by Katherine
Posted on 20-08-2020 03:25 AM
Business & money is a global product by lan-x africa limited that focuses on africa and seeks to help it’s readers, viewers and attendees succeed big in business & money through top of class research based wealth infopreneurship. Launched first in january 2019, business & money provides unrivaled vitality of ready to consume wealth information backed by empirical research and careful analysis by some of the world’s leading investment analysts, business journalists and wealth moguls. It is the intention of business & money to be a reference point for and to anyone seeking to build and grow wealth in africa.
From cairo to cape town, dakar to nairobi, business & money is your authoritative wealth companion.
An gift ideas for infopreneur best infopreneur coffee mug nice gift for infopreneur is an entrepreneur who identifies opportunities for creating enterprising information-based businesses by identifying knowledge deficiency situations and selling target-based information products and services, mainly through the internet. An infopreneur can also be understood to be a person, or a person running a bot , whose primary business is gathering and selling electronic information. In spite of the preceding reference, there are many examples of good gifts for infopreneur infopreneur mug gifts gift ideas infopreneur s who are selling content in paperback or hardback book form on the internet. Infopreneur is a neologism portmanteau derived from the words "information" and "entrepreneur".
In this post, i will be showing you exactly how to tap into the most cost effective and easiest (in my opinion) online business to get into. I will share my personal experience as someone who makes over $30k/month as an infopreneur and also share a forbes interview with a multi-millionaire entrepreneur that solidifies nice gift for infopreneur infopreneur mug gifts good gifts for infopreneur ship as a business model to take advantage of.
The term is often used on the internet. The word infopreneur was registered as a trademark (uspto) on february 1, 1984, by harold f. Weitzen. In 1988, h. Skip weitzen published "infopreneurs: turning data into dollars" (john wiley & sons). Before the explosive popularity of the internet at the turn of the millennium, such an occupation already existed. These legacy infopreneurs sold their information in other mediums such as audio tapes, audio cds, cd-roms, videos, talk shows, and conferences. The classification of infopreneur has created a new style of business on the internet, which allows anybody with a computer and an internet connection to start businesses by publishing information that may appeal to a specific market.
There are generally two kinds of infopreneurs: those that sell information they have amassed on their own and those that earn commissions from selling information that they know nothing about. The latter may be considered more of an "information trafficker". Online publishing[ edit ] as the infopreneur is his/her own developer, marketer, producer, and distributor - some infopreneurs consider themselves being in the publishing business. Unlike in traditional print publishing, the infopreneur puts down, in electronic form (usually), what he/she knows from experience or what he/she learned and passes the content on to the world through publishing on websites, blogs, ebooks, emails, etc.
The impact of these infopreneurs has also had a disruptive impact by slicing through the traditional publication industry that involves agents, publishers, distribution channels, and retailers. As a result, entrepreneurial firms have emerged to serve artists and authors who want to be self-published. Blogs and advertisements[ edit ] information traffickers do consider themselves infopreneurs. After all, they are making money out of information. Many of them utilize the power of the world wide web - creating websites and blogs to act as their storefront.
The infopreneur may attract traffic to his/her site by manipulating their site to appear higher on search engine results. This may be done by creating a site that is robust in information, and configuring meta-keywords and descriptions that accurately describe the web page. More often, infopreneurs who are out to get a "quick buck" will create a mash-together of information by publishing popular, sought after content, often incorporating rss feeds from more popular sites. The infopreneur then makes money from adsense ads, affiliate links, referrals and leads, and/or selling ebooks that are related to the search parameters and keywords. Essentially, these infopreneurs "piggy-back" on already established information. For example, there are many such splogs that copy verbatim the articles from wikipedia.
Simply put, an infopreneur is a professional who collects information from multiple sources and personal experiences and uses it to create a unique package for consumers. And although the internet has hugely simplified that process, the term itself actually predates the era of digital celebrities.
Harold “skip†weitzen coined the term in the 1980s elaborating on his own interpretation of what it means to be an infopreneur in the 1988 book “infopreneurs: turning data into dollarsâ€.
In the 20th century, aspiring infopreneurs produced value-added reports and professional advice through mediums like self-published books, audio cassettes and cd-roms. After establishing personal a brand, an infopreneur could then work to establish sustainable self-employment sharing his or her insights on regular conference circuits and earning passive income generated through product sales.
Just like any type of self-employment, pursuing a career as an infopreneur comes with plenty of perks. You get to choose when and where to apply yourself, and chase work that genuinely interests and engages you. At the same time, unlike other kinds of business startups, becoming an infopreneur carries far fewer risks.
First and foremost, it’s not hard to bootstrap a career in selling information. One of the easiest ways to begin establishing yourself as an infopreneur is to launch a blog or youtube channel. Hosting fees for sites like wordpress are quite affordable and producing a quality ebook costs only time. Distributing self-published books and magazines online via amazon and other platforms can be fairly cheap, too.
Meanwhile, infopreneurs generally don’t have to worry about ordinary startup overhead like brick-and-mortar costs or ecommerce support. It’s also far easier for infopreneurs to start generating some form of return on investment.
If you feel like you’ve got the drive, determination and experience necessary to establish yourself as a credible source of useful information, you may want to consider pursuing self-employment as an infopreneur. So long as you’ve got internet access, you can produce and widely distribute content at virtually no cost. You’ve got little to lose, and plenty to gain.
While the offering occupies the first position in the priority list, building a personal brand doesn’t fall much behind.
It is absolutely necessary to let the customers know about the infopreneur. Build associations, create more than communication channels, and develop a identity by assigning brand colours, creating channel logos, etc. A website, being the cornerstone of the business, will cement the infopreneurship firmly on the market by making the product go live and give the product a brand name and value. Having a textual, audio, or video blog along with the website will help to reach more customers as a blog gives more specific and personalized information about the business and is indeed an integral part to decide whether the business will succeed or fail.
There are a few things every infopreneur will need to succeed, and a handful of other resources and products worth considering to make your infopreneur business work.
Mind 0 comments infopreneurs sell valuable information online in the form of books , e - books , special reports , audio and video products , seminars , and other media. This definitive guide will show how to master the tools and tactics of the most successful infopreneurs , so you can succeed at producing , marketing , selling , and automating delivery of information products online. This guide comes complete with interviews of successful infopreneurs.
Infopreneurship is the art of entrepreneurship using information and helps infopreneurs to struggle and stand in an arena called fair (bazaar) and make benefits with once they succeed. Hence, this research was conducted with the aim of providing a model for online infopreneurship in iran. The present research is an applied one in terms of its purpose, and carried out through quantitative approach and analytical survey method. The statistical population of this study included1835 directors and experts of websites and online businesses across iran. Sampling was done randomly in through stratified simply class and 320 people were selected using krejcie and morgan table. The data collection instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using one-group t-test, pearson correlation coefficient, analysis of variance and factor analysis. The findings of this study showed that structural, behavioral, field, strategic, and consequential factors are correlated with the correlation coefficient of 0. 74, 0. 73, 0. 75, 0. 68 and 0. 18 with the variables of infopreneurship, and were significant at p <0. 05. The high middle or high level online business companies include these factors. Eventually, a model of infopreneurship was represented in relation to online businesses in iran. Based on the suggested model, it can be concluded that the more the online information businesses in iran enjoy the identified factors, the more the amount of infopruneurship and its consequences will be, and that such a model can be used as a comprehensive road map for individuals, organizations and online information businesses interested in infopruneurship in iran.
The great thing about being an infopreneur is that you have complete and total control over what you create. But, if you need a little guidance on where to start here are the easiest, least techy ways to turn your ideas into digital gold: p. S. I have this course, ez money: the ultimate guide to creating ebooks that turn your expertise into easy money , if you’re interested, by the way.
You can’t leave your customer wondering if the services you have to offer are a good solution to the problem they are having. So how does an infopreneur tackle this issue? by clearly defining their singular message which explains who they help and how they help them. I have found that this extremely simple exercise tends to make this step much clearer. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence:.
If you want someone to buy from you as an infopreneur, you cannot hide your expertise behind a curtain, only to reveal it when they purchase your product. If you try this, they will never buy for fear that you won’t really deliver the value they seek. Rather, you need to be giving away your message for free so that they can see you know what you’re talking about and are going to deliver the information they really want through your products and services. If you help your potential customers and clients to make informed decisions by providing them with a ton of information up front, they will not feel like you are trying to trick them into a purchase. Instead, they will feel that they can trust you, and they will be more likely to buy.
A revenue stream is a way in which you make money; usually a product or service. Though i always encourage my clients to be creative when it comes to monetizing their expertise and creating new ways to earn revenue, some of the major revenue streams infopreneurs create include: books/ebooks, online courses, coaching, events (live and virtual), and more.
You can read more about how infopreneurs make money in this post: https://baileyrichert. Com/how-do-infopreneurs-make-money. Html.
Infopreneurs need to leverage the potential interest that a person has in a topic, build a relationship with that person, and ultimately convince them that you are the one above all others that can deliver promised results with your methodology. Therefore, they should invest in a purchase with you. How exactly does an infopreneur do all this? the answer is: they use sales funnels.
An infopreneur is an entrepreneur who makes money by collecting, organizing and selling information mainly in a niche market (online and offline). The term infopreneur is a portmanteau of the words information and entrepreneur. In simple terms – an infopreneur is an entrepreneur who makes money through information by recognizing knowledge inadequacy state.
It can be easy to think that there is no difference between a researcher and infopreneur. However, nothing could be further from the truth! there is a reason why infopreneurs make a far greater amount of money than a researcher or non-fiction author. Infopreneurs operate with an underlining business model that is very different and more powerful due to some very effective strategies.
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When you’re selling a product, you have to purchase inventory. If your business requires an office or storefront, you have to pay rent every month, along with all the supplies and furniture needed to turn those spaces into a business. An infopreneur doesn’t need to deal with any of those costs. To start an information business, you need a website, time to create information products, and marketing knowledge. You may want to hire some people to help make your information products look or sound good, like a graphic designer or editor, but that’s likely to be the most expensive part.
You could share your knowledge on a street corner, but no one is likely to pay you for it. To sell your knowledge, you need to package it in a form that people will want to buy. For most infopreneurs, that means a mix of: ebooks – an ebook is a lengthy text that provides thorough information on a subject that interests your audience. Before publishing, it’s often worth hiring a graphic designer and editor to make sure your grammar is correct and the ebook looks just right.
(ˌɪn foʊ prəˈnɜr, -ˈnʊər, -ˈnyʊər) want to thank tfd for its existence? tell a friend about us , add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: feedback flashcards & bookmarks ? references in periodicals archive ? as a longtime "infopreneur," i have had to develop a high tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty--starting with the loss of a predictable paycheck.
Many people graduate university and enter the workforce without ever pursuing additional studies. This can lead to mental stagnation and obsolete job skills which at best limits career options within the company or at worst leads to termination. For those who pursue continuing education within their career field, promotions and pay raises can be expected. This is a better option than the first, but is there a third option which leverages the increased knowledge for a greater financial return? yes, for example, an infopreneur can start by selling a basic product, gain additional knowledge and create a second, advanced product which is 2x-3x the price of the basic one. The financial return on increased knowledge can be significantly higher when producing your own information products.
The term infopreneur is derived from the words "information" and "entrepreneur" and is generally considered as someone that makes money selling information on the internet. Infopreneuring has become a very popular way of making money online in recent years. The rationale is simple most people search the internet looking for information. Find a niche market that is willing to pay for information and give them what they want.
The common problem that most infopreneur or people who switching to become an infopreneur and want to start a infopreneur business, is that they struggle to get people to buy their information products and services. And what most infopreneur don’t realized was that one of the effective strategy to overcome this is to use create infopreneur funnel by using clickfunnels to turn visitors into leads and then paying customers. To do that, you need clickfunnels to help you build sales funnel specifically for infopreneur to market the information products and services that you have to offer to your potential customers.
When your work isn’t tied to any particular office or city, you can work anywhere that has internet. Information products can be created just as easily from a house in idaho as from a coffee shop in berlin. Some infopreneurs take advantage of the location independence by traveling all over the world to work, while others like the freedom of staying home and working in pajamas with a dog as their officemate.
Skip weitzen (author of the book 'infopreneur') who describes an infopreneur as "a person who gathers, organizes, and disseminates information as a business venture or as a value-added service. " ("infopreneur," 2010b) in short, prior to the advent of the internet, which has revolutionized the information products industry, infopreneurs "sold their information in other mediums such as audio tapes, audio cds, cd-roms, videos, talk shows, and conferences" ("infopreneur," 2010a) and mail order was a primary means of delivery for physical goods distribution.
There are several ways you can capture information, so that your library of knowledge can be sold over and over again on autopilot. In the old days we really had just physical products and they were mainly text based, expressed in the way of books, newspapers, magazines and reports. Today with the power of the internet, as an infopreneur, you have a great deal more options. In addition to physical products, there is also digital items and these can come in the form of audio and video. With the potential of reaching over 3 billion people whom are using the internet, you have enormous power selling your products and services in digital form.
Weightless – therefore can be “shipped†anywhere in the world instantly access to a worldwide marketplace – shipping can sometimes be a limitation to where physical products can be sold as the shipping cost can be extremely high. With information, that restriction is eliminated and access to the entire world market is opened up.
Mass distribution – distribution costs are effectively zero. Whether you sell 10 copies of an information product (e. G. Ebook) or 100,000 copies the cost is essentially the same 24/7 availability – with a website and an automated order process, information products can be sold 24/7 without the need for human intervention or 9-5 store hours.
The information you share through your products has the ability to directly impact the thoughts, feelings and actions of those who read your books, watch your online course videos and attend your presentations. Additionally, infopreneurship is an extremely powerful outlet which can be used to elevate the status of a single person in their field to that of a recognized “expert. †as a person who positions himself or herself as an authority within their field by publishing a book, launching a signature online course or giving presentations at conferences, you are receiving notoriety and being bestowed with a certain level of respect that can massively impact both your field in general but, more specifically, the people who follow you.
Infopreneurs are business owners who make money by selling information. Of course, information can come in many different forms. So there are plenty of different business ideas out there for those who want to make a living by selling their expertise. Here are 50 different business ideas for infopreneurs.
By last updated: june 4, 2020 are you an infopreneur? and searching for lucrative business ideas for infopreneurs for starting your new venture? find here a list of 50 small business ideas for infopreneurs. First of all, let us understand the meaning of infopreneurship. Basically, infopreneur is a combination of two words – information and entrepreneur. An individual who collects information from different sources and provides the information to the customer is called an infopreneur. Basically, an infopreneur provides organized information with value-added service.
With a wide range of emerging technologies and the internet, you can pursue a great career in infopreneurship nowadays. Simply an infopreneur can turn the data into the dollars. Here we have compiled a wide list of 50 great business ideas for the infopreneurs.
99businessideas. Com led by rupak chakrabarty is committed to helping beginners, entrepreneurs and small business owners in starting, managing and growing their business. Our aim is to educate the entrepreneur on the various stages of entrepreneurship.
In this study, we argue that there are unemployed information sector graduates who could benefit greatly from infopreneurship if more awareness and popularization of the practice were achieved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and development of infopreneurship in nigeria and south africa. The study focused on information-based businesses owned by graduates from lis and other related fields in selected cities in lagos state and oyo state in nigeria and kwazulu natal in south africa. This study adopted the interpretative/qualitative method or approach. Both interviews and observation were used to gather information from the respondents and business sites. The respondents were identified through non probability sampling techniques, specifically purposive and snowball sampling. The target population was chosen from a list of registered small and medium information-based businesses as well as lis graduates practicing infopreneurship in sampled cities in nigeria and south africa. Information-based business owners and graduates from lis and related information disciplines were picked from eight (8) distinct fields/disciplines, namely: information communication technology (ict); mass media/communication; telecommunication; libraries; archive and records management centers; publishing and printing sectors; computer science; and lis education. The findings revealed that infopreneurship is a growing practice in the sampled cities. The sampled respondents revealed that there were more similarities than differences in infopreneurship in the two countries, and that there were more information-oriented businesses owned by it and computer science graduates than library and information science/studies graduates. It was observed that most business products and services are ict-oriented, such as software and hardware installation, tracking services, troubleshooting, web design, programming, cctv installation, and online tv, among others. The study recommends the popularization of infopreneurship in the two countries and in computer science, media, communication, and library and information science (lis) schools. More government support is also recommended.
Education for information 32 (2016) 323–342 doi 10. 3233/efi-160980 ios press the status and development of infopreneurship in nigeria and south africa osborne mudia ivwurie∗ and dennis n. Ocholla department of information studies, university of zululand, south africa in this study, we argue that there are unemployed information sector graduates who could benefit greatly from infopreneurship if more awareness and popularization of the practice were achieved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and development of infopreneurship in nigeria and south africa. The study focused on information-based businesses owned by graduates from lis and other related fields in selected cities in lagos state and oyo state in nigeria and kwazulu natal in south africa. This study adopted the interpretative/qualitative method or approach. Both interviews and observation were used to gather information from the respondents and business sites. The respondents were identified through non probability sampling techniques, specifically purposive and snowball sampling. The target population was chosen from a list of registered small and medium information-based businesses as well as lis graduates practicing infopreneurship in sampled cities in nigeria and south africa. Informationbased business owners and graduates from lis and related information disciplines were picked from eight (8) distinct fields/disciplines, namely: information communication technology (ict); mass media/ communication; telecommunication; libraries; archive and records management centers; publishing and printing sectors; computer science; and lis education. The findings revealed that infopreneurship is a growing practice in the sampled cities. The sampled respondents revealed that there were more similarities than differences in infopreneurship in the two countries, and that there were more information-oriented businesses owned by it and computer science graduates than library and information science/studies graduates. It was observed that most business products and services are ict-oriented, such as software and hardware installation, tracking services, troubleshooting, web design, programming, cctv installation, and online tv, among others. The study recommends the popularization of infopreneurship in the two countries and in computer science, media, communication, and library and information science (lis) schools. More government support is also recommended. Keywords: infopreneurship, entrepreneurship, nigeria, south africa, information consultancy, information brokerage, education and training.
For business experts, you can offer your services as a business plan writer or consultant as a way to share your expertise with new entrepreneurs.
If you have adequate knowledge and expertise, you can provide business plan writing service to the entrepreneurs. Basically, a business plan is an important document for both the new and existing entrepreneurs.
​small businesses should benefit from having a business plan. Business owners from all industries and niches generally want to do what is necessary to make their business grow. This may include a goal to boost profitability, expand into new territories, introduce new products or services to the market and more. Often, goals include a combination of these factors.