by Peter
Posted on 12-08-2020 05:15 AM
Fabrication - the act of making something (a product) from raw materials; "the synthesis and fabrication of single crystals"; "an improvement in the manufacture of explosives"; "manufacturing is vital to great britain"
creating from raw materials - the act of creating something that is different from the materials that went into it.
Formation , shaping - the act of fabricating something in a particular shape newspeak - deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language use to mislead and manipulate the public; "the welfare state brought its own newspeak" prefabrication - the manufacture of sections of a building at the factory so they can be easily and rapidly assembled at the building site.
Noun 1. Forgery , lie , fiction , myth , fake , invention , fable , concoction , falsehood , figment , untruth , porky (brit. Slang), fairy story (informal), pork pie (brit. Slang), cock-and-bull story (informal) she described the interview with her as a 'complete fabrication'. 2. Manufacture , production , construction , assembly , erection , assemblage , building more than 200 improvements were made in the design and fabrication of the shuttle.
Translations تَلْÙيقكÙذْبَه، Ù‚Ùصَّه Ù…ÙÙ„ÙŽÙÙ‘ÙŽÙ‚ÙŽÙ‡ výmyslvymýšlenà 2. (fig) → invención f; [of document, evidence] → falsificación f the whole thing is a fabrication → todo es pura invención or un cuento.
(= invented story) → invention f (= manufacture) → fabrication ffabric conditioner fabric softener n → adoucissant m, assouplissant mfabric ribbon n (for typewriter) → ruban m.
(= act of inventing) → erfindung f; (of evidence, confession) → fälschung f; (= story invented) → erfindung f, → lügenmärchen nt; it’s (a) pure fabrication → das ist ein reines märchen or (eine) reine erfindung.
Learn something new every day. Keith koons
last modified date: july 18, 2020
steel fabrication is the process of cutting, bending, and shaping steel alloy to create a product.
Unlike various types of welding in which items are repaired or strengthened, steel fabrication takes many pieces of metal and attaches them together in the form of a predefined shape and size. This process requires a skilled technician who has experience in taking raw components and transforming them into marketable items, and there is often very little room for error. Industrial facilities use steel fabrication to create everything from vehicular parts to household appliances.
Digital fabrication enhances design insight and design communication. The best way to begin learning the toolsets inherent to digital fabrication is to begin small, integrating model making as part of a design process while understanding its potential for scalable constructs. In this project you will build a conceptual design for a small museum while connecting a bim model to fabrication processes designed to drive cnc routers, laser cutters, and 3d printers. To learn more about the bim to fabrication process, you can read david beach's blog , or watch a recording of his on air webinar.
Download the datasets and videos associated with each module to learn about digital fabrication.
Etymology is the study of where words came from, i.
E. , their origins. The study also includes finding out how the meanings of words have changed. The term with the meaning “manufacturing, construction†emerged in the english language in the fifteenth century. According to etymonline. Com, the term came from the middle french word fabrication.
this advisory circular (ac) ensures that parts fabricated during maintenance and alteration have an equivalent level of safety as those parts produced under the original design holder’s production certificate. This ac provides one means of complying with the requirements of title 14 of the code of federal regulations (14 cfr) parts 21 and 43 for the design and fabrication of parts by persons performing maintenance and alterations using methods, techniques, and practices acceptable to the administrator. As required by regulations, such parts fabrication and their implementation must be accomplished "in such a mannerthat the condition of the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance worked on will be at least equal to its original or properly altered condition. " this ac is not mandatory and does not constitute a regulation. It outlines one method (but not the only method) of compliance with the rules. A person may elect to follow an alternative method, provided the federal aviation administration (faa) finds the alternative method to be an acceptable means of complying with the applicable requirements of 14 cfr.
Meat fabrication is breaking down the body of an animal into consumer cuts and boned meat. Sounds pretty simple. But there are a lot of vocabulary words that go along with this practice. Each section of meat has its own terms and these terms can vary, based on what animal you’re butchering.
‘the assembly and fabrication of electronic products’ more example sentences ‘they can also be made directly into structural shapes during fabrication. ’‘in 1943, the alloy engineering co. Was founded to supply alloy fabrications for high-temperature industrial applications. ’‘berkeley's innovation extended to the craft of costume fabrication. ’‘the rear mudguard will require some minor fabrication in the form of new mounts. ’.
Fabrication processes are generally target-rich environments for continuous improvement. There are great chances for visual management and 5s to make processes run more smoothly. There are immense opportunities to reduce setup time to help lower lot sizes. Kanban helps with knowing what to make—especially on the extremely large machines. Right-sizing machines can help make flow better—smaller machines fit in smaller spaces that can be set up as dedicated lines for higher volume products.
Fabrication processes tend to have another great opportunity in continuous improvement—the working environment. ‘fab’ processes tend to be hot and grimy. Small metal shavings are everywhere, as are coolants and lubricants. Parts are often heavy. Smoke and debris are in the air. Safety concerns abound. To top it off, machines are unforgiving. They are designed to work with metal—hands and other body parts don’t even slow them down. They are extremely loud. Unless you have experienced it, is it hard to imagine the volume of the rapid punching of a piece of quarter inch sheet metal. In short, fabrication processes often contain the lion’s share of the dirty, dumb, and dangerous work in a company.
Continuous improvement in general, and lean specifically, provide you with a great avenue to focus making your fabrication processes less disrespectful to your team. Take a close look at your fabrication processes and identify all the issues that pose safety risks or that are generally frustrating to your team. Rank order the problems. (note: the safety issues should be at the top of the list. ).
1. The act or process of fabricating; manufacture. 2. Something fabricated, esp. An untruthful statement. Thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend: falsehood , untruth , falsity - a false statement canard - a deliberately misleading.
Known as the three “cardinal sins†of research conduct, falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism (ffp) are the primary concerns in avoiding research misconduct. Any divergence from these norms undermines the integrity of research for that individual, lab, university/corporation, and the field as a whole.
Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.
metal fabrication is the creation of metal structures by cutting, bending and assembling processes. It is a value-added process involving the creation of machines, parts, and structures from various raw materials. Typically, a fabrication shop bids on a job, usually based on engineering drawings , and if awarded the contract, builds the product. Large fab shops employ a multitude of value-added processes, including welding, cutting, forming and machining.
As with other manufacturing processes, both human labor and automation are commonly used. A fabricated product may be called a fabrication, and shops specializing in this type of work are called fab shops. The end products of other common types of metalworking, such as machining , metal stamping , forging , and casting , may be similar in shape and function, but those processes are not classified as fabrication.
Metal fabrication refers to the building of metal structures by assembling, bending, and cutting processes. It is a value-added process that involves creating machines, parts, and structures from raw materials. A value-added process is one that adds value to a product and for which customers are willing to pay. Fab shops bid on jobs, which are usually based on engineering drawings. If they win the contract, it means they build the product.
These fab shops offer additional value to customers because they save money. For example, they do not need to use lots of employees to find vendors of different services. According to wikipedia: “metal fabrication jobs usually start with shop drawings including precise measurements , then move to the fabrication stage and finally to the installation of the final project. â€.
‘rural applications could include fabrication or repair of farm animal enclosures. ’‘fabrication includes all factory based activities involved in the manufacture of the wall. ’‘the fabrication of thin metallic wires, or nanowires, is a critical technology for communications technology. ’‘the image below shows that technology is not about machines, complex techniques or the fabrication of commodities. ’.
Metal fabrication is the creation of metal structures by cutting, bending and assembling processes. It is a value-added process involving the creation of machines, parts, and structures from various raw materials. Typically, a fabrication shop bids on a job, usually based on engineering drawings, and if awarded the contract, builds the product. Large fab shops employ a multitude of value-added processes, including welding, cutting, forming and machining.