by Martin
Posted on 02-07-2020 02:53 AM
Professors in the united states commonly occupy any of several positions in academia. In the u. S.
, the word "professor" informally refers collectively to the academic ranks of assistant gift for professor professor mugs gift ideas for professor , associate professor, or professor. This usage differs from the predominant usage of the word professor internationally, where the unqualified word professor only refers to "full professors. " the majority of university lecturers and instructors in the united states, as of 2015 [update] , do not occupy these tenure-track ranks, but are part-time adjuncts. [ citation needed ].
Most common hierarchy[ edit ]
for regular faculty (i. E. , not counting administrative positions such as chairships or deanships, nor positions considered "staff" rather than faculty), the descending hierarchy in most cases is:
distinguished, endowed or university professor (other such titles of special distinction vary by institution)
professor (" full professor ", i. E. , the destination of the " tenure track," upon exhausting all promotions other than those of special distinction).
Professor eric h. Kessler is the henry george scholar and professor in the management and management science department in the lubin school of business on the new york city campus. Dr. Kessler is an internationally recognized authority on organization management and global leadership. As a management researcher, he is the worldwide general editor of the encyclopedia of management theory and choice book award winner who has published six critically acclaimed books that have sold in 70+ countries, including the new title, wise leadership: a toolbox for sustainable success. He also has over 120 combined academic papers and presentations that have earned numerous awards and appeared in many of the field’s top outlets.
At rit, the distinguished professor designation constitutes as the highest title that the university can accord a member of the professoriate. Eligibility requirements distinguished professors shall be professors holding tenure (or granted tenure under expedited review, see policy e06. 1 )Â and have exhibited a record of singular excellence sustained over the course of their careers, as demonstrated by extraordinary scholarly contributions manifested in leading journal publications, books, or creative accomplishments; and at least one of the following:.
George annas is chair of the department of health law, bioethics & human rights in the boston university school of public health, and professor in the boston university school of medicine, and school of law. A member of the bu faculty since 1972, and an internationally renowned expert on patient rights, he is the cofounder of global lawyers and physicians, a transnational professional association of lawyers and physicians working together to promote human rights and health. He is the author or editor of 16 books on health law and bioethics and is a member of the institute of medicine of the national academies, a fellow of the american association for the advancement of science, co-chair of the american bar association’s committee on health rights and bioethics, and a member of the committee on human rights of the national academies.
Department of atmospheric sciences appointed september 1, 2014 renyi zhang joined the faculty in texas a&m’s departments of atmospheric sciences of college of geosciences (1997) and chemistry of college of science (2007). He earned a ph. D. From mit and completed postdoctoral work at caltech/nasa jet propulsion laboratory. He is holder of the harold j. Haynes endowed chair in geosciences. His early research contributed to the understanding of stratospheric ozone depletion and formation of the “antarctic ozone holeâ€?. His research at texas a&m has led to breakthroughs and paradigm shifts in several atmospheric fields—photochemical oxidation of hydrocarbons; formation, growth, and properties of aerosols; urban and regional air pollution; ambient measurements of trace gases and aerosols; and assessment of aerosol-cloud-climate interaction—and provided critical insights into the impacts of human activities on the environment, weather, and climate. He has published more than 160 papers in peer-refereed journals. Currently, zhang serves as director of the center for atmospheric chemistry and the environment at texas a&m, chairs the american meteorological society’s atmospheric chemistry committee, is editor of the journal of geophysical researchâ€â€œatmospheres and journal of the atmospheric sciences, and is a member of the international commission on atmospheric chemistry and global pollution. He has received numerous awards, including honorary professorships at peking university and fudan university in china, the outstanding international collaboration researcher award from the china national science foundation, the association of former students distinguished achievement award—research, the bush excellence award for faculty in international research, and the cheung-kong distinguished scholar award from the ministry of educationâ€â€œchina. He is a fellow of the american geophysical union.
Professor davis is one of the most highly regarded human rights scholars and policy influencers in the world, sustaining a distinguished career that leads rather than follows the intellectual developments in her field. She was coâ€editor and contributing writer of bringing human rights home, which was pathbreaking in its examination of the history of human rights in the united states. Her pioneering book brutal need is considered essential reading in the poverty law field. As a women’s rights practitioner, she has argued before the u. S. Supreme court. Professor davis is faculty director for the nulawlab, which she co-founded in 2011 and was instrumental in defining an innovative new approach to legal practice. She has served as vice president and legal director for the now legal defense and education fund; held the fulbright distinguished chair in human rights and humanitarian law at the raoul wallenberg institute at lund university in sweden; testified before u. S. Senate and house committees; and consulted for the world health organization, center for reproductive rights, and center for constitutional rights. According to one legal scholar, “she has reshaped the way that a generation of scholars…think about the potential of human rights as a framework for reforming the u. S. Legal system. â€.
John adams, curators' distinguished teaching professor (mu)
emeritus since 2015/09/01
harlan anderson, curators' distinguished professor (s&t)
emeritus since 1999/09/01
cheryl black, curators' distinguished professor (mu)
emerita since 2019/09/01
james bogan jr.
, curators' distinguished teaching professor (s&t)
emeritus since 2012/09/01
william bondeson, curators' distinguished teaching professor (mu)
emeritus since 2011/09/01
michael budds, curators' distinguished teaching professor (mu)
emeritus since 2019/09/01
suzanne burgoyne, curators' distinguished teaching professor (mu)
emerita since 2019/09/01
ta-shen chen, curators' distinguished professor (s&t)
emeritus since 2000/09/01
franklin cheng, curators' distinguished professor (s&t)
emeritus since 2000/09/01.
Abernathy, elton*, distinguished professor emeritus of communication studies, (9/1/46-7/15/78) andrews, gregory a, distinguished professor emeritus of history, (9/1/88-8/31/09) aron, gary m, distinguished professor emeritus of biology, (1/15/74-5/31/14) avent, henrietta*, distinguished professor emerita of health, physical education and recreation, (9/1/58-5/31/93) barton, james gabriel*, distinguished professor emeritus of communication studies, (6/1/46-1/15/80) bechtol, william*, distinguished professor emeritus of curriculum and instruction, (8/1/77-2/16/98).
Bart d. Ehrman has written or edited thirty books, including five new york times bestsellers: how jesus became god, misquoting jesus, god’s problem, jesus interrupted and forged. Ehrman is the james a. Gray distinguished professor of religious studies at the university of north carolina, chapel hill, and is a leading authority on the new testament and the history of early christianity.
The distinguished professor title is a campus-level distinction and is reserved for above scale faculty who have achieved the highest levels of scholarship over the course of their careers. Distinguished professors will typically have earned national and international level distinctions and honors of the highest level. Faculty who hold a title of distinction can describe their affiliations and/or disciplines in a format such as: distinguished professor, department of x.
Jenna jambeck (photo by andrew davis tucker/uga) jenna jambeck, internationally recognized for her work to reduce plastic waste entering the ocean, has been named the georgia athletic association distinguished professor in environmental engineering. A member of the university of georgia faculty since 2009, jambeck conducts research and teaches environmental engineering with a focus on solid waste management and marine debris. As associate director of uga’s new materials institute and director of the center for circular materials management , jambeck is shifting the paradigm of waste management to proactive materials management. This means thinking about how to create less waste and managing materials before any “waste†is produced.
The recognition of outstanding academic contribution to the university is always appropriate and necessary. The addition of the title of "distinguished professor" provides an avenue for such recognition that can be awarded to qualified faculty members upon recommendation of their peers and the administration. This special academic title is intended to recognize a limited number of outstanding professors for whom endowed chairs or professorships are otherwise unavailable.
The title of distinguished professor may be awarded to full professors who have conducted outstanding research, teaching, and/or public service contributions that are widely recognized; an extraordinary level of productivity and impact in his/her field of study that goes well beyond the existing high expectations for full professors on campus; a level of productivity and impact that has been demonstrated for an extended period of time; pre-eminence in his/her field of study; recognition by professional organizations for outstanding contributions to the field (e. G. , receipt of national awards); and other qualities exhibiting excellence.
1988Â marjorie g. Grene (1910-2009) after her mandatory retirement from uc davis, prof. Grene found it financially and intellectually desirable to continue working in academic settings. From fall 1978 until spring 1986 she held visiting positions in twelve colleges and universities plus a research fellowship (1985-86) at the american museum of natural history. In 1988, when her daughter ruth moved from cornell university to virginia tech, prof. Grene moved from ithaca, ny to blacksburg, va where she was named as an honorary university distinguished professor and adjunct professor of philosophy and science studies at virginia tech. Marjorie grene passed away march 16, 2009, at age 98 after a brief illness.
The standard professorial titles above and the title instructor may be significantly modified by the use of prefixes, as follows: the title university professor is given to distinguished and exceptional individuals who are internationally recognized experts in their field, have demonstrated excellence in more than one academic specialty, who are qualified to lecture and/or conduct research in a particular subject, and who are appointed specifically to teach in the university professors program.
Ddr. Karen bjorkman professor of astronomy college of natural science and mathematics karen bjorkman, ph. D. , is a professor of astronomy and dean of the college of natural sciences and mathematics. She received her b. S. In physics from the university of north carolina, chapel hill, and then worked as an aerospace systems engineer. Her m. S. And ph. D. In astrophysics are from the university of colorado, boulder. She.
Demonstrating exemplary performance in research or creative work; a record of excellence in classroom teaching and supervision of individual learning; and outstanding service to the profession, three cu boulder faculty members are newly designated distinguished professors, the highest honor awarded to faculty across the cu system’s four campuses. The cu boulder honorees are peter molnar, douglas seals and thomas veblen. Additionally, paul harvey from the university of colorado colorado springs and dan theodorescu from the university of colorado anschutz medical campus have received the distinguished professor honor. With these five new designees, cu has recognized 92 distinguished professors since the program’s establishment in 1977.
The title of distinguished professor is conferred on an individual by the university board of trustees in recognition of exceptional scholarly achievement. The purpose of these appointments is to recruit new faculty or retain existing faculty whose appointments enrich the university, especially when candidates require special incentives to influence their decision to accept an offer or to remain within the university. These appointments are expected to contribute to cuny’s commitment to recruit and retain an excellent faculty representing a rich diversity of gender and ethnicity.
Von der ahe chair of communication & ethics lawrence a. Wenner (ph. D. , university of iowa, 1977) is the von der ahe professor of communication and ethics in the college of communication and fine arts and the school of film and television at loyola marymount university in los angeles, where he directs the forum on media ethics and social responsibility and teaches media ethics in philosophy and narrative ethics in the university honors program. His earlier notable appointments include serving as the william evans fellow at the university of otago, the diederich distinguished visiting scholar at marquette university, the louise davies professor of contemporary values in america at the university of san francisco, and as a university fellow at the university of iowa. He has served as professor of communication and media studies, executive director of the graduate program in sports and fitness management, and associate dean for academic affairs in the college of arts and sciences at the university of san francisco.
Prof. V padayachee professor vishnu padayachee is distinguished professor and derek schrier and cecily cameron chair in development economics, in the school of economic and business sciences at the university of the witwatersrand. Among other academic fellowships he is a life time fellow of the society of scholars at johns hopkins university, washington dc and baltimore. His research exists at the confluence of keynesian macroeconomics, political economy, economic history, and development. His current research interests include monetary history, theory, and policy in south africa; the political economy of restructuring south africa, and a study of south african capitalism. He was a non-executive director of the south african reserve bank for 12 years, among many other board appointments in the public and private sector since 1994.
The office of academic affairs awards the permanent, honorific title of distinguished university professor on a competitive basis to full professors who have truly exceptional records in teaching, in research, scholarly or creative work, and in service. One to three appointments may be awarded annually to faculty members who have been at ohio state for at least five years; ohio eminent scholars are not eligible for this award. Distinguished university professors automatically become members of the president’s and provost’s advisory committee. In addition, recipients are awarded a $30,000 one-time grant to support their academic work and are expected to maintain a regular program of teaching/ mentorship, research, scholarly or creative work, and service.
One of many examples of excellence at the university of kansas is the institution of named, university, and foundation distinguished professors. The first distinguished professors were established at the university of kansas in 1958. That year, four were awarded. In 1963, the first university distinguished professors were announced. In 2014, the first foundation distinguished professors were appointed. A list of all distinguished professors is on permanent display on the landing of the fifth floor of the kansas union.
Latest news: ten faculty named 2020 distinguished professors at penn state list of distinguished professors (pdf, updated february 18, 2020) distinguished professors must be current, full-time, active faculty members who hold the rank of professor; do not currently hold an endowed chair, professorship, or faculty fellowship; and are acknowledged leaders in their fields of research or creative activity.
The office of the sr. Vice president for academic affairs is requesting nominations for distinguished professor. If you have a colleague who is a university faculty member, and meets the following criteria, please submit a nomination. Nominations from all parts of the campus are strongly encouraged. Eligibility criteria policy and procedures 6-300 states, “the rank of distinguished professor is reserved for selected individuals whose achievements exemplify the highest goals of scholarship as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them from peers with national and international stature, and whose record includes evidence of a high dedication to teaching as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them by students and/or colleagues. †a person should not be recommended to the distinguished professorship unless she/he is a member of the faculty who has completed five years of service at the university of utah prior to the nomination.
The appointment of a faculty member to a distinguished professorship at the university of pittsburgh constitutes the highest honor that the university can accord a member of the professorate. Eligibility criteria are established by the dean of the school in which the faculty member holds tenure. All recommendations are reviewed by a group of distinguished faculty appointed by the provost, in consultation with the senior vice chancellor for health sciences. Distinguished professorships may be awarded by the chancellor on the recommendation of the provost in consultation with the senior vice chancellor for health sciences.
The title "distinguished professor" is the highest honor that the university of colorado bestows on its own faculty members. This title is extended to recognize the outstanding contributions of tenured faculty members to their academic disciplines. Candidates nominated for a distinguished professorship must demonstrate accomplishments in accordance with university-wide criteria. As of fall 2019, 106 university of colorado professors hold the title of distinguished professor.