by Miller
Posted on 11-08-2020 02:28 AM
"docentur" in example sentences 1. Translations of the word docentur from swedish to english and examples of the use of " docent gift docent coffee mug docent present ideas ur" in a sentence with their translations: akademiska anställningar och docentur.
Translations of the word docentur from swedish to english and examples of the use of " gift for a docent docent funny mug docent gift ideas ur" in a sentence with their translations: akademiska anställningar och docentur.
A tour guide usually at an exhibition, zoo or arts center examples of docent in a sentence on the safari ride through the zoo, the docent commented about the various animals the visitors would see from the bus. 🔊 “this is a small-scale replica of the titanic,†the docent told his tourist group as he pointed to the display. 🔊.
The museum was small, and the budget even smaller, when i undertook to write my first docent manual almost twenty years ago. The docents i had recruited all volunteered to “help†in our small town’s first and only museum. Many of the volunteers, and most of the town, had never heard the term “docent†before. One fellow asked me it docents were “baby deer. †and, the local newspaper consistently edited my recruitment articles, adding the words “tour guides†in parentheses alter each reference to “docents. â€.
The title of docent is used in many countries for what americans would call an associate professor—that is, a college or university teacher who has been given tenure but hasn't yet achieved the rank of full professor. But in the u. S. A docent is a guide who works at a museum, a historical site, or even a zoo or a park. Docents are usually volunteers, and their services are often free of charge.
A person whose job is to show tourists around a museum, etc. And talk to them about it a teacher at some universities who is not a regular member of the department word originlate 19th cent. : via german from latin docent- ‘teaching’, from docere ‘teach’.
If you’re a docent, you’re a teacher at a college or university. In most countries, you’d rank right below a professor. Docent came into english by way of german, tracing back to the latin word docere, meaning “teach. †docent typically refers to someone who teaches at a college or university, but the term can be used more broadly to mean "someone who promotes learning. " if you take a museum tour, it might be led by a docent, a volunteer who acts as a guide to the museum’s collection. Pronounce docent with a long “o†sound and a soft “câ€: “doh-sent. â€.
" speech of the artist's art history and accomplishments. ( "docent ") (tenure track system) in the department of bioanalysis, charged with academic teaching (in dutch), scientific research and carrying out scientific duties in the fields of pharmacokinetics and pharmaceutical care. So my advice on your next trip to the museum is to kick back, have a couple of stiff ones, lock the.
1630–40; December 06, 2010 6:56am
2010-12-06 06:56:09
a docent is a guest lecturer, or a tour guide. If you feel like being a bit snarky or pretentious, you could refer to your next substitute teacher as a docent. It took woodward and bernstein two books and more than 800 pages to sum up watergate.
, docible , docile - docent comes from latin docere, "to teach"; docible is "capable of learning" and docile first meant "teachable. "see also related terms for teacher. The emergence of activity based learning centers in museums across the country poses a challenge to docents who staff these areas. In these “discovery†rooms, visitors engage in activities designed for self-directed learning. The role of the docent becomes that of facilitator, which means interacting with visitors in a less traditional way. How can docents share their wealth of knowledge in a setting that is designed to promote self-directed learning? within this paradox lies the challenge for docents. When the activities teach, what is the docents role? by using a learning center at the smithsonian institution’s national museum of american history as a model, we can create a profile of the “ideal docent†for such an environment. Save
experienced volunteers say it is worth the time
celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, the laguna de santa rosa foundation looks forward to accepting new volunteers into its annual docent training program, while past docents look back fondly on their experiences so far with the organization. Laguna volunteer docents are trained in the natural and cultural history of the wetlands and participate in learning laguna, the organization’s elementary school education program. Docents are responsible for leading activities both in the classroom and during field trips to the laguna. Last updated: march 12, 2020
active installations: 500+
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php version: 5. 6 or higher
docent is a free wordpress lms theme for individual educators, and it is made to be the complete package for that purpose. Create instructor profiles, offer insightful courses, and intuitive quizzes, all in style with docent’s elegant design. Having a complete focus on its niche, it is designed to offer the best experience for both the learners and the instructors. Docent comes with tutor lms inside. Tutor lms is a powerful wordpress lms plugin perfectly suited for an individual educator. With the features like frontend drag-and-drop course builder, advanced quiz creator, dashboard analytics, and intuitive ui & ux design, it’s super easy to start an elearning site. Docent has full support for the gutenberg editor and is built using qubely blocks. This makes the theme completely customizable and flexible. Moreover, it also scales perfectly with qubely’s complete control over responsiveness. Qubely offers 61 free sections along with 26+ advanced blocks to cover all your gutenberg page building needs. Plus, all other gutenberg block plugins are also supported. The wikipedia article i had written was about torpedo fire control during world war ii. The docent was creating a simulation of world war ii submarine combat in an effort to provide an exciting experience for kids that involved history and trigonometry – two of my favorite subjects. The kids would be able to get a feel for the difficulty of what their great-grandfathers were trying to do nearly 70 years ago. It's always fun trying to explain what they would have to go through to calculate the measurements needed. It often startles them to learn that it wasn't as simple as using a calculator to aid them with their calculations. Calculators weren't created until the 1960s, and even then you wouldn't be able to search for graphing calculators reviews by bestcalculators. Net since the internet didn't exist either. You would have to work out everything you needed by hand and mental math. So, understanding trigonometry was paramount to make sure your calculation wasn't incorrect. Docent intern training prepares prospective docents to conduct tours of philbrook’s permanent collection and facilitate museum-related activities. An art history or education background is not required–the intern training will provide the learning necessary to become a successful docent. Philbrook docents come from a wide range of professions and backgrounds. Dozententätigkeit und fachleitung finanzen an der schweizerischen hotelfachschule luzern shl. Docent and subject management finance at the swiss hotel management school lucerne shl. Matura, studium an der schweizerischen hotelfachschule luzern shl. School diploma, studies at the swiss hotel management school lucerne shl. Hotelier hf hotelfachschule thun. Hotelier hf hotel management school thun. Nach der kaufmännische matura, abschluss an der hotelfachschule luzern und bellinzona. Description[ edit ]
docent is also used at some (mainly german) universities generically for a person who has the right to teach. The term is derived from the latin word docēns, which is the present active participle of docēre (to teach, to lecture). Becoming a docent is often referred to as habilitation or doctor of science and is an academic evidence that proves that a holder is capable of appointment at the level of associate or full professor. Docent is the highest academic title in several countries and the qualifying criteria are research output that corresponds to 3-5 doctoral dissertations, supervision of phd students, and concrete evidence of teaching at undergraduate and graduate level. Gladys had taken over as docent of the domain. In 1857 he became docent in german law at munich university, and in 1862 professor-extraordinary, but in 1863 was called to wiirzburg to a full professorship. In 1872 he removed to the university of konigsberg, and in 1888 settled at breslau, becoming rector of the university in 1895. Within the context of a museum, institution, or organization, a docent is an important part of the staff. Often, he or she volunteers because of a personal interest in the collections of the museum or the cause of the organization. He or she is given extensive training about the collection, the types of questions people ask, and how to deal with a variety of social situations. Once the training is over, the docent is usually given an official tag or uniform so that guests will be able to identify him or her. Why "docent"?[ edit ]
when maj first came up with this idea, we bounced around a couple of names for the relationship. The obvious one is "guide", like a tour guide, but since we call our travel guides "travel guides" it seemed kind of confusing. Also rejected was "host", since we thought there might be some misunderstanding that there was some kind of hospitality exchange going on and that readers could expect to stay at the hosts' homes. In 1859 he became privat-docent in physics and chemistry at breslau, where in the preceding year he had graduated as ph. He studied at upsala from 1876 to 1881 and at stockholm from 1881 to 1884, then returning to upsala as privat-docent in physical chemistry. In 1872 he became docent, and in 1882 professor of political economy at upsala, of which university he was afterwards rector. Which sentence correctly uses commas to separate narration from the quotation? "prior to entering the great hall", directed the docent ",all cell phones must be turned off. " "prior to entering the great hall" directed the docent, "all cell phones must be turned off. " "prior to entering the great hall," directed the docent "all cell phones must be turned off. " "prior to entering the great hall," directed the docent, "all cell phones must be turned off. ". Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to america's largest dictionary, with:
more than 250,000 words that aren't in our free dictionary
expanded definitions, etymologies, and usage notes
advanced search features. Scored 13 to 15? you’re first class. If you got 10 to 12, you’re business class; 9 and below spells economy for you. More word power: these days, vacations come in myriad forms. A staycation is when you don’t go anywhere and just enjoy free time at or near home. A paycation is when you moonlight as you travel. A daycation is a 24-hour getaway. We’ve also heard of a praycation (a religious trip) and even a bakeation (a foodie’s holiday dedicated to sampling pastries). You have searched the english word "docent " meaning in hindi "उसà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤¦" ustad. Docent meaning has been search 2732 (two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two) times till 8/6/2020. You can also find docent meaning and translation in urdu, arabic, hindi, spanish, french and other languages. What made you want to look up docente? please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Hi, anyone else our there have a warforged with a docent. Do you add their +7 skill bonus to your own check or would it replace it?
also anyone got any pop culture suggestions for names? the docent is very good at languages. Cada vez son más los docentes que utilizan nuevas tecnologÃas en el salón de clase. There are more and more teachers who use new technologies in their classrooms. Other terms used in this agreement are defined in the context in which
they are used and have the meanings there stated. 2. Licence
2. 1 deliverables. Within fourteen (14) days from the effective date, docent
will deliver to ftk one copy of the software (plus applicable
documentation) to be installed subsequently on to any number of servers of. In american english, the term docent is a title given to volunteers who act as tour guides and sources of information in museums, zoos or historical sites. Docents are usually put through a fairly rigorous course of training, and are often very knowledgeable amateur scholars or retired professors or other professionals. The word docent is derived from the latin word docere, which means to teach. The plural form is docents. The country doctor museum is the oldest in the united states that depicts rural health care. It was created in 1967 by a group of women wanting to preserve the area’s history. The museum holds over 5,000 medical artifacts, historic texts, and includes information on nursing, pharmaceutical, and home remedies. Note: the museum offers guided tours with a docent at the top of each hour and takes 45-60 minutes. Docent is a title at some european universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks below professor. Docent is also used at some universities generically for a person who has the right to teach. The term is derived from the latin word docÄ“ns, which is the present active participle of docÄ“re. Docent is a title at some european universities to denote a specific academic appointment within a set structure of academic ranks below the full professor rank. Stagg’s new york—which she landed in almost a decade ago, after completing a creative writing mfa in her native arizona—never quite solidifies into a real place. Her city is one of filters, mediations, diffuse light fuzzed out at far distances. Most people think of new york as a vertical city, all jutting edges and gleaming cornices and honking urgencies; stagg’s new york tends to be flat, matte, simmering at a low temperature—it always seems to be two in the afternoon or two in the morning. She’s both here and not, both in the thick of it and watching it all float past. Of course things bother her—writerly jealousy, people in ill-fitting clothing, skeevy older men who abuse their power and never see the consequences—but mostly her experience of the city feels mitochondrial. She is an observant body carried along by the slipstream, noticing the textures and debris and connective tissue along the way. She is ambivalent about metropolitan living but also invested enough to notice and point out its incongruities, like a world-weary docent in need of a cigarette break. For stagg—as for many other oversaturated minds of her generation—receptive passivity is preferable to eager engagement. Dissociation is always better than desperation. “more important than gaining followers or views,†she writes in an essay about her soul-sucking job marketing an app, “was avoiding looking desperate for followers or views. â€. In belgium docent is the first of four university professor ranks, the others being hoodfdocent, hoogleraar and gewoon hoogleraar. To be awarded the docent title at a university, a candidate has to have a doctor’s degree. Although i lobbied hard for "cicerone", which i think is a cool word, maj settled on "docent", which is (usually) what volunteer guides at a museum or a tourist information center are called. A knowledgeable, friendly person who's willing to answer questions is exactly the kind of relationship we were shooting for, so i think it's a good name. -- evan 14:49, 19 feb 2006 (est). In july 1913 bohr was appointed as a docent in copenhagen. En juillet 1913 bohr a été nommé comme un guide à copenhague. Seriously, there should be a docent at the door. Sérieusement, il devrait y avoir un guide à la porte. Next years (2000 -2011) the faculty was guided by the candidate of technical sciences, docent hajiyev arif museyib oglu. We are excited to welcome you to the 2019-2020 rock creek science docent program and invite you to come join our team. Below you will find information about our program and the volunteer opportunities. Our popular program provides a sequential, interactive education in art history and artistic skills. Initially developed in 1984 by art educator and author barbara herberholz, the art docent programâ„¢ has been periodically updated. It has a proven track record of over 30 years in hundreds of schools using posters of famous works of art. 1. 4. 1 related terms
1. 4. 2 translations
7 swedish
2006, thomas pynchon, against the day, vintage 2007, p. 1212:
zermelo had been a docent at göttingen when kit was there and, like russell, had been preoccupied with the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. The docent greeted the visitors and welcomed them to the louvre. Museum docent is a title given in the united states of america to persons who serve as guides and educators for the institutions they serve, usually on a voluntary basis. The english word itself is derived from the latin word docēns, the present active participle of docēre (to teach, to lecture). Cognates of this word are found in several extant romance languages and languages influenced by romance languages and are often associated with university professors or teachers in general. For example, in spanish language, the word "docente" (from the same latin root) means "teacher". As a docent program grows, how can changes in training and touring, expectations be incorporated without confusion or conflict? how can a docent program effectively clarify docent responsibilities and privileges and at the same time avoid misconceptions? if there are changes in staff, as well as changes in docent and staff roles, are they clear to all? in 1994, the docent coordinator and docent council at the freer gallery of art and the arthur m. Sackler gallery, the two national museums of asian art at the smithsonian institution, addressed these issues. The docent coordinator and docent council came up with an answer— create a position description and volunteer agreement for docents. Contraption is an exhibit that brings together california jewish artists whose subject is a peculiar sort of a machine: as one of the artists, bella feldman, indicated in an exhibit label, "i produce anxious objects, yet humor laces through my work because, like my ghetto forbears, i need to laugh at the dark. " apparently, her artwork had been acting up as well, because at the time of my visit only docents were allowed to touch it. There is current planning in the works for a significant development of trails along the coastal ridge on the peninsula in sfpuc-owned lands. A new trail could parallel hwy 35 aka skyline between purisima creek redwoods/phleger estate and hwy 92. There is also discussion of developing new access for the currently existing, but closed except by supervised appointment, fifield cahill road that could connect hwy 92 to sweeney ridge for trail users. There is the possibility that the new trail will have similar access restrictions as the fifield cahill road--appointment only and docent led, which is hardly accessible at all. - most likely it won’t change my everyday work that much, but the title will be helpful when applying for funding of new projects, frida bender muses. Plus, i get to sit on phd defense committees, and i get a raise!
the swedish title docent is appointed to a faculty member who has shown the ability to independently carry through research programs, has substantially more scientific research knowledge than a doctor, is well published and is a skillful educator. Qudine mortui vivos docent: what do the dead teach the living? although medical anatomists have always focused mainly on teaching the facts of the body's organization, the dissection experience has evolved over the past 500 years, following broader cultural trends in science and medicine. We have traced a pathway of change in the role of anatomic dissection that parallels broader changes in medicine and society. Through this time each period has recruited human gross anatomic dissection for characteristic purposes. Key variables have been: (1) the motivating philosophies of medicine and science, (2) how well clinical medicine and basic science have been integrated by anatomy, and (3) how explicitly thoughts or feelings about death and dying have been addressed in the context of anatomy. We are especially interested in the third variable, and we suggest that although anatomy is scientifically in decline, dissection is currently enjoying a revival as a vehicle for teaching humanistic values in medical school. In addition, for those patients in whom the clinical suspicion of ectopic pregnancy is sufficiently high, culdocentesis should be considered as an adjunct to pregnancy testing in an attempt to more effectively exclude this potentially life-threatening disorder. Culdocentesis is a consideration (particularly if pelvic ultrasonography is not readily available) with the finding of hemoperitoneum strongly suggestive of the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and indicating the need for immediate laparoscopy or laparotomy. We describe docent, an open-source decoder for statistical machine translation that breaks with the usual sentence-bysentence paradigm and translates complete documents as units. By taking translation to the document level, our decoder can handle feature models with arbitrary discourse-wide dependencies and constitutes an essential infrastructure component in the quest for discourse-aware smt models. 1. Art docent is a title given to persons who are guides and educators for the art museums they serve, usually on a volunteer basis. The english word itself is derived from the latin word docens which means to teach. Here at mayfield an art docent is an adult volunteer who presents an art enrichment lesson once a month during the months of january - may in grades kindergarten through third.Learn More about docent
After a special class this month, it takes battersby and york just six words: a break-in. A cover-up. A resignation. Florence battersby and ed york, along with seven other eager students, learned this succinct version of history as part of the docent training course at the richard nixon library & birthplace. The orientation prepares these longtime admirers of the yorba linda native for duty as crowd handlers, watchdogs and tour guides at the presidential site.
The first known use of docent was in 1880
Meaning of docent in English
What does a Docent do?
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What is The Art Docent Program ?