Real Estate Gifts For The Photographer /Drone Gifts For The Photographer

by Anthony

Posted on 14-07-2020 12:39 AM

Agreeing with camera what all the other pps said! i work as a wedding coordinator for photographer a cupcake/cake shop, and most of the time when couples decide not to book they don't let me know. I usually don't receive a call or even a quick "hey, we're going somewhere else" email. For this reason, i'm always thrilled to hear anything back from a couple that has decided to keep searching/not book with camera us. photography The previous replies are all fantastic, but i would honestly even be happy with camera a "nope, not booking" email! there are never any hard feelings and i never feel butt-hurt when a couple decides not to book; it's just part of the business and i understand that while we might image be able to accomplish the cake/cupcakes of one couples' dreams, we might image not be able to win over the next couple that comes in for photographer a tasting. I'm sure that the photographer you've decided not to book with camera is probably the same way and at this point she should be used to not booking every single couple.
