by Clyde
Posted on 02-07-2020 02:52 AM
Apples and oranges my friend. Are you talking about premed? because then there may be a discussion to be had. But then again, engineering could end up being premed. Anyways, let’s just assume then that we’re talking about careers rather than just education.
A career in medicine is pretty darn arduous just to get to the point where you start practicing on your own. And then once you do get to that point, it’s still long hours and hard work.
This is a question that always lingers in the brains of prospective biomedical engineering students. Well, nothing good comes without some level of commitment and sweat. You have to brace yourself to work hard once you settle on pursuing a biomedical engineering course regardless of the specialty. Long hours of smart studies are of the features associated with successful bio medics.
Hardest subjects in chemical engineering (source: imgflip)
in a battle between students and subjects, this subject will be the first and the most dangerous enemy to deal with. This subject basically reminded me of the shadow king from x-men for its special ability to feed off of student’s hatred. The more it progresses, the worse it gets! it starts off easy, like every other subject, with recurring materials and equations. However, somewhere in between, new concepts start to seep in and take over the entire subject. More than approaching the concept, the questions are more difficult to approach. They are long and include a lot of information, which eventually make the students lose their track.
Electrical engineering is the hardest undergraduate degree in the world according with reddit users opinion. Students of this major are required to study electronics, electromagnetics, control systems, wireless communications, electrical insulation, etc. In the future, such specialists will work with various types of electronic devices. Petroleum engineering.
Students defined this specialization as a quite hard to get, probably because such future specialists must learn geology, engineering basics, and thermodynamics. A petroleum engineer explores, extracts, and produce oil, and also participates in production of gas.
Civil engineers create and maintain infrastructure projects and systems. They may work in the public or private sectors, designing and overseeing projects such as public roads and bridges, buildings, and airports.
Students in the major complete coursework in mathematics and physics, making civil engineering one of the hardest college majors.
Looking to study one of the hardest engineering majors at a top school? check out our college application boot camp. We’ll help you submit your best application! “so, what are you majoring in?†this will probably be the most frequently asked question of your freshmen year – and perhaps beyond. Read this guide so you can avoid responding with an overly general, “i’m majoring in engineering. â€.
All engineering areas are difficult.
They include hard work, formulas, calculus, and designing. Additionally, engineers bear high responsibility for their projects and must know how to coordinate workers. Therefore, there’s nothing easy about this field. Engineering combines various other difficult subjects like math, geometry, physics, and so on.
It depends who you are. If you told me to go memorize art history facts all day i'd say i have the hardest major in the world. As for physics and math, i disagree. I've met math & physics majors taking grad level courses and still having whopping amounts of free time. I found that the general rule of thumb is if their major is really their true passion and stuff just clicks for them, these majors are not "hard. " however, if you're one of those premed kids who have to use flashcards to learn kinematics (this makes me cringe), then majoring in physics probably won't work.
Talk to a mentor either in your internship or at your college to get a better idea of what real-world work looks like. They will help remind you that the four years you spend in college don't really reflect what working life will be like. Completing an electrical engineering or chemical engineering degree will not have all the same challenges as jobs in those fields. But it does give you a good introduction. Spend some time researching job opportunities in your area of study. This should give you a good idea of what the day to day life is like as an engineer.
If you remain dead-set on attending a big name program in spite of the data above, a 3-2 engineering program is an avenue worth exploring. This format allows students to earn a bachelor’s degree at any one of a host of participating colleges in three years and then apply to a more prestigious engineering school. For instance, columbia university’s prestigious engineering school partners with almost 100 liberal arts colleges across the country, from ivy-caliber schools like middlebury to marietta college in ohio, which has a 61% acceptance rate. Students apply to columbia during their junior year, and if accepted, spend the next two years earning a bs in engineering.
Is a master's degree in civil engineering worth it? is a master's degree in civil engineering worth it?.
Is a master's degree in chemical engineering worth it? is a master's degree in chemical engineering worth it?.
A full phd in electrical engineering may not actually be worth the costs in time and money that are associated with getting a phd, unless the student has a specific goal he or she cannot achieve without the degree. Specifically, an electrical engineer who is hoping to enter into the academic field and potentially teach upcoming generations of electrical engineers would need a phd in electrical engineering.
Chloe cross , swim guide editor september 22, 2016 there are two types of coastal management techniques, hard engineering, and soft engineering. We explain the difference and highlight the main types below.
Maria maria leave a comment sit down folks, i’m about to break down one of the most frequently asked questions about engineering: just how hard is it? if you’re like me, you’ve looked this up on several, several forums and found less than ideal answers. With that in mind, i’m going to give you the honest answer about what my freshman year of engineering has been like.
Discuss whether hard engineering or soft measures are more effective in protecting coasts against erosion. (outline à not full essay) top line: this is a hard question because you need to do a comparative study of hard and soft engineering strategies simultaneously. This is a comparative essay in disguise à have all your comparison words ready !!! i do not take any responsibility if you do not do well if you do not understand this outline completely - use it at your own risk.
Hard carbon films with the thickness of 1nm to 1μm are increasingly of technological significance for micro electron mechanical systems, magnetic recording media and mechanical protection of engineering components (tsai and bogy, 1987; bhushan, 1996). The guiding principle for forming such films has been to increase the sp3 concentration as much as possible, and amorphous-carbon films having an sp3 concentration of more than 80% have been reported (mckenzie, 1996). This guiding principle is reasonable according to our conventional knowledge; that is, the tetrahedral disposition of bonds in sp3 hybrids contributes to the hardness. On the other hand, recently, the carbon film with bonding structure of mainly sp2 whose hardness is comparable to diamond's have been discovered (hirono, et al. , 2002), they explained in the paper that the sp2 nanocrystallites were connected with adjacent crystallites by sp3 bonding, which gives the film high hardness. For understanding of the tribological properties of the films, pod (pin on disk) and afm(atomic force microscope) tribotests on films were investigated by the authors(diao, et al. , 2002). In this paper, a new method the mirror-confinement-type electron cyclotron resonance (mcecr) plasma sputtering method will be used to study the nanostructure and the tribological properties of the carbon films deposited onto silicon substrates. The advantage of this method is to have a possibility of obtaining high density plasma at a lower pressure environment than the case of conventional ecr plasma sputtering method, and highly controllable ion irradiation to the growing surface during deposition.
Hard engineering coastal management involves building artificial structures which try to control natural processes. Hard engineering approaches to coastal management tend to be expensive, last only a short amount of time, are visually unattractive and unsustainable. They often increase erosion in other places further down the coast. The image below shows a range of hard engineering strategies at hornsea , holderness coast.
Soft costs are often less obvious than hard costs, because they are often not visible. Soft construction costs are fees incurred in the construction of a building that are not directly related to labor and physical building materials. Typical soft costs include architecture, engineering, inspection and accounting fees. Permits, taxes and legal fees also fall into the category of soft costs.
I'm a bme major and i absolutely love it. I do feel that it has been beneficial for me to be a bme major. Engineering classes teach you to think critically and problem solve rather than just memorize information. I found the mcat to not be as hard as i was anticipating and that a lot of my engineering classes prepared me very well for it. As said before, it's also a great fall back career if med school doesn't work out.
For many students, earning a degree in engineering is less than enjoyable and far from what they expected. Here are our biggest complaints about the educational rite of passage. Of course, they are sweeping generalizations. Feel free to disagree. 5. Awful textbooks thick, dry, black and white manuscripts are rarely a source of inspiration and sometimes can cause loads of confusion. Often, the text is poorly written and interrupted by lengthy equations with symbols that are different from those used by the professor during lectures.
Architecture, chemical engineering and chemistry are the most difficult majors in the nation, according to new research. Stem-majors appear as far more difficult than arts-related majors in this toughness ranking – business, marketing and public relations come out as the easiest degrees out there. Based on extensive data analysis, we have found architecture is the most difficult major. On average those studying it work the most hours during the week, pull the most all nighters, have the highest gpa, nap the least and are stressed out more than any other degree.
Jose luis pelaez inc / blend images / getty images to work in most branches of engineering you need good math and science skills. Make sure to take and do well in as many high school classes in these subjects as possible. Chemistry, physics, biology, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus and calculus should certainly be part of your curriculum. They will form a good foundation for the advanced courses you will take in college.
Hehprobably not the first to point that out, but its funny. Ummmengineering. I'm an engineer, so i'm biased, but they would let anyone into the program. But to stay in you had to maintain a 2. 0 gpa which was also the school's requirement. Yet, at least half didn't make it. I knew a couple of people that really wanted to be engineers and trashed their gpas so bad in that quest they they got kicked out of the program *and* the school and couldn't get back in. As for yours truly, i was a standout in highschool where it came to math and science. But it was all i could do to just hang on. Working and chasing women didn't help, but the homework assignments were insaneyou had to balance sleep and grades if you worked. Later i took pre-reqs for an mba and business classes were simple. Maintained a 4. 0. Probably should have just done that from the beginning. I could have been somebody.
beyond the obvious fact that there is a heavy workload, there are in reality many reasons that makes life as an engineering student difficult. Here are the top reasons why.