by Katherine
Posted on 20-08-2020 03:27 AM
What is an infopreneur? it is a person who earns an income by sharing useful information, online, about something s/he knows a lot about.
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i share my ham radio know-how on this website. I structured it to
meet the demand that i can accurately identify and measure, using.
Business & money is a global product by lan-x africa limited that focuses on africa and seeks to help it’s readers, viewers and attendees succeed big in business & money through top of class research based wealth infopreneurship. Launched first in january 2019, business & money provides unrivaled vitality of ready to consume wealth information backed by empirical research and careful analysis by some of the world’s leading investment analysts, business journalists and wealth moguls. It is the intention of business & money to be a reference point for and to anyone seeking to build and grow wealth in africa. From cairo to cape town, dakar to nairobi, business & money is your authoritative wealth companion.
Infopreneurs are business owners who make money by selling information. Of course, information can come in many different forms. So there are plenty of different business ideas out there for those who want to make a living by selling their expertise. Here are 50 different business ideas for infopreneurs.
By last updated: june 4, 2020 are you an infopreneur? and searching for lucrative business ideas for gifts for your infopreneur infopreneur mug gift personalized gifts for infopreneur s for starting your new venture? find here a list of 50 small business ideas for infopreneurs. First of all, let us understand the meaning of infopreneur gift ideas infopreneur mugs infopreneur funny gift ship. Basically, infopreneur is a combination of two words – information and entrepreneur. An individual who collects information from different sources and provides the information to the customer is called an personalized gifts for infopreneur infopreneur mugs infopreneur gift ideas . Basically, an infopreneur provides organized information with value-added service.
With a wide range of emerging technologies and the internet, you can pursue a great career in infopreneurship nowadays. Simply an infopreneur can turn the data into the dollars. Here we have compiled a wide list of 50 great business ideas for the infopreneurs.
In most cases, infopreneurs use tutorials more as a way to market their business rather than as an information product in and of themselves. You can use them to provide value to your audience on topics related to the subjects covered in your paid information products, like paper + ink does above – one of her products is an accounting spreadsheet for etsy sellers.
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While the offering occupies the first position in the priority list, building a personal brand doesn’t fall much behind. It is absolutely necessary to let the customers know about the infopreneur. Build associations, create more than communication channels, and develop a identity by assigning brand colours, creating channel logos, etc. A website, being the cornerstone of the business, will cement the infopreneurship firmly on the market by making the product go live and give the product a brand name and value.
Having a textual, audio, or video blog along with the website will help to reach more customers as a blog gives more specific and personalized information about the business and is indeed an integral part to decide whether the business will succeed or fail.
â–º live and virtual events, and the list goes on and on! but, to limit ourselves to just a list would never be enough to communicate all the creative ways that infopreneurs have and do continue to make money through their businesses. Creating a list like this would always be incomplete, but also, it would stifle the creativity of the infopreneurs reading it, leading them to think that these are the only revenue streams they can utilize, which isn't true.
As a free product you offer website visitors in order to build your email list and help grow their trust in your brand. As an information product you sell to make money for your business. Some infopreneurs use ebooks for both purposes. Chris guillebeau offers a few free ebooks he calls manifestos that help curious people learn more about what his brand stands for.
In this study, we argue that there are unemployed information sector graduates who could benefit greatly from infopreneurship if more awareness and popularization of the practice were achieved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and development of infopreneurship in nigeria and south africa. The study focused on information-based businesses owned by graduates from lis and other related fields in selected cities in lagos state and oyo state in nigeria and kwazulu natal in south africa. This study adopted the interpretative/qualitative method or approach. Both interviews and observation were used to gather information from the respondents and business sites. The respondents were identified through non probability sampling techniques, specifically purposive and snowball sampling. The target population was chosen from a list of registered small and medium information-based businesses as well as lis graduates practicing infopreneurship in sampled cities in nigeria and south africa. Information-based business owners and graduates from lis and related information disciplines were picked from eight (8) distinct fields/disciplines, namely: information communication technology (ict); mass media/communication; telecommunication; libraries; archive and records management centers; publishing and printing sectors; computer science; and lis education. The findings revealed that infopreneurship is a growing practice in the sampled cities. The sampled respondents revealed that there were more similarities than differences in infopreneurship in the two countries, and that there were more information-oriented businesses owned by it and computer science graduates than library and information science/studies graduates. It was observed that most business products and services are ict-oriented, such as software and hardware installation, tracking services, troubleshooting, web design, programming, cctv installation, and online tv, among others. The study recommends the popularization of infopreneurship in the two countries and in computer science, media, communication, and library and information science (lis) schools. More government support is also recommended.
Education for information 32 (2016) 323–342 doi 10. 3233/efi-160980 ios press the status and development of infopreneurship in nigeria and south africa osborne mudia ivwurie∗ and dennis n. Ocholla department of information studies, university of zululand, south africa in this study, we argue that there are unemployed information sector graduates who could benefit greatly from infopreneurship if more awareness and popularization of the practice were achieved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and development of infopreneurship in nigeria and south africa. The study focused on information-based businesses owned by graduates from lis and other related fields in selected cities in lagos state and oyo state in nigeria and kwazulu natal in south africa. This study adopted the interpretative/qualitative method or approach. Both interviews and observation were used to gather information from the respondents and business sites. The respondents were identified through non probability sampling techniques, specifically purposive and snowball sampling. The target population was chosen from a list of registered small and medium information-based businesses as well as lis graduates practicing infopreneurship in sampled cities in nigeria and south africa. Informationbased business owners and graduates from lis and related information disciplines were picked from eight (8) distinct fields/disciplines, namely: information communication technology (ict); mass media/ communication; telecommunication; libraries; archive and records management centers; publishing and printing sectors; computer science; and lis education. The findings revealed that infopreneurship is a growing practice in the sampled cities. The sampled respondents revealed that there were more similarities than differences in infopreneurship in the two countries, and that there were more information-oriented businesses owned by it and computer science graduates than library and information science/studies graduates. It was observed that most business products and services are ict-oriented, such as software and hardware installation, tracking services, troubleshooting, web design, programming, cctv installation, and online tv, among others. The study recommends the popularization of infopreneurship in the two countries and in computer science, media, communication, and library and information science (lis) schools. More government support is also recommended. Keywords: infopreneurship, entrepreneurship, nigeria, south africa, information consultancy, information brokerage, education and training.
For business experts, you can offer your services as a business plan writer or consultant as a way to share your expertise with new entrepreneurs.
If you have adequate knowledge and expertise, you can provide business plan writing service to the entrepreneurs. Basically, a business plan is an important document for both the new and existing entrepreneurs.
Newsletters are the most effective way of promoting products and services of an organization. Therefore, companies spend a lot for professional newsletter writing services. Additionally, you can start and operate the business from home.
​small businesses should benefit from having a business plan. Business owners from all industries and niches generally want to do what is necessary to make their business grow. This may include a goal to boost profitability, expand into new territories, introduce new products or services to the market and more. Often, goals include a combination of these factors.
However, before you can get from your current point to the point where you want to be, you must develop a strategy for doing so. Writing a simple business plan can be a wonderful way to solidify a plan of action. ​it can help you to firm up the smaller but necessary steps that must be taken as you progress on a path to achieve your goals. While some plans can be elaborate, lengthy and complex, a simple plan can be incredibly helpful to you.
Once this hypothesis is validated, decide on what format the product has to be released. Books, e-books, videos, podcasts, tutorials, webinars etc are some ways which infopreneurs can use to sell their products and ideas online.
Hi guys ! welcome to the podcast hosted by nepali infopreneur. Here i'll also be giving my opinions on entrepreneurship and other correlated sectors along with contents that motivate, educate and add value to lives of the next gen hustlers.
A little less common but still an amazing location independent career is being some sort of designer. Design of course, is a bit more of an artistic and creative career path and so, i’d only recommend it to people who have some kind of artistic talent already. If you already have a eye for design then i’d definitely recommend using these skills to freelance online. A great area to get started is in web design as almost all businesses need a website these days. Otherwise, you can specialise in graphics, user experience or user interface design. All of these skills are in-demand for freelancers with the right level of creative ability.
You can also create a website specifically to list a specific type of information. You can then charge businesses or individuals to be listed on your site.
An infopreneur is an entrepreneur who sells information. This can be done through ebooks, online courses, webinars, consulting, and more. The word itself is derived from “information†and “entrepreneurâ€. Basically, you make money with the knowledge that you already have. An infopreneur is an entrepreneur who sells information. You make money from the knowledge you have. #infopreneur #blogging #businessclick to tweet.
You can package the information you know into an ebook, course, workbook – and then sell it over and over again. This is a concept called multiplying your time. Make once, sell many times. You get income, coming in month after month while your marginal cost remains largely the same. This concept is not new, it is similar to opening a company and hiring someone as your associate trainer. They work and you get the rewards without spending much additional time. With technological advances, you now can package the information you have and sell it directly.
Once you have created your website, crafted your business plan, and developed a way to grow your audience strategically, it’s time to sell your info product. You can create your information product right at the start, or after you grow an audience – that’s up to you. What i highly recommend for you to create is an online course. There is a higher perceived value for a course than say, an ebook. A course allows you to leverage your time well (refer to benefit #3 above). You can easily create an online course with teachable – which is the course hosting platform i use and love.
I’m an internet infopreneur. The term itself needs some explaining upfront, so let me begin with that. An infopreneur is an “information entrepreneurâ€, someone who turns words (or more specifically, information) into income – in a number of innovative ways. I’m an infopreneur who uses the internet as a medium for distributing and monetizing information.
Basically, it is a b2b service- based business. You can share your expertise and information for the other company’s social media profiles. Nowadays, the business is getting immense popularity.
Tutorials are very effective and powerful opportunity for the infopreneurs. According to your area of expertise, you can create content or video tutorials. Additionally, udemy is the best place to sell the tutorials these days.
Websites of infopreneur overlap a little with websites of company and ecommerce, but they constitute a distinctive form of online business. Infopreneurs generate and sell products for data. That might be in the form of lessons, tutorials, videos, or ebooks. Whatever form it takes, infopreneurs need their website to do the difficult job of creating a brand of information -convincing tourists that they understand enough to make it worthwhile to buy their instructional goods – and selling those goods. Normally, infopreneurs generate a combination of precious free content and premium content for which they pay. The website of the infopreneur serves as the main place for both -the free content that serves as a promotional instrument for getting individuals to the site, and the paid goods that account for their earnings. Therefore, building a successful website is essential to this sort of business model.
Madiaexploran we are very much aware that infopreneur websites overlap a bit with business and ecommerce websites, but they represent a unique type of online business. Infopreneurs create and sell information products. That could be in the form of courses, tutorials, videos or ebooks. We also know that infopreneurs need their website to do the hard work of building up a knowledge brand – convincing visitors that they know enough to make their educational products worth buying – and the work of selling those products.
I am really excited to publish my first pinterest posts pack. #infopreneur is fully optimized and created with influencers and entrepreneurs in mind, but can be used by anyone who wants to enhance their pinterest. All items in this pack are optimised to be user friendly and easily editable. Changing text, images and colors is quite straightforward so you shouldn’t have any issues with that. You will of course need basic photoshop knowledge, but if you have any additional questions, just message me and i’ll be more than happy to help!.
60 templates for all your social media profiles! #infopreneur social media pack contains 20 instagram story templates, 20 instagram post templates & 20 pinterest / facebook post templates. #infopreneur is also fully optimized and created with influencers and entrepreneurs in mind, but can be used by anyone who wants to enhance their instagram.
This item is available as part of #infopreneur - social media pack that includes 20 instagram story templates, 20 instagram post templates & 20 pinterest / facebook post templates for only $36. Purchase today and save over 50% - https://designbundles. Net/silverstag/274528-infopreneur-instagram-facebook-and-pinterest-socia i am really excited to publish my new instagram stories pack. #infopreneur is fully optimized and created with influencers and entrepreneurs in mind, but can be used by anyone who wants to enhance their instagram.
A revenue stream is a way in which you make money; usually a product or service. Though i always encourage my clients to be creative when it comes to monetizing their expertise and creating new ways to earn revenue, some of the major revenue streams infopreneurs create include: books/ebooks, online courses, coaching, events (live and virtual), and more.
An infopreneur is an entrepreneur who makes money by collecting, organizing and selling information mainly in a niche market (online and offline). The term infopreneur is a portmanteau of the words information and entrepreneur. In simple terms – an infopreneur is an entrepreneur who makes money through information by recognizing knowledge inadequacy state.
How to make money online. How to have a better sex life. How to build a website. How to play a musical instrument. How to be successful on youtube. How to stay fit and healthy. How to be a dog trainer. I have read that any topic that you can place a ‘how to’ title in front of is a positive candidate for an information product. While this is true, really any thing that provides a solution to a problem or teaching to achieve excellence in a task or project, is an infopreneurial product.
Unlike traditional brick and mortar businesses that can involve high risk and are tied to a particular geographical area, an information selling business is low risk and is not constrained to one location. There is learning involved which requires some time investment but the money invested is low. An infopreneur who decides to create an ebook and sell online has risked very little but could potentially grow it into a sizable income stream.
The term infopreneur is derived from the words "information" and "entrepreneur" and is generally considered as someone that makes money selling information on the internet. Infopreneuring has become a very popular way of making money online in recent years. The rationale is simple most people search the internet looking for information. Find a niche market that is willing to pay for information and give them what they want.
Introduction harold f. Weitzen registered a trademark for "infopreneur" (h. Weitzen, 1984), indicating its first use in commerce was as of january 31, 1984. According to the u. S. Patent and trade office (uspto) trademark electronic search system's (tess) records, the business endeavor with which such usage was attributed was "newsletters dealing with computerized information processing. " a definition given in wikipedia defines an infopreneur as one who is "generally considered an entrepreneur who makes money selling information on the internet" ("infopreneur," 2010a). However, the authors of this paper propose a broader definition--not restricted to the use of the internet--might better reflect the entirety of the construct, acknowledging fully its roots, evolution, and a more recent revolution in "infopreneurship" as it has been further enabled by technological developments. For instance, businessdictionary. Com, with attribution to weitzen (h. S. Weitzen & genda, 1991), suggested a description as follows:.
In this post, i will be showing you exactly how to tap into the most cost effective and easiest (in my opinion) online business to get into. I will share my personal experience as someone who makes over $30k/month as an infopreneur and also share a forbes interview with a multi-millionaire entrepreneur that solidifies infopreneurship as a business model to take advantage of.
An infopreneur is an entrepreneur who identifies opportunities for creating enterprising information-based businesses by identifying knowledge deficiency situations and selling target-based information products and services, mainly through the internet. An infopreneur can also be understood to be a person, or a person running a bot , whose primary business is gathering and selling electronic information. In spite of the preceding reference, there are many examples of infopreneurs who are selling content in paperback or hardback book form on the internet. Infopreneur is a neologism portmanteau derived from the words "information" and "entrepreneur".
The term is often used on the internet. The word infopreneur was registered as a trademark (uspto) on february 1, 1984, by harold f. Weitzen. In 1988, h. Skip weitzen published "infopreneurs: turning data into dollars" (john wiley & sons). Before the explosive popularity of the internet at the turn of the millennium, such an occupation already existed. These legacy infopreneurs sold their information in other mediums such as audio tapes, audio cds, cd-roms, videos, talk shows, and conferences. The classification of infopreneur has created a new style of business on the internet, which allows anybody with a computer and an internet connection to start businesses by publishing information that may appeal to a specific market.
There are generally two kinds of infopreneurs: those that sell information they have amassed on their own and those that earn commissions from selling information that they know nothing about. The latter may be considered more of an "information trafficker". Online publishing[ edit ] as the infopreneur is his/her own developer, marketer, producer, and distributor - some infopreneurs consider themselves being in the publishing business. Unlike in traditional print publishing, the infopreneur puts down, in electronic form (usually), what he/she knows from experience or what he/she learned and passes the content on to the world through publishing on websites, blogs, ebooks, emails, etc.
The impact of these infopreneurs has also had a disruptive impact by slicing through the traditional publication industry that involves agents, publishers, distribution channels, and retailers. As a result, entrepreneurial firms have emerged to serve artists and authors who want to be self-published. Blogs and advertisements[ edit ] information traffickers do consider themselves infopreneurs. After all, they are making money out of information. Many of them utilize the power of the world wide web - creating websites and blogs to act as their storefront.
The infopreneur may attract traffic to his/her site by manipulating their site to appear higher on search engine results. This may be done by creating a site that is robust in information, and configuring meta-keywords and descriptions that accurately describe the web page. More often, infopreneurs who are out to get a "quick buck" will create a mash-together of information by publishing popular, sought after content, often incorporating rss feeds from more popular sites. The infopreneur then makes money from adsense ads, affiliate links, referrals and leads, and/or selling ebooks that are related to the search parameters and keywords. Essentially, these infopreneurs "piggy-back" on already established information. For example, there are many such splogs that copy verbatim the articles from wikipedia.
Simply put, an infopreneur is a professional who collects information from multiple sources and personal experiences and uses it to create a unique package for consumers. And although the internet has hugely simplified that process, the term itself actually predates the era of digital celebrities. Harold “skip†weitzen coined the term in the 1980s elaborating on his own interpretation of what it means to be an infopreneur in the 1988 book “infopreneurs: turning data into dollarsâ€.