by Brock
Posted on 13-07-2020 04:46 AM
Krav maga is a self defense fighting system that originated in israel back in the 20th century.
Today krav maga is taught to the israeli defense forces (idf) and israeli security forces and has influences from a wide variety of traditional martial arts like boxing and karate. In krav maga students are taught how to strike, perform take downs, throws, and how to grapple on the ground, as well as how to defend against weapons.
History: if you’re wondering why, on a list of self-defense martial arts, we’ve got a big picture of bruce lee, it’s because he is the creator and founder responsible for the fighting style known as jeet kune do. July 9th, 1969 is jkd’s birthday, but it’s roots actually date back a bit further. Specifically to bruce lee’s mentor, ip man. It was through his teachings of wing chung kung fu that bruce lee learned the founding skills and principles that would lead him to become one of the world’s most famous and most accomplished martial artists. Today, there are number of jkd schools around the world, some of which with instructors who learned from bruce lee himself. Similarly, there are a few examples in popular culture of practitioners of the martial art – including kareem abdul jabbar, brandon lee (his son), and nicolas cage.
Tenshinhan’s subsequent fight with jackie chun is less a battle and more a discussion of martial arts. On one hand, the two fights never do anything too extraordinary, keeping things down to earth and grounded. On the other hand, jackie chun uses this opportunity to dig into tenshinhan’s character, sharing his martial arts gifts martial arts gifts martial arts gifts philosophy with the would-be assassin.
History: also known as jujutsu, jujitsu, and pretty much every other phonetic variation, this is one of the oldest surviving forms of japanese martial arts. Dating back to the late 1400s, this fighting system was actually developed for battlefield use , to be brought into the fray when weapons were unavailable or ineffective. Relying heavily upon throws, immobilizing, choking, and joint locks, jiu-jitsu became an especially important and effective form of combat as armored battle fell out of favor in the 17th century. This fighting style would go on to become one of the all-time most popular martial arts in the modern day, thanks in large part to the brazilian style, developed by the gracie brothers, and its use in mixed martial arts gift ideas martial arts gifts martial arts master gift around the world. If you’ve ever watched a match in the octagon and saw someone win by submission, chances are they are using jiu-jitsu. If you’ve ever watched a match in the octagon and saw someone win by submission, chances are they are using a skill honed through the practice of jiu-jitsu. The two main surviving forms now are japanese – which is geared more toward unsanctioned self defense and has many sub-styles – and brazilian – which is much more competition-focused and nearly entirely based on the gracie method.
Mrjerry/moment/getty images taekwondo was named on april 11, 1955. It is primarily a striking style of martial arts. Hand and leg strikes are taught as well as blocks. But taekwondo is known for its kicking, particularly athletic kicking ( spinning back kicks , jump kicks, etc. ) and its heavy focus on being a sport. Taekwondo is said to be the most popular single martial arts style worldwide, with over 70 million practitioners. It is also an olympic sport.
History: sambo is distinct from all other eastern gifts for the martial arts enthusiast martial arts gifts gifts for martial arts for one major reason: it was actually developed in the ussr. The term is actually an acronym, which translates literally to “self-defense without weapons†and was first used in the 1920s by the soviet red army to train their troops in hand-to-hand combat. This martial art can be divided into three categories. The first, combat sambo, is the type used in military applications. The second, sport sambo, is used in competition similarly to the japanese martial arts judo and jiu-jitsu. And the third, freestyle sambo, was crafted by the american sambo association and allows for more mma style applications. In the 1980 olympic games, sambo was demonstrated in the opening ceremonies by the ussr, but was never formally introduced into the olympic catalogue of sports. Today, sambo is recognized by fila as the third form of international wrestling, though it is still in the infant stages of worldwide popularity.
Karate is one of the striking martial arts that heavily emphasizes self-defense and counter-striking your opponent. Kicks, punches and a wide, strong stance are staples of karate, along with a deep spiritual practice. In the 19th century, the father of modern karate, gichin funakoshi, explained that the main purpose of karate is to perfect the self. In fact, in one of his 20 precepts , he states, “spiritual development is paramount; technical skills are merely a means to an end. †from this, it’s clear that karate should be interpreted as a spiritual practice first and a physical practice second.
History: if you are looking for a little bit of everything, then you can’t go wrong with mixed martial arts. While mma is hardly a new concept (people have been combining different fighting systems into more fluid forms of martial arts for centuries), the modern concept as we know it has only been around since about the 1920s, when carlos and hélio gracie (the brothers who founded the famous gracie school of brazilian jiu-jitsu) issued a series of challenges to prove that their fighting system was, simply put, the best out there. Over time that evolved into sanctioned matches and began to spread around the world. This type of competition was first introduced to the u. S.
In the early 1980s, but it wouldn’t be until the mid ’90s and the emergence of the ultimate fighting championship that it would evolve into the massive sport we know and love today.
There are many different types of martial arts practices. These include striking martial arts, take-down martial arts, grappling martial arts, and hybrid martial arts. On the farthest ends of the spectrum martial arts can also be practiced with weapons, like in kali, or practiced for meditation, like in tai-chi. Skip to most popular martial arts.
There is no one best type of martial art. Rather, each type or style possesses its own unique strengths and weaknesses. The best martial art for you depends on what you want to learn or accomplish. That said, you should consider a number of factors when deciding which martial art suits you best.
Kung fu or wushu are terms often used to refer to chinese martial arts. This form of martial arts encompasses hundreds of different types of martial arts that have developed over numerous centuries. The founding of kung fu is said to have taken place at the shaolin temple , a buddhist monastery, in 527 a. D. Its purpose was to improve the health, strength and vitality of the monks who lived there. From these beginnings, chinese martial arts spread across the country and evolved over millennia.
Some martial arts types, such as brazilian jiu-jitsu and mma, require a high level of physical fitness. Further, it’s recommended that you actually come into the gym or school in reasonable shape or risk some very hard early days. All you’ll need is the drive to get yourself back in excellent physical condition before getting involved in such a program. Do some cardio and work that core.
If you have watched any of the kung fu panda movies, you will be aware that kung fu is one of the deadliest and most effective martial arts for self-defense. Wing chun is a type of kung fu, the most notable practitioner being the iconic bruce lee. Wing chun is a traditional chinese kung fu style and a close combat martial art form utilizing striking and grappling. It was developed in the 17th century but its history is a combination of both fact and fable.
Martial arts came into mainstream consciousness when it was featured in various action-type television programs and films. Later on, it became the central story in most movies during the 1960's and 1970's. Nowadays, hollywood chinese actors jackie chan and jet li help promote martial arts through their movies. While movies brought martial arts to the public, it has always been used in military trainings, self defense, health and fitness, mental, physical and spiritual development; and combat sport.
Simply put, this is something that you should know when talking with instructors and looking at schools, as it’s sure to come up. Are you looking to learn a martial arts style that claims it will teach you self-defense? then you’re in luck. Pretty much all martial arts styles claim to do just that. However, some martial artists believe sport martial arts do not really teach real-world self-defense skills.
While sports are designed to allow practitioners to continue fighting, real-world self-defense requires that practitioners end a fight quickly. After all, if sport martial arts allowed killing moves, then there would be fewer athletes around after tournaments!.
Martial arts can be divided into the armed and unarmed arts. The former include archery , spearmanship, and swordsmanship; the latter, which originated in china , emphasize striking with the feet and hands or grappling. In japan , traditionally a warrior’s training emphasized archery, swordsmanship, unarmed combat, and swimming in armour. Members of other classes interested in combat concentrated on arts using the staff, everyday work implements (such as thrashing flails, sickles, and knives), and unarmed combat. Perhaps the most versatile practice was ninjutsu, which was developed for military spies in feudal japan and also included training in disguise, escape, concealment, geography, meteorology, medicine, and explosives. In modern times, derivatives of some of the armed martial arts, such as kendŠ(fencing) and kyūdŠ(archery), are practiced as sports. Derivatives of the unarmed forms of combat, such as judo, sumo , karate, and tae kwon do , are practiced, as are self-defense forms, such as aikido , hapkido , and kung fu. Simplified forms of tai chi chuan ( taijiquan ), a chinese form of unarmed combat, are popular as healthful exercise , quite divorced from martial origins. Derivatives of many of the armed and unarmed forms are practiced as a means of spiritual development.
The combination of bjj and muay thai can be a valid street fighting technique. But, what will you do if the three guys on the corner of the street are arm with weapons? you could use bjj for self-defense, but it won’t help as much as kali martial arts will do.
Grappling, in hand-to-hand combat , is a sport that consists of gripping or seizing the opponent. Similarly to wrestling , grappling is used at close range to gain a physical advantage over an opponent such as imposing a position , or to cause injury to the opponent. Grappling covers techniques used in many disciplines, styles and martial arts that are practiced both as combat sports and for self-defense. Grappling contests often involve takedowns and ground control , and may end when a contestant concedes defeat, also known as a submission or tap out.
Kali, which is also known as arnis or escrima, originated from filipino martial arts (fma). This fighting technique has elements from both eastern and western martial arts. It’s a weapon-based fighting technique used by the military in the philippines. There is a lot of difference between fighting armed and unarmed. Whether your opponent is a martial artist or not, it would be a foolish move to make if your opponent has a weapon unless you know some arm self-defense and fighting technique.
Sharing knowledge and helping other reach their full potential is what we do best. The martial arts were originally aimed towards life preservation and self-defense, but today people come to us from all walks of life, each with their own set of reasons for wanting to train at mousel’s mixed martial arts academy. Some want to learn self-defense, others want to fight competitively, some seek to become physically fit and others just want to have fun. Whatever the reason you chose, you will find others just like yourself studying at mousel’s mixed martial arts academy.
Mma, which is also known as “cage fight†is also one of the best street fight martial arts. The one reason why mma is best for a street fight is because of its versatility. With this skill, you will become an all-round fighter. When you enrol for mma training, keep in mind you won’t be training in one specific style. You will learn a combination of skills from wrestling, boxing, martial arts, and combat arts. You will also learn different striking, grappling, locking and self-defense techniques.
Judo is a japanese martial art that was invented in japan and is now an official olympic sport. Like brazilian jiu jitsu, judo teaches grappling, mainly a combination of throws, take downs, and submissions. But unlike brazilian jiu jitsu which has a heavier focus on ground fighting, judo practitioners prefer to stand up and throw their opponents to the ground and then pin or submit them.
Principals: while there are many martial arts which contain multiple styles to be used on a case-by-case basis, none of them are quite as comprehensive as mma. This single-combat focused fighting system encourages both users and teachers to incorporate the best of literally every single other martial art…incorporates the best of literally every single other martial art. Into their style, to be used as the situation calls for it. This can often be seen in the training of professional-level fighters, who – like playing a game of chess – will attempt to focus their styles on techniques that directly counter those of their opponents. For instance, if you are up against a championship boxer, a good mma fighter would suggest taking the fight to the ground and counter their striking with grappling. Every mma gym is different and they all have their own focus, as do individual instructors, so it’s fairly easy for any student to find a version they like and double down on it.
There’s a coin toss between these two styles, and either one will help your ground game. While boxing is centered almost wholly on striking, these two work on grappling. You’re much more likely to get into a grappling fight than a stand-up swinging match, but you don’t want close quarters to be your first move if you can avoid it. Wrestling and jiu jitsu help you learn to wriggle, make the most of small space, control an opponent with your body, knock someone out easily, escape, and handle an aggressive adversary when they’re right on top of you. Especially important for women who want to help combat sexual assault.
Grappling most commonly does not include striking or the use of weapons. However, some fighting styles or martial arts known especially for their grappling techniques teach tactics that include strikes and weapons either alongside grappling or combined with it. Grappling techniques can be broadly subdivided into clinch fighting ; takedowns and throws ; submission holds and pinning or controlling techniques ; and sweeps , reversals, turnovers, and escapes.
Silat is system of self defence that covers a wide range of fighting aspects. Weapons, ground work and even grappling are all featured making it incredible dangerous. However the speed of application of these techniques in often both spell binding and overwhelming. Anyone that attacks a silat expert will find themselves on the receiving end of strikes and limb destructions that would make anyone run for cover.
Savesavedremoved 0 mma lends a great deal of heritage from brazilian martial arts. There are many fighting styles originating in brazil which have become integral to success as a mixed martial artist. Grappling in both an upright position and on the ground is almost always the decider of the outcome of the fight.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu (bjj) is a grappling-based martial art whose main idea is the skill of controlling opponents in ways that force them to submit, it is also a combat sport system that focuses on catching the other with particular emphasis on ground fighting, due to that fact, this martial art’s techniques are centered to take an opponent down to the ground and wrestling for a dominant position where the opponent can be rendered harmless.
Martial arts that focus on the grappling, taking down of opponents, and submissions falls under this category. In a lot of street fights, often times after exchanging blows, both people end up on the ground and its usually the deciding factor that ends street fights as the guy that is on top usually comes out walking away the winner.
The martial arts mentioned above might now work for everybody and every street fight. And it might even take years to learn one martial art fighting technique. Remember, every martial art is a form of yoga in a different style. Every martial art preaches self-defense, self-discipline, and physical fitness. If you are training to take revenge, you are on the wrong track. No martial arts master teaches his/her students to cause a problem in society. Martial art is a great art to learn, but not for the cause of destruction and hatred.
That said, the fights do fundamentally change even if the themes and tone don’t. With the arrival of raditz, martial arts more or less gets thrown out the window. Though to be fair, the over-focus on flight makes that difficult. Looking back on the early series, quite a few fights were straight-up martial arts bouts with ki only serving as dressing. Most of these fights are some of the best in the franchise to boot.
Kali sometimes referred to interchangeably as arnis or escrima, comes from filipino martial arts (fma). It’s primarily a weapons-based system that is used by the military in the philippines and some branches of the us military. This art emphasizes weapons such as sticks, knives, swords, but also uses many open hand techniques. Kali knife defense and offense make it perfect for street fights. You never know when someone will bust out a knife, and it’s good to know how to take out threats while taking the least amount of damage possible. That means protecting vital organs and arteries.
Far and away the best fight in the original series and one of the best in the franchise period, goku’s battle with majunior at the end of the 23rd tenkaichi budokai is simply legendary. Even ignoring his amazingly choreographed meteor combo, goku fights like an actual martial artist, developing strategies around piccolo that make sense (for dragon ball’s logic. )as the final tournament arc in the series, it’s nice to see dragon ball go out on a bang. What makes the whole situation better is the fact that goku deliberately invokes martial arts during the fight, rejecting all help so he can defeat piccolo and win the tenkaichi budokai in the process.
You have the classic story beats of a great jackie chan fight scene. At first he’s pretty good, but then the bad guys gang up on him and he starts to lose. Then he fights the “boss†and he really starts to lose, but he fights back. Then he really starts to lose — like we’re worried, all showcased in one of the most amazing action stunts ever filmed.
Director: wei lo | stars: bruce lee , nora miao , james tien , maria yi votes: 25,198 | gross: $1. 29m i know its cliche to have one of bruce lee's films at the top, but who can argue with his impact? seriously. There were martial arts films before him sure, however he is the sole reason the genre exploded in the 70's, and well after his death to even today and for many more years to come, he broke down racial barriers and became the first asian superstar the world has ever known, his work ethic and workout regime was ahead of its time, he founded his own form of martial arts, and came up with the concept of mixing different aspect from different forms from all over the world to make the most affective use in any situation, basically to adapt to any fighting method, which went on to of course inspire the ufc & mma in general and for that reason he is being hailed as the "father of mixed martial arts" and his impact on popular culture is incredible, especially with just 4 completed kung fu films under his belt. Bruce lee is the king of kung fu cinema and is arguably the greatest martial artist of the 20th century. He is a philosopher, a teacher, a director, a writer, an actor, a martial artist, an inspiration, a family man, and a legend. Its safe to say he influenced & inspired everyone on this list.
Do you want to fight standing up via the use of punches, kicks, knees, elbows and more? then consider the striking arts of kickboxing, kung fu, karate and tae kwon do. Do you want to grapple? then get involved in brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling or judo (although judo is a throwing style , there are many schools that also go heavily into ground fighting as well).
Martial arts (also superficially known as kung fu fighting, the art of kicking ass, or dancing in white pyjamas whilst feeling other men's chi ) is a common term used to describe formalized systems of fighting. While many people consider martial artists to be badasses who can whup ass, there is a significant amount of woo involved, such as claims of "no touch knock outs" and fat old men who claim to be able to take on 30 d3ad1y n1njers sent to kill them.
The lake fight scene in hero is by far the most beautiful fight scenes ever to be filmed and quite possibly one of the most beautiful scene ever to be filmed period. It has everything from perfect wire work, awesome choreography, interesting camera placement, and blissful sound design.
Although karatedo (way of the empty hand), or simply karate, is usually thought of as a native japanese martial art in the west, in japan it is not. It started in the ryukyu kingdom (modern-day okinawa) as a hybrid of indigenous fighting techniques and the chinese form of boxing known in the west as kung-fu. After the sino-japanese war in 1895, okinawa became a prefecture of japan and karate began to spread to the mainland. The sport developed in tokyo's universities after the okinawan master funakoshi gichin was invited by the education ministry to give a demonstration at keio university in the early 1920's. Two main schools and many different styles have evolved over the years. Following a postwar decline, the sport became increasingly popular around the world.
By m. W. Byrne western culture can often lump all fighting styles into a big heap that is called “karate†or “kung fu†or these days even “mma. †though it’s true to some degree that a punch is a punch is a punch, the fact is that different martial arts are better suited to different situations. Some are also more effective at accomplishing particular goals, be it reducing harm, breaking bones, fighting to cripple, or going in with killing intent. They’re also customized to help people of different sizes, genders, builds, temperaments, and experience defend themselves effectively.
Kung fu is traditionally known as “chinese martial arts†or “wushu†in chinese mandarin. Kung fu consists of various fighting styles classified according to traits or geographical association. It was mainly used in ancient china for self-defense, hunting and military training. Chinese martial arts training has a wide component that includes forms, styles, basics, applications, weapons, philosophy, ethics and even medical practice. Learning about chinese attitude and culture completes the training system.
Finally, a chinese martial art worth mentioning. Its background is in kung fu, but it has evolved into a combat sport, combining elements of kickboxing and takedowns that have proven quite effective in real-world fighting scenarios.
10 july 2002 | by ali6969uk – see all my reviews this is a decent effort for a b-movie martial arts actioner. Ian jacklin, a former north american cruiser weight kickboxing champion, is the lead and acquits himself well in the action scenes. The muscular matthias hues gets a chance to add more to his martial arts bad guy persona in this film than in all of his many others and if you are a fan of the teutonic titan, rent this movie now!.
The chateau fight scene from the matrix reloaded is one of the best martial arts fight scenes in a movie for a number of reasons. Notice how the camera moves in this scene. It often begins on a piece of production design or a prop, but then move to reframe one of the combatants.
The way this scene was used to both explain the rules of the matrix as well as setting up important call backs, character motivations, and some of the best mid fight one-liners is why the sparring program will go down as one of the best martial arts fight scenes of all time.
Now that you’ve read our list of the best martial arts fight scenes of all time, make sure to check out our list on all of the james bond films ranked so that you can see which are the first to watch with friends.
Made in 1982 in hong kong, this martial arts fantasy movie is at no. 7 on this list. Set in the backdrop of the qing dynasty, the queen sends her agents in search of the supernatural martial artists who can stave off bullets as well. One of these agents disbands the forces. This makes the queen order the others to find him and eliminate him. The film has some classical fight scenes involving the legendary weapons of china such as rope dart, snake halberd, double-edged sword, etc. There are scenes involving some great hand to hand combat as well.
One of the top martial arts films, the drunken master ii starring the redoubtable jackie chan, is at no. 3 on this list. Released in north america by the name the legend of the drunken master in 2000, this film brings out a new facet of jackie chan to the fore. Jackie’s excellent sense of comic timing is the highlight of the film. The way he fights after appearing drunk is stupendous. This film has several scenes where jackie chan is beaten mercilessly because of his consumption of alcohol. His master implores him to let go of the habit. In one of the fights, they shoot his master thereby enraging jackie chan to vow to finish them off. Set in the backdrop of the british consulate crimes, smuggling of artifacts and ancient chinese herbs, this film is an absolute classic, mainly because of jackie chan.
This weekend saw the release of two solid action films from performers many fans had already written off, donnie yen and tony jaa – my reviews of kung fu killer and skin trade can be found here – and inspired by this happy surprise we’re doing two things. I’m listing the twelve best movie martial arts-style fight scenes *and* we’re giving away five of yen’s best movies on blu-ray (well, technically four of his best plus iceman)!.
If you haven’t seen ong bak, i recommend you stop reading this article, neglect all other responsibilities and watch it. The movie has terrible acting and a terrible story line but, because of the incredible tony jaa, it’s one of the best fighting movies i’ve ever seen. Below is a clip of tony jaa destroying opponents using muay thai.
This film is very special because two of the best martial arts movie fighters play together: tony jaa and jija yanin. Plot: once again, kham’s (tony jaa) pet elephant has been abducted and he must fight anyone in his way to find him. Be prepared for the extreme fights by tony jaa, here is the trailer for tom yum goong 2….
This is one of the more iconic bruce lee fight scenes, and it shows how a group of combatants can lead to a more exciting fight scene. It also influenced many imitators, some of which raise the bar, and others that seem to take the worst parts of this scene as the main takeaway.
Jeet kune do (jkd) is a martial that was created by the infamous bruce lee. Jeet kune do was created with realism in mind and was fueled partially by bruce lee's early childhood in which he had many fights in the streets of hong kong. Jkd emphasizes fighting without preconceived forms or patterns that is so imminent in most traditional martial arts. Rather, jkd has a set of guiding principles in which to guide its practitioner. This martial arts emphasizes a nimble yet bladed stance with a lot of side kicks. Bruce lee also adopted many techniques from boxing, including the roll and forearm blocks. Jkd emphasizes practical strikes, low hard-to-block kicks, and efficient use of energy---thereby making it a good martial art to learn to protect yourself in a street fight.
The fight scenes in ip man are so devastatingly awesome, you’ll want to start training in wing chun as soon as the credits roll. Bruce lee’s mentor, as played by donnie yen, is soft-spoken, kind, and insanely badass when it comes to combat. Ip man is not just a watch-worthy flick because of the great fight scenes, but it’s also an interesting historical look at the world ip man lived in and what life was like in 1930’s southern china. Plus, any dude who trained bruce lee must be pretty decent, right?.
August 9, 2017 from jet li to jackie chan and bruce lee, we take a look at the 10 best movie martial arts fight scenes of all time. Loads of people are in to mixed martial arts fighting such as hector lombard who says that mma is his life and passion, if he can love it that much then so can you! if after reading all of this you find yourself inspired to learn the martial arts then you should look for a place that will teach you. For example, ska mma offer bjj classes if you’re interested. Might as well start somewhere.
Based on the life of yip ka-man, the man who taught bruce lee, ip man tells the story of what the master did during the japanese occupation of china in the 1930s. Forced into poverty by the invasion, ip is forced to fight for the amusement of the japanese. When a general tries to force ip to train his men, the master refuses, setting a brutal conflict in motion. Beautifully acted and directed, ip man would be an incredible movie without donnie yen’s jaw-dropping fights. But of course, it’s those very fights that make it one of the best martial arts movies on netflix.
There are so many great jackie chan fight scenes, and you could easily make an entire best fight scenes list that featured nothing but scene from his films and it would totally count as a legitimate list. That being said, this fight scene is, in our opinion, the greatest of all time.
Finally a jackie chan movie for the list. Not only that, but a jackie chan movie where he gains his fighting ability by drinking. The script writes itself! the film features some of the funniest/coolest fight scenes you’ll ever see. Just don’t pound maker’s mark and try to fight after watching it.
If you only know jackie chan from his pg-13 american films, legend of drunken master will be a bone-crunching change of place. This action-comedy features a much more violent side of chan, along with some of his finest fights. Chan plays wong fei hong, a master of drunken boxing, a combat style that gets stronger the more he drinks. Forbidden from fighting by his father, hong tries to hide his secret war against a group of gangsters. The plot is slight, but the fight on hot coals demands attention decades after its release.
Kung fu – the most popular chinese martial art in the world. It is mostly known from famous jackie chan and other chinese action/martial arts movies. Kung fu has deep traditions and philosophy; it will develop not just your whole body, but the soul and mind as well. Kung fu training involves fighting with weapons, meditations and studying different fighting styles. They all have interesting names: monkey style, five animals, drunken boxing and others.
Paul bramhall january 3, 2020 what would the end of a decade be without a look back on the movies which came out of it? we may no longer be in the golden era of fight flicks, but one only needs to spend a few moments thinking of the past 10 years, to realise there’s still plenty of talent with the enthusiasm and skill to create a great martial arts movie. From new blood like iko uwais and max zhang, to members of the old guard like sammo hung and jackie chan, the 10’s was a decade which gave everyone their moment to shine.