching opponents, even in the face of overzealous aggression. ’.