by Emilia
Posted on 12-08-2020 05:14 AM
‘rain is forecast for scotland’
more example sentences
‘coal consumption in europe is forecast to increase’
‘she is forecasting serious protests at both stretches of water, making a comparison with the resistance against a ban on hunting. ’‘apocalyptic cultists are not the only ones in the business of forecasting the end, scientists are too. ’.
General economic conditions set the tone for all parts of the economy. Good forecasting for an industry or firm begins, therefore, with a good analysis of the overall economy. Within this framework, the analyst must then take account of the particular factors that are most important to his own industry. In some cases, the sales of an industry may correlate fairly directly with one or more of the elements of the national income and product accounts—lumber sales with home construction, for example, or sales of nondurable consumer goods with consumer income and total consumer spending. Forecasting for industries that produce basic materials usually requires a series of projections for specific markets. A steel forecast might be based on the outlook for such major steel markets as automobiles, construction, and metal containers. The basic forecast would then be adjusted for expected shifts in exports and imports of steel and for changes in inventories of steel or steel-using products.
Financial forecasts assist you to meet your business goals. They are a future prediction of your business finances, as compared with statements, which provide details of actual results or progress.
Predicting the financial future of your business is not easy, especially if you’re starting a business and don’t have a trading history. However, forecasting and making adjustments frequently will enable you to become more accurate.
Probabilistic forecasting is a technique for weather forecasting that relies on different methods to establish an event occurrence/magnitude probability. This differs substantially from giving a definite information on the occurrence/magnitude (or not) of the same event, technique used in deterministic forecasting. Both techniques try to predict events but information on the uncertainty of the prediction is only present in the probabilistic forecast.
Economic forecasting is often described as a flawed science. Many suspect that economists who work for the white house are forced to toe the line, producing unrealistic scenarios in an attempt to justify legislation. Will the inherently flawed self-serving economic forecasts by the federal government be accurate? as with any forecast, time will tell.
Years of knowledge ibf started in 1981 with the journal of business forecasting aiming to advance the growth of business forecasting and planning. 40000+ active professionals & members active ibf members benefit from access to research, our journal of business forecasting (jbf), discounted conferences, certification, training, and a host of online resources. 2500+ certified professionals there’s a cpf or acpf professional in every fortune 500 company and other major global organizations, providing valuable insight and driving growth.
Sometimes, data like that can raise some questions. Was there really no snow in 1997-98? or is that an error? did it really snow that much in 2007? if we have reason to believe that this data is questionable, one can take these data points out and replace them by the average or some other smoothed number. This is generally called outlier removal and can be a key part of statistical forecasting process. Of course, this should be done with great care.
Https://acronyms. Thefreedictionary. Com/forecasting printer friendly facebook acronym faculdade de ciências e tecnologia (portuguese university).
1. To foresee; to provide against. It is wisdom to forecast consequences. 2. To scheme; to plan before execution. He shall forecast his devices against the strong holds. Dan. 11. 3. To adjust; contrive or appoint beforehand the time so well forecast. Forec'ast, v. I. To form a scheme previously; to contrive beforehand. Forecasting how his foe he might annoy.
From longman dictionary of contemporary english gifts for forecaster forecaster mugs presents for forecaster fore‧cast‧er /ˈfÉ”ËËŒkÉ‘ËstÉ™ $ ˈfÉ”ËrËŒkæstÉ™r/ noun [countable] someone whose job is to say what is likely to happen in the future , especially what kind of weather is expected the weather forecaster economic present for a forecaster mug for a forecaster gifts for forecaster s think that the stock market is set to fall. Examples from the corpusforecaster• another picks it second , and one other puts it in a tie for runner-up. • not until june did forecasters appreciate how severe el nino might be. • perhaps economic forecasters and consultants should consider the beam in their own eye before criticising the government's figures. • they would then be in the position of the top market forecasters who know their advice will be self-fulfilling. • however, some other forecasters are more sanguine about inflation. • computers at the centres hold information of vital importance to any private forecaster. • however, weather forecasters say the cyclone should move offshore , promising dry conditions on sunday. • the weather forecaster does as he should: he attempts to give the approximate atmospheric conditions for the next few days. Weather forecaster• even weather forecasters are asking themselves that. • however, weather forecasters say the cyclone should move offshore, promising dry conditions on sunday. • the local weather forecaster had told me we'd get rain and we did. • the weather forecaster does as he should: he attempts to give the approximate atmospheric conditions for the next few days.
Thus, the key difference between a budget and a forecast is that the budget is a plan for where a business wants to go, while a forecast is the indication of where it is actually going. Realistically, the more useful of these tools is the forecast, for it gives a short-term representation of the actual circumstances in which a business finds itself. The information in a forecast can be used to take immediate action. A budget, on the other hand, may contain targets that are simply not achievable, or for which market circumstances have changed so much that it is not wise to attempt to achieve. If a budget is to be used, it should at least be updated more frequently than once a year, so that it bears some relationship to current market realities. The last point is of particular importance in a rapidly-changing market, where the assumptions used to create a budget may be rendered obsolete within a few months.
The term accuracy is most frequently used referring to quality of a physical measurement of some kind. Unfortunately, this vision is somewhat misleading when it comes to statistical forecasting. Indeed, unlike the physical setup where the measurement could be compared to alternative methods, the real accuracy of forecast should be strictly measured against data you don’t have.
The forecasts page shows forecast amounts for individual months or quarters and a range of months or quarters, depending on the settings you choose. Typically, the default date range you select coincides with your team’s sales cycle. For example, in november you can select “current month†for your beginning month and “3 months†for number of periods displayed. Now your team sees monthly forecast data for november to january. They can also see forecast amounts for the total for.
Three types of forecasts: estimation, validation, and the future three types of forecasts: estimation, a good way to test the assumptions of a model and to realistically compare its forecasting performance against other models is to perform out-of-sample validation, which means to withhold some of the sample data from the model identification and estimation process, then use the model to make predictions for the hold-out.
Cash flow forecasting is the process of creating a model of when future cash receipts and cash expenditures are expected to occur. This information is needed to make fundraising and investment decisions. The cash flow forecast can be divided into two parts: near-term cash flows that are highly predictable (typically covering a one-month period) and medium-term cash flows that are largely based on revenues that have not yet occurred and supplier invoices that have not yet arrived. The near-term forecasting is known as direct forecasting, while the longer-term forecasting is known as indirect forecasting. Direct forecasting can be quite accurate, while indirect forecasting yields increasingly tenuous results after not much more than a month has passed. It is also possible to create a long-term cash forecast that is essentially a modified version of the company budget , though its utility is relatively low. In particular, there is an immediate decline in accuracy as soon as the medium-term forecast replaces the short-term forecast, since less reliable information is used in the medium-term forecast.
Cash forecasting is a planning tool that helps you anticipate the flow of cash in and out of your business, allowing you to project your cash needs and evaluate your company's liquidity position. Using sources from other oracle applications and from external systems, you can generate cash forecasts from previously-defined cash forecast templates. You can choose whether to forecast by days or periods, and choose how to organize each template with multiple gl sources and levels of detail. Automatic integration with oracle applications and other spreadsheet applications provides you with enterprise-wide cash information and management.
This excel tutorial explains how to use the excel forecast function with syntax and examples.
Mos transforms the model data into weather elements that the model does not directly forecast. This includes sensible weather elements basic to aviation such as sky cover, ceiling height, visibility, wind speed and direction, the probability of precipitation, and the precipitation type. Mos is such a great tool that it’s used by local nws forecasters all over the us to create more accurate local forecasts for specific towns or cities. These forecasters also rely on mos as one form of guidance to construct and amend a taf. While tafs provide the official forecast for 666 airports throughout the us and its territories, mos provides weather guidance for over 2100 airports including some military air bases.
A monthly summary of the status of el niño, la niña, and the southern oscillation, or enso, based on the nino3. 4 index (120-170w, 5s-5n) use the navigation menu on the right to navigate to the different forecast sections in mid-july, ssts in the east-central pacific are in the cool-neutral range, and the atmospheric variables were either enso-neutral or slightly leaning toward la niña-ish conditions. The average of the forecasts of many models for fall are near the borderline of weak la niña sst conditions, weakening slightly by winter. The official cpc/iri outlook is similar to these model forecasts, calling for a likely continuation of enso-neutral in summer, with a 55% chance of la niña for fall and 50% chance for continuing through winter. A la niña watch is now posted.