by Ben
Posted on 27-08-2020 02:26 AM
Use the paramedic method as a revision technique to help you make your writing more clear and concise. Click the button below to read an explanation of the paramedic method. Important:Â Â when you click on a grammar lesson, it will take you to a version of the document in dropbox. Once there, go to the upper right hand corner and select "download" (an arrow pointing down.
If that does not appear, click on the three dots and select "download").
Use the paramedic method (originally developed by richard lanham in revising prose) to edit any kind of professional writing. Editing your professional writing using the paramedic method will make your prose easier to read. Sentences that are easy to read are more persuasive and more user-centered. Professional writers understand the need for clear, concise prose. An industry standard for helping workplace writers achieve user-centered, persuasive, and clear prose is the best gifts for your paramedic paramedic coffee mug cute paramedic gifts method.
When you use the paramedic method, you will reduce your word count by eliminating unnecessary words. The gift ideas for a paramedic paramedic mug paramedic gifts ideas method also helps you activate your sentences by eliminating passive voice and redundancies. The paramedic method is an easy to learn, systematic way to make your sentences more persuasive and more user-centered.
Example sentences to practice conciseness and the parametic method: (print versions of exercise: pdf | docx. )to revise these sentences, you should follow the useful paramedic gifts mug gifts paramedic gift ideas paramedic method and principles of revising sentences described in the " revising sentences using the paramedic method " writing guide. 1. The decision was made by my boss yesterday.
Summary: this resource will help you write clear, concise sentences while remaining in the passive voice. Passive voice is used quite often in scientific writing. Contributors:daniell cordaro, allen brizee last edited: 2018-02-14 04:22:48 the paramedic method is an editing exercise originally described in richard lanham’s revising prose. The original exercise helps people recognize wordy sentences written in the passive voice. This adaptation reverses one purpose of the activity and assists in recognizing and implementing passive voice, which is often used in scientific writing. This reverse method should still help writers make sentences less wordy and more concise.
Read about the paramedic method from richard lanham's revising prose basic steps of the paramedic method (slightly modified) circle all the “to be†verbs. Circle all the prepositions. Focus on sentences one at a time that have circles (particularly to be verbs). Ask "where's the action?" ask, "who's kicking who? clarify the real "actor" (subject) and the real "action" (verb).
This method will help you recognize and edit wordy sentences. It will enable you to reduce your word count and activate your sentences by eliminating redundancies and the passive voice. The following primary editing elements were originally described in richard lanham’s revising prose. Circle the prepositions (including: of, in, about, for, onto, into).
Posted on january 25, 2017 by misspsycosexual use the paramedic method (originally developed by richard lanham in revising prose) to edit any kind of professional writing. Editing your professional writing using the paramedic method will make your prose easier to read. Sentences that are easy to read are more persuasive and more user-centered.
See the answer
using the "paramedic method", edit the following sentences as
concisely as possible. Make each of the four sentence less
wordy. :1-the point i wish to make is that the employees working at this
company are in need of a much better manager of their retirement
packages. 2-it was proposed by the personnel division that a deferred.
Ty - cpaper ab - a paramedic method tool to shield engineering instructors from poor writingabstractwhile engineering instructors may enjoy reading student reports in order to help teach difficultconcepts, data analysis, challenging problem solving, communication skills, and critical thinking,too many students seem to prefer obfuscating the subject matter and key ideas by using unclearwriting. An instructor dismayed by painfully poor prose in submitted assignments has numerousfamiliar options available. Consider just a few: 1. Ignore the poor writing 2. Mark every error directly 3. Mark every error with a marginal comment 4. Give vague feedback about the poor writing over the entire assignment 5. Expect students to rewrite and resubmit work 6. Employ someone to read assignments 7. Retire or change careersinstructors who use one or more of the above techniques in response to their students’ work mayor may not see their efforts bear fruit, but they do invest time in the process, sometimes quitesignificant amounts of time. This work questions whether a minor intervention could guide students without adding anexcessive burden on instructors. Richard lanham’s paramedic method, described wonderfully inhis book, revising prose, inspired the author to steer students toward his excellent advice. However, in the author’s hands, the advice alone too often fell flat. Thinking a software approachmight work better, we devised a tool students can use to help them identify poor writingsymptoms and encourage targeted editing to improve clarity. With this paramedic methodhighlighter tool, students seem to respond more positively and, sometimes, even edit their work. The webpage http://tinyurl. Com/pm-macro contains the macro, instructions for its use, and videoexplanations. In practice, the tool permits students to receive automated feedback prior to firstsubmitting their work, freeing the instructor to focus on more interesting learning. This study describes the paramedic method highlighter tool and its applications during the pasttwo years in electrical engineering lecture courses, lab courses, and senior design courses. Direct assessment of student work measures how effectively the students apply the paramedicmethod to their writing assignments. Indirect measures survey student attitudes toward theirwriting and the paramedic method tool. While student attitudes toward their writing and thisintervention range from quite positive to quite negative, using the tool does correlate with signsof improved student writing.
Apply the paramedic method to sentences that are passive, wordy, unclear, or excessively
long. Underline the prepositional phrases (to, at, in, by, from, etc. ).
Circle all the "to be" verbs (am, is, are, was, were, etc. ).
Find the "action" in the sentence. (look for nominalizations, e. G. "description" rather
than "describe. ")
put this action in a simple (not compound) active verb.
( printable version here ) richard lanham, a professor of english at ucla, invented an easy-to-use method for making your writing clearer and more concise. The writing center strongly advocates lanham's "paramedic method" for your writing. Here's how to do it: 1a. Circle the prepositions. Too many prepositions can drain all the action out of a sentence. Get rid of the prepositions and find a strong active verb to make the sentence direct:.
Steps of the paramedic method: 1) underline prepositional phrases 2) highlight 'to be' verbs 3) bold the nominalizations 4) write nominalizations as simple action verbs 5) italicize the agent. Ask "who or what preforms the action?" 6) put the base clause (agent action) at or near the beginning of the sentence. 7) eliminate unnecessary words and phrases (including unnecessary wind ups) 8) fix any other errors in grammar or style that you see (passive voice, direct address etc).
Most computer professionals know that difficult ethical issues may arise in their work. We believe that these professionals want to “do the right thing. †they accept their responsibilities as moral agents and they recognize that their special technical skills give them power and responsibilities. However, the will to act ethically is not sufficient; computer professionals also need skills to arrive at reasonable, ethical decisions. In this article we suggest a set of guidelines to help computer professionals consider the ethical dimensions of technical decisions and offer practical advice to individuals who need to make timely decisions in an ethical manner. We call our guidelines a paramedic method to suggest a medical analogy. We use our method on two realistic ethical dilemmas facing computer professionals.
We gather and analyze the data and reach conclusions much as the principals in our cases might. Our paramedic method is not a replacement for considered analysis by professional ethicists. It is a method by which computer professionals can quickly organize and view the facts of an ethical dilemma in a systematic and practical fashion.
Consider this sample sentence: in this paragraph is a demonstration of the use of good style in the writing of a report. There’s nothing inherently ungrammatical about this sentence, but it certainly is hard to follow! this is the kind of sentence that benefit from the paramedic method. You can see how steps 1-4 would look below:.
For style--the paramedic method prepared by dr. David blakesley in most circumstances, writers want their writing to be understood by their readers, and they're happy if their readers also find their writing pleasing, instructive, or persuasive. Simply put, we usually want readers to know what we mean, and we want to make their efforts to know seem worthwhile.
Perhaps you’ve been told that your writing is wordy or that your heavy phrasing confuses your reader. Most writers face this problem of “overwriting. â€however, clear sentences are integral to clarity and facilitating your reader’s understanding. To ensure greater readability, try using the paramedic method described here. The “paramedic method†is an easy, do-it yourself approach for eliminating unnecessary phrasing and repetitions. Developed by ucla professor richard lanham (revising prose), this approach provides an effective way to reduce “overwriting. â€.
As a student who seeks to create advanced content, i often find myself overwriting. Like many college students, i convince myself that my work is more complete when i add fancy words and phrases. However, i know quality and quantity are not copacetic. The best content is meaningful, direct, and concise, welcoming the audience rather than challenging them. With this is mind, i have used the paramedic method below to reorganize the first paragraph of my analysis, apolitical space and place: an analysis of david fleming’s “suburbiaâ€.
Average americans work well into their 60s, so workers might as well have a job that's enjoyable and a career that's fulfilling. A job with a low stress level, good work-life balance and solid prospects to improve, get promoted and earn a higher salary would make many employees happy. Here's how paramedics job satisfaction is rated in terms of upward mobility, stress level and flexibility.
You can google richard lanham's "paramedic method" for more information about this exercise (in case you don't know it firsthand). It's taken from lanham's terrific book revising prose. You can also check out purdue's owl page: http://owl. English. Purdue. Edu/owl/resource/635/1/.
Most schools in most fields offer some sort of online option for their programs and paramedic to rn programs are no different. If you desire increased flexibility during your education so that you can better balance your life commitments. Online programs allow you to complete coursework remotely and can significantly lessen the amount of time you have to spend on campus. Professors can assign work remotely for you to complete at home and in some cases your classes will even be held online! when you’re applying be sure to talk to you prospective schools about how they assist you with coordinating your clinical experiences.
Most states require prospective emts and paramedics to be certified by the national registry of emergency medical technicians (nremt) in order to qualify for a state license. All nremt certifications are restricted to candidates who are at least 18 years old. The process involves passing both a cognitive (knowledge) exam and a psychomotor (skills) exam.
There’s no shortage of emergencies, unfortunately, so the demand for these highly skilled, essential first responders will continue to grow. The bls expects that the demand will expand at least 24% by 2024, significantly faster than most other jobs and industries. The life of a paramedic is one of both hectic activity (when things are busy) and anticipation (down time when no calls are coming in). It’s an extremely demanding, stressful, and challenging field, to be sure—but if you have a fondness for adrenaline and the ability to stay icy cool under the hottest pressure, then it just might be the right allied health career for you to consider.
Roy and john have a new, hard-nosed, female paramedic trainee, she rides with them to help a man whose wife is holed up in a house scheduled for demolition due to freeway construction, a man who tries to commit suicide by gas, then changes his mind and suffers a head injury, another man suffering a heart attack that they try (and fail) to revive; and the trainee expressed her inability to function to dixie, but she redeems herself after roy is electrocuted trying to save an invalid at a structure fire and she is the only one to assist with reviving him. Written by gary richard collins ii (brothergaryii@gmail. Com).
The uk study was part of an integrated program of research aimed at developing and assessing services for hyper-acute stroke (dash), specifically to identify the optimal organisation of pre-hospital and acute stroke care and to improve outcomes for stroke patients by enhancing the evidence base for future health service interventions. One aim of the dash program was to implement a pre-hospital feasibility trial of a drug to reduce blood pressure with consent and drug administration by paramedics from the north east ambulance service (neas). The neas provides primary emergency services for 2. 65 million people in rural and urban areas of the north east of england.
Paramedics are skilled medical professionals who have undergone many hours of rigorous training—far more than your average emergency medical technician (emt). “a lot of people call us ambulance drivers,†says nick, a critical care paramedic in new york. “it aggravates us because driving is such a small part of the job. Emergency medicine is what we’re doing. †medical tasks paramedics regularly carry out include administering medication, starting ivs, intubating unconscious patients to help them breathe, intraosseous (bone) injections, reading electrocardiograms (ekgs), needle chest decompression (sticking a needle into the ribs to fix a collapsed lung), and differentiating between different types of heart attacks.
In my case it does. I currently work 12-hour shifts, with four days on, five days off, in sydney. Not all paramedics around the world can say they work less than half the year. Around the usa, there are emts and paramedics who work much longer shifts and more days and nights on duty. When i rode with medics in hawaii, they were constantly doing double shifts, and not always voluntarily either. It's even tougher for ambulance workers in developing nations. In mexico for instance, some medics will only leave work once a week. They literally live on the ambulance station.
Regularly scheduled skills labs consist of seven 2-day long live lab events: 5 practice labs; 2 testing labs. If regularly scheduled skills labs do not fit your personal schedule, then private sessions averaging 8 hours can be purchased and scheduled around your availability. The session begins with familiarization of materials and equipment used specifically by paramedics, and then quickly moves into the “hands-on†skills training with fellow students. Furthermore, the dates for these sessions are posted on the percom events calendar 10-12 months in advance.
The paramedic psychomotor examination consists of twelve skills presented in a scenario-type format. All skills have been developed in accordance with the national ems education standards and instructional guidelines (emt and paramedic), the american heart association guidelines for cpr and ecc, and the u. S. Department of health and human services centers for disease control and prevention national trauma triage protocol.
In the united states , the paramedic is a professional whose primary focus is to provide advanced emergency medical care for critical and emergency patients who access emergency medical services (ems). This individual possesses the complex knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. Paramedics function as part of a comprehensive ems response, under medical oversight. Paramedics perform interventions with the basic and advanced equipment typically found on an ambulance. The paramedic is a link from the scene into the health care system. One of the eligibility requirements for state certification or licensure requires successful completion of a nationally accredited paramedic program at the certificate or associate degree level. Each state varies in requirements to practice as a paramedic, and not all states require licensure.
In all states, paramedics are required to be licensed. Much like the process for becoming a licensed emt, paramedics must pass exams issued by their state of residence or earn credentials from the nremt. The latter's 2-part certification exam is comprised of a written and practical portion covering such areas as medication skills, patient assessment, and cardiac management. Paramedics are typically required to renew their credentials every 2-3 years by earning continuing education credits and attending refresher courses.
Administer life support, first-aid treatment and other forms of prehospital emergency care to people who are injured or sick.
this exploratory, qualitative study of a community paramedicine program highlights from the patient perspective how a community health program, chap-ems, operates on the ground and provides insight into how paramedics interact with building residents and are perceived in this setting. This study found that paramedics had dual roles as advocates for health and wellbeing and as experts in providing emergency care. Results from this study have informed an emerging framework for understanding paramedic roles in community paramedicine settings in multiple contexts: paramedics as trusting health care professionals; paramedics as patient advocates; and lastly, paramedics as emergency experts. Future research should address whether these results are generalizable to other community paramedicine programs in different settings and with different populations who may hold different views.