by Brock
Posted on 13-07-2020 04:46 AM
With this in mind, here's a short guide to the best martial arts to explore if you want to stay alive in the middle of a street fight. Krav maga
krav maga is the official self-defense system created and used by the israeli military, a group widely recognized as one of the most hardcore armed forces in the world.
It focuses on threat neutralization, efficiency of movement, and brutal effectiveness.
Director: wei lo | stars: bruce lee , nora miao , james tien , maria yi
votes: 25,198 | gross: $1.
i know its cliche to have one of bruce lee's films at the top, but who can argue with his impact? seriously. There were gifts for martial arts gifts for martial arts gifts for martial arts films before him sure, however he is the sole reason the genre exploded in the 70's, and well after his death to even today and for many more years to come, he broke down racial barriers and became the first asian superstar the world has ever known, his work ethic and workout regime was ahead of its time, he founded his own form of martial arts, and came up with the concept of mixing different aspect from different forms from all over the world to make the most affective use in any situation, basically to adapt to any fighting method, which went on to of course inspire the ufc & mma in general and for that reason he is being hailed as the "father of mixed martial arts" and his impact on popular culture is incredible, especially with just 4 completed kung fu films under his belt. Bruce lee is the king of kung fu cinema and is arguably the greatest martial artist of the 20th century. He is a philosopher, a teacher, a director, a writer, an actor, a martial artist, an inspiration, a family man, and a legend. Its safe to say he influenced & inspired everyone on this list.
Taekwondo usually sits on the top of parents’ lists when it comes to martial arts master gift gifts for martial arts gifts martial arts for their children. But popularity aside, your kids reap some great benefits when studying taekwondo. Your kids improve their muscle strength, flexibility, and balance. And, because taekwondo’s forms vary, they learn how to control their bodies.
Kung fu is actually the general name for all chinese martial arts. There are a variety of styles, but they all share the same root: striking your opponent with lightening speed and unstoppable power. Monks were once the guardians of kung fu, honing their bodies and minds into lethal tools of war - with or without weapons.
Karate is also unusual in that it is one of the few martial arts on this list to truly focus on the mind as much as the body. With a focused mind, and a fully trained body, karate can easily become one of the most unstoppable fighting forms out there.
Chang cheh’s gift for over-the-top kung fu movies reached its zenith with the infinitely creative house of traps. A group of thieves is tasked with stealing a valuable antique from the emperor. What begins as a simple assignment soon reveals itself to be a fight to the death in a compound filled with lethal traps. If you’ve ever dreamed of a saw-themed gifts for martial arts gifts for martial arts martial arts mug movie, this is as close as you can get.
Hema is an acronym that stands for ‘historical european martial arts’.
Hema is generally regarded as martial arts that are based on surviving dedicated technical treatises and martial arts manuals dated to the late middle ages, renaissance and the early modern period. It can also be based on documentation of the fighting methods of classical antiquity (such as greek wrestling, gladiatorial combat or roman infantry tactics).
History: if you’re wondering why, on a list of self-defense martial arts, we’ve got a big picture of bruce lee, it’s because he is the creator and founder responsible for the fighting style known as jeet kune do. July 9th, 1969 is jkd’s birthday, but it’s roots actually date back a bit further. Specifically to bruce lee’s mentor, ip man. It was through his teachings of wing chung kung fu that bruce lee learned the founding skills and principles that would lead him to become one of the world’s most famous and most accomplished martial artists. Today, there are number of jkd schools around the world, some of which with instructors who learned from bruce lee himself. Similarly, there are a few examples in popular culture of practitioners of the martial art – including kareem abdul jabbar, brandon lee (his son), and nicolas cage.
Stage fencing is a style of fencing that was developed for use in theatre plays, and later movies and television series. While stage fencing has its roots in the theatre companies of 16th century england, the kind of stage fencing common today is influenced from the efforts of alfred hutton, a famous 19th century fencer who can be considered to have started the first revival of historical european martial arts by researching and publishing material on the usage of weapons such as the long sword and rapier. Hutton earned a living as an instructor and trained many popular actors and actresses in his day, and adapted older techniques into a style of fencing made specifically to entertain people through rehearsed and coordinated fighting plays.
History: also known as jujutsu, jujitsu, and pretty much every other phonetic variation, this is one of the oldest surviving forms of japanese martial arts. Dating back to the late 1400s, this fighting system was actually developed for battlefield use , to be brought into the fray when weapons were unavailable or ineffective. Relying heavily upon throws, immobilizing, choking, and joint locks, jiu-jitsu became an especially important and effective form of combat as armored battle fell out of favor in the 17th century. This fighting style would go on to become one of the all-time most popular martial arts in the modern day, thanks in large part to the brazilian style, developed by the gracie brothers, and its use in mixed martial arts around the world. If you’ve ever watched a match in the octagon and saw someone win by submission, chances are they are using jiu-jitsu. If you’ve ever watched a match in the octagon and saw someone win by submission, chances are they are using a skill honed through the practice of jiu-jitsu. The two main surviving forms now are japanese – which is geared more toward unsanctioned self defense and has many sub-styles – and brazilian – which is much more competition-focused and nearly entirely based on the gracie method.
Before we get to the martial arts styles that are best suited for street fighting, i just want to mention that martial arts should only ever be used outside on the streets if you have absolutely no choice whatsoever in the matter. If you can defuse the situation with the aggressor, it will be much more beneficial for both parties.
Principles: while other japanese practices such as judo and aikido focus most heavily on redirection and throwing, jiu-jitsu (while still having some of the same basis), is much more closely related to wrestling. Yes, jiu-jitsu still incorporates throwing as a base fundamental, but it is more a means of getting your opponent into a position in which you can get them into one of the fighting style’s many forms of grappling. Primarily a one-on-one system, jiu-jitsu relies on choke holds, joint locks, and immobilization to stop an assailant , rather than striking techniques common throughout karate-related martial arts. But don’t let the lack of punches dissuade you, as this form of combat is widely considered by expert fighters around the world to be one of the best of all time.
Martial arts that focus on the grappling, taking down of opponents, and submissions falls under this category. In a lot of street fights, often times after exchanging blows, both people end up on the ground and its usually the deciding factor that ends street fights as the guy that is on top usually comes out walking away the winner.
Bjj is the best martial arts you can learn for a street fight. The whole point of bjj is grappling.
If you get yourself into a street fight, i am sure you don’t want to make it fatal and end up behind bars. If you can end the battle with a grappling, joints lock or chokeholds, why bother hurting?.
District martial arts is the premier martial arts training academy located in arlington, virginia. We are experts in the instruction of brazilian jiu jitsu (bjj), muay thai, wrestling, boxing, krav maga, kickboxing and mixed martial arts. We pride ourselves on providing an environment for fun, happiness, and personal growth each day we come together. In addition our world-class coaching staff will use their unmatched expertise to ensure proper training and techniques – giving you the right formula for the results you desire.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu is self-defense and combat martial art that focus on grappling—this fighting art stresses on choke and lock submission techniques done from the ground. While learning bjj, you’ll notice some judo elements and throws from wrestling and sambo. Good things about bjj: it’s a martial art that sharpens your mind. Most people in a street fight lose control of their minds. They panic and don’t know what move to make. Bjj will not only keep you calm in such a situation, but you will be conscious about what next move to make.
Bjj is the best maa base. If you want to join mma, start with bjj. It will make your base rock solid. Mixed martial arts is also one of the best street fight martial arts. Bjj is one of the best work out. Who do you think will win a fight ? a person who work-out daily or a person who doesn’t work out at all. The answer is obvious, the person who works out.
Why is bjj the best street fight art? because it works against strikers. Sometimes self-defense is not enough. It would help if you struck your opponent too. That’s where muay thai comes in. The combination of bjj and muay thai will make you a deadly fighting machine.
The combination of bjj and muay thai can be a valid street fighting technique. But, what will you do if the three guys on the corner of the street are arm with weapons? you could use bjj for self-defense, but it won’t help as much as kali martial arts will do.
Kali, bjj, and muay thai are perfect martial arts for street fighting. But what does boxing have to do with street fighting? boxing is also one useful street-fighting skill. Do you know? one punch of a boxer can make you unconscious. Boxing is a dangerous game if you fight without gloves. Imagine you have a boxing skill and you are in an open street with those three guys ready to fight. Don’t you think you can knock them down with one punch each?.
Boxing is a very old martial arts that has been around for quite a while now and was a very popular form of combat sport over in europe and north america back in the old days. Nowadays its practiced practically everywhere in the world including asia, where even some world champion boxers have emerged.
History: this fighting style traces back as far as the 16th century during the conflict between the burmese of the konbaung dynasty and siam. And while it was definitely intended as a form of combat to be used in battlefield situations, it quickly became a competitive recreational sport. Also known as the “art of eight limbs†or the “science of eight limbs,†muay thai became famous for its unique combination of and expansion upon boxing and kickboxing, in which users don’t just strike with their hands and feet, but also their elbows and knees. …famous for its unique combination of and expansion upon boxing and kickboxing. In the early 1900s, muay thai would begin to become integrated into western fighting schools and, eventually, would develop its own federation (ifma) and would become integrated inexorably into mma, with some of the top combatants in the world ranking amongst its students – including anderson silva, wanderlei silva, michael bisbing, and cris cyborg.
With an all around style, such as mixed martial arts, students learn a hybrid fighting system of both striking and grappling. Instructors teach students a combination of both striking and grappling techniques such as boxing, muay thai, and brazilian jiu jitsu, which helps train the student for competence in both areas and able to fight in both environments.
Do you want to fight standing up via the use of punches, kicks, knees, elbows and more? then consider the striking arts of kickboxing, kung fu, karate and tae kwon do. Do you want to grapple? then get involved in brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling or judo (although judo is a throwing style , there are many schools that also go heavily into ground fighting as well).
The advantage of boxing is you know how to punch and where to punch on a face. Boxer hands are massive, and one knock can be fatal if hit on sensitive parts. Boxers are fighters. Every person who has boxing skills knows what a fight looks and feels. In his/her training session, they have a meeting where they have to compete with another student. Every boxer knows how to fight and avoid punch on their face.
Mixed martial arts (mma) gained worldwide fame through the fight promotion company ufc. Mixed martial arts is a hybrid martial arts fighting system that seeks to combine different elements and techniques from various styles of traditional martial arts such as boxing, thai boxing, brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, and karate among other styles.
Krav maga is a self defense fighting system that originated in israel back in the 20th century. Today krav maga is taught to the israeli defense forces (idf) and israeli security forces and has influences from a wide variety of traditional martial arts like boxing and karate. In krav maga students are taught how to strike, perform take downs, throws, and how to grapple on the ground, as well as how to defend against weapons.
History: sambo is distinct from all other eastern martial arts for one major reason: it was actually developed in the ussr. The term is actually an acronym, which translates literally to “self-defense without weapons†and was first used in the 1920s by the soviet red army to train their troops in hand-to-hand combat. This martial art can be divided into three categories. The first, combat sambo, is the type used in military applications. The second, sport sambo, is used in competition similarly to the japanese martial arts judo and jiu-jitsu. And the third, freestyle sambo, was crafted by the american sambo association and allows for more mma style applications. In the 1980 olympic games, sambo was demonstrated in the opening ceremonies by the ussr, but was never formally introduced into the olympic catalogue of sports. Today, sambo is recognized by fila as the third form of international wrestling, though it is still in the infant stages of worldwide popularity.
Among the founding forces, bruce lee has been hailed as the father of modern mma, according to ufc founder dana white. Lee’s practice of jeet kune do was a synthesis of kung fu, muay thai, boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, and more. This mixed martial art is quite similar to the combat style that the ufc sees inside the octagon today.
Principles: like a combination of judo and jiu-jitsu, sambo hinges on a combination of take-down throws and ground grappling, with joint locks and choke holds being incorporated into it or not depending upon the individual style. That being said, sambo is one of the more aggressive forms of grappling and/or wrestlingsambo hinges on a combination of take-down throws and ground grappling – likely a result of its origins as a military hand-to-hand combat system. As such, this form of martial art requires a good deal of strength and is less effective if the user is notably smaller than his opponent. All the same, when used against a similarly sized fighter or an off-guard opponent of slightly larger build, sambo can be an incredibly effective means of defending oneself against assault.
Mixed martial arts was believed to date back to the ancient olympic games in 648 bce, when pankration —the martial training of greek armies—was considered the combat sport of ancient greece. The brutal contest combined wrestling, boxing, and street fighting. Kicking and hitting a downed opponent were allowed; only biting and eye gouging were forbidden. A match ended when one of the fighters acknowledged defeat or was rendered unconscious. In some cases, competitors died during matches. Pankration became one of the most popular events of the ancient olympics.
Mma, which is also known as “cage fight†is also one of the best street fight martial arts. The one reason why mma is best for a street fight is because of its versatility. With this skill, you will become an all-round fighter. When you enrol for mma training, keep in mind you won’t be training in one specific style. You will learn a combination of skills from wrestling, boxing, martial arts, and combat arts. You will also learn different striking, grappling, locking and self-defense techniques.
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Bjj is a grappling art with an emphasis on choke and lock submission techniques done from the ground. It has elements from judo newaza and throws from wrestling and sambo. One thing that makes bjj the best grappling art in a street fight is that it was refined to work against strikers. In the early 90s, the gracie family proved brazilian jiu-jitsu against strikers in the ufc and in pride.
Judo is a japanese martial art that was invented in japan and is now an official olympic sport. Like brazilian jiu jitsu, judo teaches grappling, mainly a combination of throws, take downs, and submissions. But unlike brazilian jiu jitsu which has a heavier focus on ground fighting, judo practitioners prefer to stand up and throw their opponents to the ground and then pin or submit them.
History: originally developed in the late 1920s and ’30s by founder morihei ueshiba, this japanese martial art is a synthesis and continuation of another ancient fighting system known as daitÅ-ryÅ« aiki-jÅ«jutsu. In conjunction, much of this discipline’s principles, philosophy, and practices are heavily influenced by ueshiba’s love of the teachings of a neo-shintoist religious leader (and diehard pacifist) by the name of onisaburo deguchi, who ran the Åmoto-kyÅ religion out of ayabe, kyoto in the early 1900s. Aikido was introduced to the world at large in 1951, when its founder traveled to france to teach his techniques to judo students. This martial art is still widely practiced the world-round, although it does not have the same following as many of the most striking-oriented fighting systems out there. Nonetheless, it is still formidable in the hands of a practiced student.
Principles: aikido hinges on the founder’s dedication to universal peace and reconciliation. That is, to say, that this martial art is about as close as one can get to a peaceful fighting system. This martial art is about as close as one can get to a peaceful fighting system. Like judo, it focuses on a combination of grabs and throws designed to both protect one from attacks and disarm and incapacitate opponents swiftly and efficiently as possible – with as little injury as conceivable sustained by all parties. That being said, there are still strikes incorporated into aikido, and (depending on the school one attends) there is also a component of weapons combat, including sword and knife fighting , though this is more typically used for the purpose of teaching students how to disarm attackers.
Judo is a japanese martial art whose roots come from jiu jitsu. Founded by kanŠjigorŠin 1882 , judo is one of the takedown martial arts that includes joint-lock maneuvers and limited striking. The mantra “maximum efficient use of energy†best summarizes the practice of judo. This axiom builds upon one of the most important principles of jiu jitsu which directs students to use an enemy’s strength against them. This concept is known as jū yoku gŠo seisu or “softness controls hardness†whereby flexibility can overpower rigidity in your opponent by evading attacks to force your opponent off-balance.
History: translated from the japanese, judo means “gentle way,†which might seem a bit oxymoronic when you consider that it is a fighting style. That is, until you understand it’s roots. KanÅ jigorÅ, the fighting styles founder was the grandson of a shinto priest and had an academic upbringing. When he was just fourteen years old, he was sent to japan for school where he sought out a jujutsu teacher to help him defend himself against bullying. Struggling to find a teacher and jumping from school to school over a period of years, kanÅ jigorÅ instead decided to start his own practice that more closely incorporated his peaceful philosophy and would, at the time, be more accepted than jujutsu by a more westernized japan. His system would go on to be incorporated into the olympic games in 1932 as a competitive sport and would remain popular through today, even being used by famous mma fighters like ronda rousey and rick hawn.
The literal meaning of judo is the way of softness. The kanji character for 'ju' is taken from a chinese military saying that 'softness defeats hardness'. The emphasis in this sport is not on physical size or strength but on agility, balance and practise of waza, or techniques. The never-ending, repetitive practise of these waza or kata (forms) until they become as natural as breathing is central to all martial arts and takes up most of the time spent in the dojo.
Principles: as the name might suggest, the “gentle way,†is intended less as a means of attacking and more as a means of redirecting and disabling opponents. It also hinges on the principle of ‘maximum efficiency, minimum effort’ – meaning the user will ideally waste as little energy as possible in self defense, instead using the momentum of an attacker against themselves. The “gentle way,†is intended less as a means of attacking and more as a means of redirecting in general, judo is almost entirely free of striking when used by itself. It instead relies heavily upon a combination of throwing and grappling to disarm and disable assailants. It was, however, developed with real-world practicality in mind and is actually intended to be used in worst-case scenarios. So, if you’re worried that this is a form-over-function martial art, think again.
As you can see from the list above, each style and category has both its positives and negatives and there isn’t really a one size fits all approach to it when it comes to street fighting. Rather, you should pick a martial art that suits your needs and interest, because you will need to spend a large amount of time studying it and if you don’t enjoy it, you will end up quitting sooner or later.
Principles: it’s hard to pin down the technical aspects of jeet kune do because, frankly, they are constantly in flux. You see, it’s less an organized style and more a fighting philosophy. Bruce lee didn’t believe in “forms†or “disciplines,†but rather in the practicality of his philosophy in real-world survival situations. As such, it’s hard to say what physical principles jkd adheres to because the answer is – so long as it effectively applies to real-life combat – just about anything goes. So long as it effectively applies to real-life combat – just about anything goes. What jkd does offer, however, is ways of adapting to any combat situation. For instance, it is held in jkd that straight punches are the systems backbone, there’s a focus on explosive unreadable attacks that throw off your opponent, fluidity in any situation is a necessity, and that the simplest least wasteful movements are best. In can be argued that jkd is the most adaptable form of martial art on this list, but it is also the most formless – which has both benefits and drawbacks if you are seeking to learn it.
No doubt, mixed martial arts is one of the best martial arts. But the rules on the cage and street are not the same. If you are in a one-on-one fight, you have a chance of winning the battle. But if you are fighting against a gang, you will need all the martial arts skills mentioned above.
Also its importance to pick a style that suits your body type as well. A taller person would probably fair a lot better with a striking martial art due to their reach advantage whereas a smaller person would do well with a grappling style. Here’s a quick recap of the best martial arts for street fighting:.
“remember, the only rule in street fights is no rule. â€here are two genuine reasons why mma is great for a street fight. The versatility of techniques – mma gives you lots of fighting skills from all levels of martial and combat arts. The ankle locks, punches, throws, takedown defenses you see on the tv screen is 100% effective.
Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. Though studied for various reasons, broadly speaking, martial arts share a single objective: to defeat a person physically or to defend oneself from physical threat. Some martial arts are linked to spiritual or religious beliefs/philosophies such as buddhism, daoism or shinto while others have their own spiritual/non-spiritual code of honour. Martial arts are commonly associated with east asian cultures, but are by no means unique to asia. Throughout europe there was an extensive system of combat martial arts, collectively referred to as historical european martial arts, that existed until modern times and are now being reconstructed by several organizations while savate is a french kicking style developed by sailors and street fighters. In the americas native americans have a tradition of open-handed martial arts, that includes wrestling and hawaiians have historically practiced arts featuring small and large joint manipulation, a mix of origins occur in the athletic movements of capoeira that was created in brazil by slaves, based on skills brought with them from africa.
The martial arts mentioned above might now work for everybody and every street fight. And it might even take years to learn one martial art fighting technique. Remember, every martial art is a form of yoga in a different style. Every martial art preaches self-defense, self-discipline, and physical fitness. If you are training to take revenge, you are on the wrong track. No martial arts master teaches his/her students to cause a problem in society. Martial art is a great art to learn, but not for the cause of destruction and hatred.
Muay thai is a traditional thai martial art that is the national sport of thailand. Due to its effectiveness, it has quickly spread all across the globe and is now taught everywhere. Muay thai is known for its lethal and deadly elbows, knees, and leg kicks that often times leave their victims incapacitated.
Wing chun fighters are some of the most well rounded fighters in the world. Balance is one of the foundations of wing chun. Its fighter’s pride themselves on not being caught off balance or in a poor defense stance. Similar to krav maga, they attack and defend simultaneously and, unlike many martial arts styles, are deadly at close range.
Grandmaster robert trias formalized the practice of karate in the united states. Trias was a boxing champion who was introduced to karate while stationed in the solomon islands during wwii. After his introduction, he sought-out further martial arts education from numerous teachers in japan, china and hawaii before returning to arizona, usa and founding the first known martial arts school in the continental united states.
Muay thai is a thai martial arts style and has extremely deep roots in the country. The fighting style is thailand’s national sport and their cultural martial art. Muay thai experienced an almost darwin-like evolution. The deadly martial arts style was passed down from older soldiers and fathers to the younger generation.
As thailand is completely surrounded by other countries, the nations was under constant attack. Out of these countless battles, the weaker fighters were killed off and the strong fighters survived. Out of this, only the best muay thai was passed down to the next generation. Over the years, the deadly martial arts style became more and more powerful.
Japanese traditional sports generally grew out of the various fighting techniques used by the samurai warrior class in feudal japan. While the samurai were highly important in feudal society, after peace was established by tokugawa ieyasu in the early 1600's, their fighting skills were diverted into more spiritual activities. The fighting arts were combined with confucianism, shinto and zen buddhism as a means of spiritual as well as physical training. Over the years, the names changed also: kenjutsu, for example, meaning sword technique changed to kendo or the way of the sword to imply the spiritual discipline inherent in these arts. After the meiji restoration in 1868 and the subsequent collapse of the samurai class, the martial arts went into a short period of decline until they began to be introduced at schools across the country. But prior to world war ii, they were once again encouraged as part of japan's militarisation. And as a result, during the occupation , they were banned. But soon after, martial arts federations were set up and once again they found their way back into the school curriculum.
Muay thai also is known for â€art of the eight limbsâ€, is a combat sport that uses stand-up striking along with various clinching techniques, which means, instead of constant use of punches and kicks, muay thai fighters are able to use deadly knee and elbow attacks to hurt their opponents. While other martial arts are more likely to do combat simulations that are in a controlled environment, muay thai emphasizes sparring, competition and developing your reactions through fighting. The usual training for this martial art would require you essential warm-up consisting of jumping rope, jogging around, push-ups, squats, etc, followed by a light stretch and then some techniques that your instructor would teach you on how to make them, it’s also an art with a ranking system but in a special way, you can also knowing the best supplements for muay thai fighters.
simply put, this is something that you should know when talking with instructors and looking at schools, as it’s sure to come up. Are you looking to learn a martial arts style that claims it will teach you self-defense? then you’re in luck. Pretty much all martial arts styles claim to do just that. However, some martial artists believe sport martial arts do not really teach real-world self-defense skills. While sports are designed to allow practitioners to continue fighting, real-world self-defense requires that practitioners end a fight quickly. After all, if sport martial arts allowed killing moves, then there would be fewer athletes around after tournaments!.
As for fist of fury taking the top spot, i can tell you right now, it was a bitch ranking these films, especially the top 10, they are all masterpieces, and are interchangeable really, it just so happens im in a "fist of fury mood" at the moment and any of bruce's films can and should be at the top anyway, doesn't matter which one, they are all land marks in cinema history as far as im concerned. This film may not be as polished as many other films on this list, it had a lower budget too, and sure, it feels a bit dated by today's standards. But there is no arguing at bruce lee being a timeless icon. His charisma, influence and overall skill is still unmatched today. Bottom line is, there would be no jackie chans, van dammes, and/or jet lis without this man and his contribution to the martial arts world & cinema.
Aikido is the best martial art. It is defensive and effective at the same time. Aikido is the best art for self-defense without violence and bloodsheda real gem of a martial art from ever awesome japan. This art can be practice at any time regardless of age or gender, surprisingly takes longer to master but definitely a good foundation to start your martial arts training, not just the development of timing and fundamentals of proper falling but understanding techniques through training with weapons. The vast majority of practitioners welcome each other worldwide on open mat. Clearly, aikido is a very beautiful art to enjoy in one's daily practice.
As aikido is purely defensive, it is not really a sport but is one of the martial arts. It was developed from jujutsu by ueshiba morihei (1883~1969) who, mainly for religious reasons, wanted to move the art away from its competitive elements. By 1922, he had developed his own techniques which he called aiki bujutsu, aiki meaning meeting of energies. He later renamed it aikido. It consists essentially of using an attackers strength and energy to defeat him. Twists and holds on the arm and leg joints are used to throw or immobilize the attacker. The popularity of aikido has grown in japan and internationally since the 1960's. Many people from around the world, as well as japan's own riot police, train at the yoshinkan dojo in tokyo.
Imagine watching a movie in the theaters 20 years ago. It stars keanu reeves of bill & ted fame, and begins with a hacker/corporate employee being fed a pill that takes him out of a simulation into the “real worldâ€. Suddenly, you’re in a dojo and watching “masterful†martial arts.
Ok, i'm cheating here. Mixed martial arts essentially combines almost everything on this list. Throughout the evolution of the ufc and other "no holds barred" fighting series, mma has weeded out ineffectual martial arts and kept the most effective. You won't see many aikido masters in mma, because it hasn't proven itself in a real-world scenario. It also beats out krav maga because of the extreme training it takes to be a successful mma fighter, and because of how it merges  various practices together into a cohesive whole. A successful mma fighter typically knows boxing (or muay thai), wrestling (or judo) and jiu jitsu.
Boxing is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It is a martial art which holly focuses on hand dexterity. Boxing consists of four punches---the jab, the cross, the hook, and the uppercut. But from those four punches you can develop many dangerous variations. If you learn boxing, you will learn how to evenly distribute your weight, how to move your feet, how to move your head, how to avoid punches, and how to punch properly. All these things will give you a huge advantage in a street fight. Once you get really good at boxing, you will be able to develop "knockout power" that can knock your opponent out with just one punch.