by William
Posted on 03-08-2020 04:48 AM
Copyright pharmacy times 2006-2019
pharmacy & healthcare communications, llc. All rights reserved.
Copyright specialty pharmacy times 2006-2019
pharmacy & healthcare communications, llc. All rights reserved.
Residency resources : access to a the ashp online residency directory and the largest residency showcase in the world at the midyear clinical meeting
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Eligible employees automatically receive employer-paid basic long term care coverage for two years and up to $2,000/month.
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“the benefits of being bilingual in a community pharmacy setting†at an early age, i have always thought not having english as my first language was a disadvantage. I always wish i was born in america where i can have english as my first language so i would easily fit in at school and not have people making fun of mine accent. But now looking back i’m glad that i was be able to still know how to read and write vietnamese. Being a bilingual is an advantage rather than disadvantage. By knowing two different languages i can be able to help translate to people in the community.
Whether physicians feel the pros outweigh the cons is really dependent on the individual. While some may think they would have been better off pursuing another profession, scores of doctors are incredibly happy they chose a career in medicine. “taking into account all the pros and cons, becoming a doctor was ultimately worth it to me,†dr. Odugbesan reflects. “i would go to medical school all over again. â€.
Including the annual college of pharmacy preceptor of the year award nominated by pharmacy students and presented during the senior awards banquet aacp master preceptor recognition program nominated by director of experiential education and is available to preceptors who are not full-time employees of a school/college. It includes a $500 honorarium, complimentary aacp membership, national recognition, and a certificate of recognition.