by Heidi
Posted on 13-07-2020 04:45 AM
Whether you like or don’t like paul feig’s ghostbusters reboot, you have to admit that it’s going to feel weird to see bustin’ going on without the presence of dr. Peter venkman.
Thankfully, however, we’ll always have the first two films (back off, man, i’m classifying ghostbusters 2 as a good thing) to remind us of murray’s dominance in what may be his greatest role. So, with that in mind, here are peter venkman’s best quotes from the first film.
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This year has been a pretty entertaining one for movies so far. Box office smashes like captain america: civil war, zootopia, the jungle book, deadpool, and finding dory have all drawn praise from critics and audiences alike, but there's still another major 2016 release that i'm looking forward to more than any of the others.
I'm talking about the new ghostbusters movie, which arrives in theaters on juy 15. I'm excited to see the franchise return because the original is one of my favorite movies ever, and i can't think of a better way to prep for the reboot than by remembering the funniest quotes from the original ghostbuster gifts ideas ghostbusters mug ghostbuster gifts ideas s.
Whether the new ghostbusters becomes your favorite movie of all time or turns out to be, well, not so good, one universal truth will always remain: 1983's ghostbusters is a great movie.
Bill murray , dan aykroyd, harold ramis, and ernie hudson hit it out of the park when they originally portrayed the paranormal investigators. Murray's peter venkman is definitely the most quotable of the bunch, but almost everyone in the cast got a good one-liner in there. In honor of the reboot's release, take a trip down memory lane with some of the best quotes from the original films that you might not even realize you've been using this whole time.
“do you believe in ufos, astral projections, mental telepathy, esp, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the loch ness monster, and the theory of atlantis?†“uhif there’s a steady paycheck in it? i’ll believe anything you say. â€despite ernie hudson being an iconic part of the franchise, winston zeddemore wasn’t in the original line-up of the ghostbuster thermal mug ghostbusters coffee mug unique ghostbuster gifts s. He was hired halfway through the movie after being interviewed by annie potts’ secretary character janine melnitz. There’s a sly comment to be made about the economy from this quote.
The job market is so dire that zeddemore can’t pick and choose – he’ll take a job that requires him to believe in the loch ness monster.
Many comedy films live in the moment, and as time goes on the jokes and premises become dated. However such is not the case with ghostbusters — which celebrated its 30th anniversary a few months back. Ghostbusters remains one of the most truly funny and lasting comedy films around, which would explain why there’s so much interest in doing an all-female reboot in the near future.
Until that happens here i’ve gathered all the ghostbuster gifts ideas ghostbusters travel mug ghostbuster thermal mug s quotes you know you’re still repeating.
By dykeistired $13. 97 tags: modern family, phil dunphy, quotes, fan art, it was a topless woman on a tractor, you know what they call that in europe a cereal commercial, i m the cool dad that s my thang, wtf why the face, the comes out on my actual birthday it s like steve jobs and god got together to say, we love you, phil, i ll admit it i m turned on by powerful women, note to claire if you want intense family drama rent spy kids, it s a miracle i didn t end up a stripper, i am brave roller coasterslove em scary movies i ve seen ghostbusters like seven times, i ve always said that if my son thinks of me as one of his idiot friends i ve succeeded as a dad, so they ve asked me to phil in, claire s a perfectionist which sometimes is a good thing like when it comes to picking a husband, always keep the rhythm in your feet and a little party in your shoulders, i laughed but it hurt a little, when life gives you lemonade make lemons, life will be all whaaat, i love filmmaking and i love love i guess you could say i enjoy making love on film and i love doing it by myself, if you love something set it free unless it s a tiger, success is 1 inspiration 98 perspiration and 2 attention to detail, always be closing, think inside the box that s right i said inside, trust me as long as you re stood next to me you won t look stupid, key to a good birthday low expectations, haley this is real life not an excellent movie, you can tell a lot about a person from his biography, you know what a human pyramid is without hours of training 10 obituaries, sometimes when god closes a door he closes it so hard that your wife can t get out, there is no done in dunphy, every realtor is just a ninja in a blazer, never be afraid to reach for the stars because even if you fall you ll be wearing a parentchute, if you get pulled over for speeding tell the police officer your spouse has diarrhea, marry someone who looks sexy whilst disappointed, dance until your feet hurt sing until your lungs hurt act until you re william hurt, watch a sunrise at least once a day, if you re ever in a jam a crayon scrunched under your nose makes a good moustache, it s our job to keep him off the stripper pole, you don t trust bad boys and yet you married one, always look people in the eye even if they re blind just say i am looking you in the eye.
Good news, everyone: the new ghostbusters movie is funny. Really funny. So funny, in fact, that it's hard to imagine any haters of the all-female reboot walking out of the theater without smiles on their faces and their cheeks hurting from laughing all movie long. The new ghostbusters is filled with hilarious scenes and dialogue from all of its leading actors, with kate mckinnon and chris hemsworth, in particular, stealing every scene they're in. Whether they're coming from the mouths of those two actors or the many others present in the movie, the below ghostbusters reboot quotes are silly and great enough to permanently shut up anyone who dares utter the words "women aren't funny. ".
Here are 13 of my favorite quotes from the classic movie, ghostbusters. 1. Dr. Peter venkman: he slimed me. 2. Janine melnitz: do you believe in ufos, astral projections, mental telepathy, esp, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the loch ness monster and the theory of atlantis? 3. Dr ray stantz: listen! do you smell something?.
Josh wigler roundhoward 08/29/2014 if you're unafraid of ghosts, and into awesome movies, then the box-office has a big treat for you this weekend: "ghostbusters" is back in theaters, in honor of its 30th anniversary. Since its debut in 1984, the words of peter venkman, ray stantz, egon spengler and winston zeddemore have rung throughout the ears and years of pop culture. Here are the most quotable lines in "ghostbusters" — which, incidentally, is basically the whole movie.
When there’s something strange in the neighborhood, you call the authorities. But when there’s something ooky or spooky going down, you call up the ghostbusters, and not the real boys and girls in grey (um, because they don’t exist), the film itself. Thirty-five years later, ivan reitman’s 1984 blockbuster comedy continues to haunt audiences in the best way possible. There’s the aesthetic nostalgia, sure, but there’s also the attention to character. The way we all find ourselves in ray stanz, peter venkman, egon spengler, and winston zeddemore.
There’s something strange in the neighborhood, namely at the art museum where peter’s ex-girlfriend dana barret has taken up employment in ghostbusters ii. Arriving on the scene to investigate the painting of feared war monger vigo the carpathian, the ghostbusters line up standing next to each other for an iconic shot. However, as previously mentioned none of them are in the most athletic of shape, prompting direction from venkman to help them appear more classically heroic.
Dr. Raymond stantz: [about to capture their first ghost] get her! dr. Peter venkman: [later, when the ghost has scared them out of their wits] 'get her'? that was your whole plan? 'get her'? tee hee. Dr. Raymond stantz: [sigh of resignation] it's the stay-puft marshmallow man. Dr. Peter venkman: [while seeing stay-puft walk towards the building and the ghostbusters] well, that's something you don't see every day.
Tom 2 years ago there’s no doubt about it that peter venkman was the spokesman of the ghostbusters as well as the leader in some regards. He was the guy that took charge and gave them a presence while the others back him up and provided him with a team to actually lead. There was likely no one else on the team that could talk as good a game as he could, which was why his part was so perfect despite the fact that he was really kind of a jerk.
Here is our pick of the best quotes from the ghostbusters franchise, with the first two ivan reitman directed installments now considered classic supernatural comedies. 1. Ghostbusters (1984) 'we came, we saw, we kicked its a**!' - dr. Peter venkman (ghostbusters 1984) click to tweet [to peter after they’ve been fired from the university].
Jolie lee usa today network can you believe it's been 30 years since the first ghostbusters came out? the 1984 blockbuster will be re-released in more than 700 theaters over labor day weekend. Get pumped for the 30th anniversary with our favorite quotes from the movie: 1. "back off, man. I'm a scientist. " -- dr. Peter venkman (bill murray).
I loved the new ghostbusters movie! Â i can tell you that finally since the embargo is lifted. Come back and check out my true family review tomorrow! the movie had some amazing movie quotes! you know that i love quotes and these ghosbusters 2016 quotes had the entire theater laughing so hard! Â after you read these movie quotes check out some quotes during the ghostbusters press junket from the actors and creators themselves!.
By deana t categories: movie quotes , movies i’ve got the ghostbusters movie quotes and trivia to get you pumped. Trust me, i ain’t afraid of no ghosts! are you? below i’ve included some info about the new movie , along with the new trailer! check out all the new bits about the new ghostbusters film below!.
Jade2004 11 years ago#9 when he's defending the ghostbusters after they caused the blackout in ghostbusters 2 louis tully: "i don't blame them because one day i turned into a giant dog and they helped me" another louis quote which is really funny. "i had a roomate but my mom moved to florida" when ray and egon are demonstrating the reactive slime.