by Carolyn
Posted on 14-07-2020 01:09 AM
Recent examples on the web as a young mother in 1988, blunt rochester started as his congressional intern, then ran up the ranks of delaware public service until carper, as governor, appointed her to be delaware labor secretary. — bo erickson, cbs news, "this black congresswoman has joe biden's ear — and is helping pick his running mate," 17 june 2020 rokita, 50, of brownsburg is a former two-term secretary of state and u. S. Congressman. — tim evans, the indianapolis star, "'wounded' attorney general curtis hill facing 3 challengers for gop nomination," 16 june 2020 taft was secretary of war at the time of his speech; eisenhower also spoke there while chief of staff; and george h. W. Bush previously spoke there twice as vice president. — fox news, "trump’s west point appearance will include coronavirus precautions," 13 june 2020 verdell burdine rutherford served as secretary of the portland chapter of the naacp. — the oregonian/oregonlive. Com, oregonlive, "newspaper corrections for june 13, 2020," 12 june 2020 trump was echoing the words of his defense secretary, who had described a strategy of using large numbers of troops to protect buildings and other sites as a deterrent against potential lawbreakers.
— jamie mcintyre, washington examiner, "the pentagon defused trump's threat to invoke the insurrection act," 11 june 2020 the president consulted several advisers to ask their opinion of the disagreement, intent that day on removing mr. Esper, his fourth defense secretary since taking office in january 2017, according to the officials. — sharon terlep, wsj, "coverage of the unrest sparked by george floyd’s killing," 9 june 2020 almost immediately, word came from the white house that trump was unhappy with his defense secretary. — robert burns, anchorage daily news, "analysis: white house, pentagon tensions near breaking point," 7 june 2020 ash worked as a top staff member for foreign assistance at the us aid agency under president george w. Bush and later as a deputy assistant secretary of state under president barack obama. — lara jakes, bostonglobe. Com, "despite big promises, us has delivered limited aid in global virus response," 7 june 2020.
As you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for "term" are listed above. Note that due to the nature of the algorithm, some results returned by your query may only be concepts, ideas or words that are related to "term" (perhaps tenuously). This is simply due to the way the search algorithm works.
What is another word for secretary of state? need synonyms for secretary of state? here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
Thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend: noun secretary of state - the person who holds the secretaryship of the department of state; "the first secretary of state was thomas jefferson" secretary - a person who is head of an administrative department of government secretary of state - the position of the head of the state department; "the position of secretary of state was established in 1789".
(in the ) a government official who belongs to the civil service (= the official departments responsible for putting government plans into action ) rather than an elected government thesaurus: synonyms and related words.
By rocky white, ceo, the syn learning institute
since the term “secretary†went out of favor in the 1970s, organizations have been trying to find the right job title to describe an increasingly expansive role. Most widely used now is “administrative assistant,†but in today’s high-tech and customer-focused marketplace, the titles are changing again.
A secretary may enter the profession with only a high school diploma and computer skills. Secretaries learn most of their duties on the job. Some companies, like those in the legal and medical fields, may prefer a secretary who has taken classes specific to the industry, so he is familiar with the terminology and practices. A bachelor’s degree may be required for executive secretaries.
Listen: uk:*uk and possibly other pronunciationsuk and possibly other pronunciations'secretary', 'secretary': /ˈsɛkrətəri/ us:usa pronuncation: ipausa pronuncation: ipa/ˈsɛkrɪˌtɛri/ us:usa pronunciation: respellingusa pronunciation: respelling(sek′ri ter′ē) ⓘ one or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term wordreference random house learner's dictionary of american english © 2020 sec•re•tar•y /ˈsɛkrɪˌtɛri/usa pronunciation n. [ countable ], pl. -tar•ies. One whose job is to do work in a business office, such as typing, filing, and answering phones.
The origins of the secretary bird’s name are much debated. One theory is that the feathers jutting out behind the bird’s head reminded 19th-century europeans of the quill pens that secretaries tucked behind their ears, while its grey and black body was reminiscent of their tailcoats. A more recent theory is that the name derives from the arabic ‘saqr-et-tair’, or ‘hunter bird’. The secretary bird is a large bird of prey found in grasslands and savannah across sub-saharan africa. It is one of only two birds of prey preferring to hunt on foot (the other being the caracara). At 1. 2 metres (four feet) tall, its height allows it to spot insects, lizards, snakes and rats in the tall grass.
When cameron became prime minister in 2010, may was named secretary of state for the home department. As the longest-serving home secretary in over a century, may advocated limiting immigration and was critical of the police. In 2016 she stood with cameron in opposing “ brexit †(british withdrawal from the european union ). When cameron announced his imminent resignation after voters chose to depart the eu in the national referendum in june, it appeared likely that the “leave†campaign’s chief spokesman, boris johnson , would become the new conservative leader. After the loss of some key supporters, however, johnson pulled out of the race. May entered a pool of four other candidates and survived winnowing votes by parliamentary conservatives to emerge with energy minister andrea leadsom as the final candidates, to be voted upon by general party members by september 9. Almost before that process could begin, leadsom withdrew her candidacy in response to a controversy surrounding comments she had made about motherhood as a qualification for leadership (may had no children). All of this set the stage for may to quickly become the new conservative leader, and she became prime minister on july 13, 2016.
Vatican city, jun 15, 2020 / 08:05 am mt ( cna ). - pope francis monday appointed fabio gasperini, an italian financial adviser working at ernst & young, to the second-ranking position at the administration of the patrimony of the apostolic see (apsa). This is the first time in its history that the secretary of apsa will be a layperson.
Gasperini fills the position following the end of the five-year term of msgr. Mauro rivella in april.
Former defense secretary robert m. Gates joined the call on sunday to rename army bases named after confederate generals despite president trump’s opposition, saying that it was time to rid the american military of symbols that represent “the dark side of our history. â€mr. Gates, who was appointed defense secretary by president george w. Bush and kept on by president barack obama, said the killing of george floyd in police custody in minneapolis had focused new light on a legacy of racism that should be confronted in society, including within a military that is increasingly diverse.
We have a long history of serving the public. Beginning in april 1869 with the appointment of the first secretary of the territory of wyoming, edward m. Lee, by united states president ulysses s. Grant, this office has always served the public from the state capitol building. However, due to the capitol renovation project, the office will be located at herschler building east, suites 100 and 101.
White house press secretary kayleigh mcenany told reporters thursday that president donald trump will resume campaign rallies on juneteenth , a holiday marking the emancipation of slaves, in tulsa, oklahoma, a city with a history of a racial massacre. She claimed trump will “share some of the progress that has been made†for black americans — but that explanation is being rejected by many african american leaders.
The name of every missouri for profit corporation must contain the word "corporation", "company", "incorporated" or "limited" or end with an abbreviation of one of those words. A person intending to organize a corporation in missouri, a missouri corporation intending to change its name, a foreign corporation intending to apply for a certificate of authority to transact business in this state, or a foreign corporation authorized to do business in this state and wanting to change its name may reserve that name by filing an application in writing in the office of secretary of state and paying a fee of $25. Upon receipt of this filing and a finding by the secretary of state that the name is available, it will be reserved for a period of 60 days. See section 351. 115 , rsmo. A person may not reserve a name for more than 180 days.
Keywords: legal, secretary, administrative, assistant, specialist, paralegal, law, magistrate common searches: legal jobs, legal secretary, legal administrative assistant, legal administrative specialist popular blog posts the job description / job search mismatch additional information we are still working on our system. Do not include words that do not make sense for your job description or resume.
This abbreviation is usually found in office-wide titles or in government documents. You might abbreviate the word secretary to sec. Or secy. On a business card or a nameplate. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern. Outside of professional or government titles or headlines, the word is not abbreviated in general prose.
Secretary performs a multitude of secretarial as well as clerical duties within a department. As a secretary you might have to work with one person or the entire working staff. Apart from scheduling you might have to open the mails, word processing, typing and taking notes, maintaining files, accumulating all records and even answering the phone. Secretaries work under direct supervision, for unfamiliar tasks you would receive training. As a secretary you will have to deal with lots of confidential information. Skills of a secretary may vary drastically. But some of the skills that can be furnished are mentioned below:.
Although a high school graduate usually qualifies for an entry-level secretarial position, many organizations prefer or require that an executive secretary have a bachelor’s degree. College courses for this position include business english, mathematical literacy, computer graphics, business accounting, corporate communications, human resources management, presentation skills and extensive training in software applications, spreadsheets and word processing. An executive secretary may also receive training in video conferencing, phone systems and database management. Specialized training may be necessary for executive secretaries in some industries such as law or health care.
Leader or chief officer of an organisation this article is about secretaries as leaders in organizations. For the common meaning of secretary as an office support worker, which can also be a title, see secretary. Secretary is a title often used in organizations to indicate a person having a certain amount of authority , power , or importance in the organization. Secretaries announce important events and communicate to the organization. The term is derived from the latin word secernere, "to distinguish" or "to set apart", the passive participle (secretum) meaning "having been set apart", with the eventual connotation of something private or confidential, as with the english word secret. A secretarius was a person, therefore, overseeing business confidentially, usually for a powerful individual (a king, pope, etc. ).
On tuesday last week, as police officers across the country deployed brutal tactics in response to protests over the killing of george floyd, the former secretary of labor robert reich announced that his old vocabulary — crowded already with harsh words for president trump — was making way for a new addition.
What is another word for secretarial? need synonyms for secretarial? here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.
Translate secretary into spanish nounsecretaries 1a person employed by an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, make appointments, and carry out administrative tasks. ‘she was secretary to david wilby mp’ more example sentences ‘if necessary, counsel may contact my secretary to arrange an appointment to speak to the issue of costs on this motion. ’.
In monty python's flying circus episode 33 ( http://www. Youtube. Com/watch?v=hf0ffafqle8 ) letter dictation is parodied. Biggles dictates a letter to his secretary, who is confused as to exactly what words to transcribe in this exchange: biggles. Just put down what i say. Secretary. Do i put that down? biggles. Of course you don't put that down.
The school secretary test contains questions on: supervision - questions in which you must choose the most effective response to a given situation. Keyboarding practices - assesses your skills in preferred practices such as letter format, capitalization, plurals, word division, word and figure style for numbers, and common proofreading marks, in addition to proofreading exercises.
What made you want to look up secretary? please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).
Although their titles are often used interchangeably, secretaries and administrative assistants actually perform different jobs. Their responsibilities may sometimes overlap, but in most organizations an administrative assistant has a higher degree of responsibility than a secretary does.
But the effort on the secretary's part was wholly without success. "been and gone," was the secretary's answer, with the terseness characteristic of her. When smithson had left the office, gilder turned to his secretary. The secretary's voice was mechanical, without any trace of feeling. He paused, evidently expectant of laudatory corroboration from the secretary.
All llc statements of information and the required statement of information for most corporations can be submitted electronically using a credit card. Pdf copies of imaged business entity documents, including statements of information are available for free on the secretary of state's business search. Note: statements of information for common interest developments must be submitted on paper, by mail or in person (drop off), at this time.
This is the main governing body of a state, usually called the secretary of state, but may have a different name (ex: department of state, commonwealth, or simply, the state of…â€).
Brian fallon : as we have said since last summer, secretary clinton has been cooperating with the justice department's security inquiry, including offering in august to meet with them to assist their efforts if needed. Patrick shanahan : after having been confirmed for deputy secretary less than two years ago, it is unfortunate that a painful and deeply personal family situation from long ago is being dredged up and painted in an incomplete and therefore misleading way in the course of this process, i believe my continuing in the confirmation process would force my three children to relive a traumatic chapter in our family's life and reopen wounds we have worked years to heal. Ultimately, their safety and well-being is my highest priority.
Secretary hughs encourages texans to vote early, observe recommended health protocols, and make preparations to cast a ballot in july 14th elections secretary hughs convenes third border trade advisory committee meeting of 2020 secretary of state's office releases guidance on recommended health protocols for texas election officials and voters secretary hughs convenes second border trade advisory committee meeting of 2020.
Some differences between a secretary and an executive secretary are matters of degree. A secretary may be responsible for bookkeeping and petty cash, while an executive secretary manages a budget. A secretary might post items on a website, while an executive secretary might design and manage the website. Secretaries might perform data entry in a spreadsheet that the executive secretary has designed and uses for reporting functions. An executive secretary may supervise clerical staff, whereas a secretary does not have supervision responsibilities. An executive secretary often reports directly to the chief executive officer, and may support one or more senior executives.
by karen porter administrative assistant and executive assistant are popular titles for administrative professionals but not the only titles in use for these office professionals. Read more about job titles for administrative professionals below. First, the good news. If you are looking for a selection of administrative professional job titles, your choices are many. In fact, there are probably one- to two-hundred job titles in use right now by administrative professionals. Some are just small variations such as administrative assistant, administrative assistant to the general manager, administrative assistant iii, and admin assistant 3. Or executive assistant, executive assistant to john/mary doe, and executive assistant secretary. These little differences in administrative job titles for administrative professionals are what add up to the “hundreds†of different job titles for administrative professionals overall.