by Claudia
Posted on 14-07-2020 12:46 AM
How long did it take you to become a scientist
and is it difficult?
question date: 1999-05-03
answer 1:
are you interested in being a scientist? well,
for starters it is important to you do well in
your junior high and high school classes.
I am
surprised at how often i use the math and science.
An ultraviolet portrait of our galactic neighbor, andromeda, taken with nasa's swift satellite.
(image: © stefan immler (gsfc) and erin grand (umcp)/nasa/swift)
paul sutter is an astrophysicist at the ohio state university and the chief scientist at cosi science center. Sutter is also host of ask a spaceman and space radio , and leads astrotours around the world. Sutter contributed this article to space. Com's expert voices: op-ed & insights.
"the way that scientists use the word 'theory' is a little different than how it is commonly used in the lay public," said jaime tanner, a professor of biology at marlboro college. "most people use the word 'theory' to mean an idea or hunch that someone has, but in science the word 'theory' refers to the way that we interpret facts. ".
Building your network as a lawyer, both throughout law school and beyond, is immensely important, especially if you decide to go the sole practitioner route.
Lawyers will build relationships with other attorneys they know and trust and refer clients to one another. Even if you work for a firm, you may eventually be responsible for bringing in new clients and for essentially marketing the firm, and the more comfortable you are with networking and connecting with various people (as a way of life on a day-to-day basis, not at so-called and often useless “networking events†), the more success you will find as a lawyer.
To work in the nutrition science field, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree. Luckily, you can earn a nutrition science degree in a traditional, online, or hybrid platform. Online accredited degree programs offer the most flexibility, which is a great option for those who are already working or have families. Most states require dietitians to be licensed. It’s important to do your research to find out what, beyond a degree, is needed to become a qualified dietitian in your state.
Determine data collection methods, then collect and analyze samples of soil, water, air, and other materials conduct fieldwork to investigate the nature and extent of soil, sediment, groundwater, and other media contamination develop plans to prevent, control, or fix environmental problems perform program research, planning and development, permitting, compliance monitoring, inspections/enforcement, and technical support services in relation to air, water, waste, federal facilities, corrective action, mining, biology, and other environmental programs.
Note: a newer version of this post is available here. I get many emails and phone calls from students interested in pursuing forensic psychology as a career. So, by popular demand, here is a brief overview. First, what is a forensic psychologist ? forensic psychologists are licensed clinical psychologists who specialize in applying psychological knowledge to legal matters, both in the criminal and civil arenas. Forensic psychology is a subdiscipline of psychology, with its own professional organizations, training programs, and research journals. Forensic psychologists are found in academia, public service, and the private sector.
In the science mission directorate (smd), the astrophysics division studies the universe. The science goals of the smd astrophysics division are breathtaking: we seek to understand the universe and our place in it. We are starting to investigate the very moment of creation of the universe and are close to learning the full history of stars and galaxies. We are discovering how planetary systems form and how environments hospitable for life develop. And we will search for the signature of life on other worlds, perhaps to learn that we are not alone.
Automobile manufacturers, vocational schools, and community colleges have training programs that award associate's degrees or certificates of completion in automotive service technology. In such programs, you will take courses in electronics, hands-on automotive repair, computers, math, and english.
Computer science is the study of computation and information. Computer science deals with theory of computation , algorithms , computational problems and the design of computer systems hardware , software and applications. Computer science addresses both human-made and natural information processes, such as communication , control , perception , learning and intelligence especially in human-made computing systems and machines. According to peter denning , the fundamental question underlying computer science is, what can be (efficiently) automated?
this week's virtually speaking science episode featured yours truly in conversation with laurie paul, a philosopher at the university of north carolina, chapel hill, 2014 guggenheim fellow, and author of a new book, transformative experience. We chatted about so-called transformative experiences , empathy, identity and the fluid nature of the self, and whether having a child can be considered a rational decision. You can listen to the entire conversation at blog talk radio, but i wanted to highlight one aspect of our discussion, since it pertains to a topic of great interest among those interested in science education and outreach -- notably, how best to deal with staunch denialism.
Peer review and publication are time-consuming, frequently involving more than a year between submission and publication. The process is also highly competitive. For example, the highly-regarded journal science accepts less than 8% of the articles it receives, and the new england journal of medicine publishes just 6% of its submissions.