by Samuel
Posted on 03-08-2020 05:13 AM
Personal trainers are typically driven by a passion for fitness and a desire to share their experiences and knowledge with others. They’re not keen on desk jobs or sitting alone in cubicles ‘pushing pencils’.
Here are common reasons that people decide on becoming a personal fitness trainer. Do any of these sound like you?:.
One thing that you might not have considered when thinking about ‘what’s it like to be a personal trainer’ is how much time you’ll spend behind a computer screen. Working as a personal trainer is a pretty active job but you’ll still have to carry out admin-based tasks, for example: following up on leads.
Hey, there. I’m certified personal trainer frank hawley. You might know me from other fitplan articles such as chest exercises to do at the gym , bicep exercises for bigger arms and 8 strategies for working out to lose weight. I’ve been a personal best athletic trainer mugs personal trainer mugs gift for a trainer ever since i finished college in 2015. My first training job was in a small town in wisconsin with a population smaller than my graduating class. I worked and saved for a year before i was able to fund my move to venice, ca, which is what i believed to be the center of the fitness world.
After you become a certified personal trainer you have a lot of job opportunities and they are not limited to just working at a gym. Some of these employment options include spas, corporate fitness, resorts, working for yourself independently, training clients in their homes, and even working on a cruise ship.
In today’s world, exercise and healthy eating are more than just trends, they are essential components of everyday life. As people are becoming more aware of the increasing benefits of regular exercise, alternatives to classic gym memberships are popping up across the country, including personal training. According to the bureau of labor statistics , the number of personal training jobs in the u. S. Is expected to grow about 10% from 2016 to 2026, which is faster than the average for all occupations. As this alternative popularizes, do you ever wonder how a personal gift idea for strength trainer trainer mugs gifts personal trainer finds the time to take care of herself in addition to her clients?.
Let’s be honest there aren’t many jobs that enable you to truly love what you do, look forward to the day ahead and earn a decent salary along the way. But for those who enjoy being active, have a genuine interest in improving human fitness and function and get a kick out of working with people one to one, becoming a personal trainer has a lot to offer.
December 01, 2018 you dream job is waiting becoming a personal personnal trainer gift idea trainer mug gifts funny personal trainer gifts can be the career change you are looking for. Check out the top reasons why you should turn your passion for fitness into a career. Make a difference | help eradicate the obesity epidemic and make your community healthier. Job satisfaction | see tangible results of your work when clients achieve life-changing health and fitness goals.
Personal training is unregulated. This means there is no scope of practice. Despite what you might think, it is generally okay for  trainers to advise clients on nutrition. In most places, they can even called themselves a nutritionist without repercussions. (note:  you may only use the term “dietician† if you have the appropriate  qualifications and the same caveat applies to the term  “registered nutritionist†in many places. The only real no-no for personal trainers everywhere is to dispense “medical nutrition therapy†or to  claim to be something they’re not. ).
The november-december 2008 issue of idea fitness journal (2008; 5 , 16) reported on proposed legislation that would require personal trainers in washington, dc, to register with the mayor and submit fees biennially. Registered personal trainers would be regulated by the board of physical therapy and would operate within a scope of practice delineated by the board. Now, other states are following suit.
Instead of going to university i gained my personal training qualifications through lifetime training and premier global.
I had previously worked as a self-employed personal trainer for around eight years but i got fed up of working for myself. I wanted to work with a great company, like david lloyd clubs, and train to become a master trainer with a client base and classes of my own. I also had an interest in educating and training other personal trainers.
(disclaimer: team asweatlife received a discounted certification rate to participate as a group in the nasm personal trainer certification. As always, we only write about the places, things and experiences we love. )when we put the idea of an ambassadorship out into the world, we were excited to see what would come from it. In january we launched the program and since then, we’ve taken the asweatlife ambassadors on a journey through goal setting, desire mapping, de-cluttering, improvisation as a way to conquer fears and, obviously, done a lot of workouts. And as we experienced new workouts and met new workout friends along the way, it’s no surprise that many ambassadors felt inspired to take the next step in their fitness journey –  becoming trainers themselves.
With the growing industry comes growing pay for the professionals within that industry. Fitness professionals have witnessed their mean incomes grow 26% from 2010-2014. 4 with the demand for personal trainers continuing to increase, you can expect incomes to rise as well. Professionals who have a personal trainer certification from nasm earn, on average, $40,784 annually, putting them 12% above the industry median. 5,6.
Personal trainers are in high demand all over australia. The gold coast is australia’s prime location in terms of the high growth of the fitness industry due to the weather, beach locations and rapid increase of fitness facilities. So why not make this your time & join an industry that is booming!.
It’s one of my biggest pet peeves in the fitness industry: the average, unqualified personal trainer at your typical big box gym charging huge hourly rates for mediocre-at-best services. While there certainly are plenty of knowledgeable, physically fit trainers out there who do provide high quality, accurate guidance to their clients, the truth is that the “good ones†are very few and far between.
Becoming a certified personal trainer is the easy part for most newly certified personal trainers, making a living as a trainer can be much more difficult. Afi will share with you six simple rules for earning a healthy living as a certified personal trainer. First, ask yourself this question: if two trainers both earning $50,000. 00 a year, one who works forty hours a week, and the other works ten hours a week, at the end of the year which trainer is richer?.
Helping people reach their weight loss or fitness goals can be extremely satisfying. Other benefits of a home-based personal trainer business include: clientele for personal trainers tends to be on the wealthier side, which means the market has the money needed to pay for your services. Freelance personal trainers have far greater earning potential than the fitness workers' median average of $35,785 per year, which makes going on your own more profitable than being an employee of a gym or fitness facility.
Interview process of hiring a personal trainer we are going to discuss the interview process of hiring a personal trainer. The decision that should not be taken lightly for it only does it affect your health but also your state of well being.
As you can see, a day in a life as a personal trainer is a flexible career that allows you to meet new people and change people’s lives. It offers flexibility and variety, making it one of the best careers in the world. If you are interested in becoming a personal trainer then contact uk sports training. We have government funded course options as well as uk learning opportunities that can be funded via our affordable monthly payment plans.
Once you've decided that becoming a personal trainer is right for you, the first step is choosing a certification program. Consider a certification accredited by the national commission for certifying agencies ( ncca ), renowned as the gold standard in health and fitness. All ace certifications are accredited by the ncca.
I always finish the day with a few delicious goodies: magnesium for sleep, zinc for detox, and testosterone and omega 3 for recovery and inflammation. As soon as my head hits that pillow, i’m away. There you have it, a day in the life for me as a personal trainer and owner of a fitness company. I love what i do and i wouldn’t want to do anything else. I challenge and push myself every day, just like i love to push people who choose to train with me.
Ever wonder what a day in the life of a trainer is like? take a look into a daily routine of kristina alai, club manager and personal trainer for the bay club san francisco campus. Wake up call the day starts bright and early for kristina. Her 5:00 am wakeup puts her into gear before the sun is up. “sleeping in for me means getting up at 5:30,†she laughs.
Our comprehensive programs and dedicated support team will empower you with all the tools you need to become a certified personal trainer. Offered in a variety of formats, the nasm-cpt programs, from guided-study to all-inclusive, can help you successfully prepare for the exam, and can be completed in as few as 10 weeks.
Hey guys! personal training is always a misunderstood profession to some extent and i get questions all the time of what my life is like as a trainer/studio owner. Given the changing world right now, i made a "day in the life video" to document what my life is a like as a trainer in 2020.
The path to becoming a certified personal trainer requires work. No credible organization awards a personal training certificate easily. Preparation and knowledge are necessary to meet the requirements to pass a certification exam. The knowledge required encompasses an understanding of exercise science, nutrition, physiology, and more. A purposeful approach helps with absorbing the material and becoming certified.
I was asked by my recruiting team to chart out a typical day in my life so new trainers or those considering a career in personal training can get a glimpse of what to expect. I've been a full time personal trainer for equinox pine street , leaving the shackles of corporate desk life , for almost five years. It took hard work, long hours, education, trial and error and support from equinox, my mentors and my family. But i can honestly say this is my calling. I've been lucky over the years to expand my work to also include group fitness , massage therapy , corporate wellness , blogging and mentoring. While i recommend new trainers focus 100% on personal training for the first few years, i do encourage them to think about additional ways to expand their work to provide value and expertise to their clients and to keep themselves engaged.
The biggest difference between personal trainers and athletic trainers is education. While prerequisites vary by employer, personal trainers typically need only a certification to work with clients. The same can’t be said for athletic trainers. Employers often seek candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree in athletic training, but some require a master’s degree in the field to practice. Clientele is also big difference. Personal trainers work with people who want to improve their health and level of fitness -- “want†being the operative word. Athletic trainers work with people who need to improve their health, range of motion or mobility, among others. Also, salaries are fairly divergent. On average, personal trainers earned $36,900 a year in 2012, while athletic trainers earned an average of $44,010 a year, according to the u. S. Bureau of labor statistics.
When you choose a doctor, you would never just follow medical advice from a person without an md or who isn't a specialist in that field. You would seek out a professional with the right credentials, education, and experience. Personal trainers are no different. When you go to work out, you are actually dealing with your body as it relates to the muscular, skeletal, circulatory, nervous, respiratory, and endocrine systems (yes, endocrine, as your training triggers a ton of hormonal responses). This requires a person to have gone through the proper education to prescribe exercise and structure your program in a way that is both safe and effective for your goals.
While many people do not figure out what they want to do until they begin to mature, some young people may already know at an early age. The minimum age requirement to offer advice and education on personal training is 18. While this requirement is not likely to affect too many future personal trainers, it may affect a few.
There are currently no national or state licensing requirements for working as a personal trainer like there are for doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists, and athletic trainers. With no licensing requirements, anyone can claim to be a fitness professional and offer personal training services. But fitness professionals are a growing and essential part of the allied health industry. So, how is someone to know whether the fitness professional they hired (or are simply following on social media) is, in fact, a truly qualified pro? the answer lies in accredited certification.
Nearly every personal trainer certification only requires a high school diploma as its minimum educational requirement. For individuals seeking career advancement (e. G. Opening their own gym) or career change (becoming an exercise physiologist), an undergraduate or graduate degree can help move them to the forefront of exercise science. Learn more about the different educational options available that meets your professional needs.
The majority of people who want to become personal trainers are either fitness enthusiasts or former teenage sports players who now want to make a career helping others get in shape. They begin their working life as an instructor in a gym, which means they do eight-hour shifts and use the facilities to their heart's content (literally and figuratively).
Being a personal trainer isn't your average 9-to-5 job. Personal trainers have to be available when their clients are not working, which often means early morning and evening hours. When you're not training, you may have other responsibilities such as marketing and administrative tasks. A personal trainer schedule offers some freedom, but it can be hard to adjust to.
With more than 6 million people working out with personal trainers, a clear path to a variety of certifications through organizations like the american council on exercise (ace), and a fitness industry that just keeps growing , if you’re hooked on health and fitness, now might seem like the perfect time to turn your passion into a career. Plus, beyond being relatively low stress and high reward, the average salary for personal trainers is on the rise, and wearing workout clothes every day is simply following the dress code—not too shabby.
Personal trainers guide clients interested in weight loss, muscle building and increasing their fitness levels on the appropriate modes of action. They work with clients to create individualized plans for achieving their fitness goals and provide supplemental nutritional information. Personal trainers lead clients through exercise routines while offering words of encouragement during training sessions.
Due to the field being so new, it is important to define what an online personal trainer is. It’s common to understand a personal trainer as a person that works with clients with the intent to improve fitness levels, body image, health, and performance. Personal trainers also work with clients to modify behaviors that align with the achievement of their health and fitness goals. What is unique about this process is that the personal trainer does not have to meet in-person with a client to create a massive impact on their health. In fact, because of new technology, a trainer can work online from anywhere in the world and change the lives of tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of people.
Making a tangible difference in people’s lives is the reason many personal trainers choose this career, and it keeps our work fresh and rewarding. One of my favorite moments as a personal trainer was seeing a client with ms improve mobility, strength, and daily functioning as a result of personal training.
Personal trainers are responsible for training individuals and developing a healthy workout regimen for all their clients. They often work with different muscle groups and combine this knowledge with cardiovascular training to provide their clients with the best exercise program possible. They may demonstrate various exercises and improve their client's technique. They work either in a client's home or a gym. Personal trainers conduct fitness consultations and assessments. Develop unique programs that ensure client safety and enhancement of personal fitness goals to members and guests throughout the club. They also assist club members in understanding how to operate the weight resistance and cardiovascular …show more content….
As a fitness institution, a question we get asked a lot by both our students and their potential clients is "do people really need a personal trainer?", and so we’ve decided to clear up the issue once and for all. There are so many reasons why a personal trainer is essential to achieving your fitness goals, whether they be weight loss-based, sports-driven or for athletic purposes. Here, we’ve put together the most critical reasons why you should have a personal trainer, as well as the benefits that you are likely to achieve.
By focus training ltd on august 7, 2018 personal trainer · 0 fancy becoming a personal trainer? you’ve probably got your own reasons for wanting to make the change, but here are a few more perks that you might not have thought about. Keep reading to find out why being a personal trainer could suit you, and how we can help you take the next step in your fitness career.
Personal trainers are all the rage these days, and for good reason: with people becoming more health-conscious, they find the motivation and expertise provided by a personal trainer to be invaluable. If you’re passionate about fitness, perhaps it’s crossed your mind that you should become a personal trainer. Well, the best time to get started is now! in this post, we’re going to look at 5 compelling reasons why you should become a personal trainer in 2020.
The most common misstep for new personal trainers for various reasons including following poor advice people often rush into obtaining personal training certifications before they even have a clue about the job market. There are many reasons why it is important to analyze the personal trainer job market in the area you want to work before you even think about getting a certification.
There are more than a few reasons for this, but the biggest is the misconception of what personal trainers are and spend their time doing. For anyone wondering, here’s what i don’t do: work out all day. Make up pointless exercises. Eat boiled chicken breast, broccoli, and brown rice. Since i get asked a lot, i figure this is a good opportunity to talk a little about what i do outside of working hours.
There’s a lot more to keep track of as a personal trainer than just reps and sets. You’ll want to develop a system to organize and secure client information. Easy access to fitness assessments and progress reports will help you provide a better client experience. A paper-based filing system works, but more and more trainers are using online platforms and software to stay organized. And if you’re not already using a calendar to keep track of your training sessions, it’s time to start.
Nutritional specialist certifications, weight loss specialist certifications, and specific exercise protocols are all good ideas for personal trainers who want to be effective in their trade. "the body begins from the inside out. How a person feels physically is a result of what they put into their body. Optimum nutrition will help to produce optimum fitness. By making the right choices in what we eat, we are able to start to feel good and want to be active," said decker, explaining why she pursued a nutritional certification.
Personal trainers with access to a gym or fitness studio usually have a free membership. You have access, both personally and professionally, to the newest equipment with no personal obligation to maintain, manage, replace or purchase items. Usually both contract and regular employees have access to the gym. While the last thing you may want to do after being at the "office" all day is to stick around for a workout, it's a great benefit. Being around other members, and perhaps providing some tips, can lead to more clients as well.
Hey everyone! today i am super excited to host hailey st. Clair on the blog! if you read my post about how i hired a personal trainer for 2 weeks and what happened – you might remember that it was hailey who i credit with propelling my fitness game to the next level! it was so exciting to learn new exercises and how to put them together into a routine from a professional like her. Hailey was a lot of fun to work with and she knew exactly what she was doing. She gave me a ton of really helpful actionable tips on stretching, warm up and proper form. So i thought i’d ask her to share her wisdom and tips in “a day in the life of a personal trainer†with you! here you go:.
Signup & get early bird access to our personal training app these are just some of the comments i hear on a regular basis as a personal trainer. I have trained celebrities. I have been interviewed by websites and magazines, and i’ve appeared on television and on the radio. You have seen me giving fitness tips, offering up the best glute exercises and discussing the latest nutrition trends.
A few factors affect the total cost of a personal trainer, including the frequency and duration of sessions, as well as add-ons and the location of training. We've broken down a few important factors that go into the hourly rate of a personal trainer, and tips for maximizing what you're getting for the price you pay.
If this is what you’re asking yourself you’re in the right place, this article is for you! we will examine the benefits of becoming a personal trainer, skills you may need, what to expect, what you will get out of the role, how to qualify and career avenues you can take.
By focus training ltd on may 13, 2018 · 0 not all personal trainer roles are created equally. Some pts enjoy the comfort and stability of full time employment within a health club or gym. Others, love the buzz of running their own business as a self-employed fitness professional. The variety that comes with being a personal trainer makes it a hot career choice right now. So, we sat down to chat with our friends at pure gym bury, to dig deep into the daily life of a pt.
Mr. Connecticut, 1988 mr. East coast cup, 1989 “the power to excel†certification a. C. E. Personal trainer member i. D. E. A. “best personal trainer†& “best personal training facility†in new haven county, 1996 – 1999 preferred, recommended, and associated with the association for fitness professionals, san diego, ca: 1995 – 2005 published.
I’ve been a personal trainer for over 20 years. I started in june of 1998. I’ve been self-employed for most, if not all of this time. (i did in-home and on-site training on the side almost from the get go. )i wasn’t afraid to think outside the box. I didn’t care if i pissed off club owners or fellow personal trainers.
Have you ever wondered what a personal trainer goes through in the average day? the amount of activity they engage in may surprise you! here is a look at a day in the life of a trainer: waking up earlier than everyone -- do you get up for a 6 am training session? well, in order to be at your training session on time, your fitness trainer has to get up earlier, commute to your home (for an at-home session) or the gym, and be there before you. This means for your 6 am training session, they have to be up as early as 4:30!.
This may be the biggest problem i’ve seen with most “personal trainersâ€Â i’ve met. This creates a bad stereotype that i’d like to avoid, which is why i’ve always avoided using that professional title. If clean movements are my first priority – my destination – then a balanced program is the map to reach it. I almost think of my program as a blueprint.
Posted on thursday, august 22nd, 2019 at 11:47 am. So, just how tough do you have to be to become a studio sweat personal trainer? for this wonder-mom and awesome trainer, every day for bethany is just go, go, go. Thankfully for us and her clients, she’s also one of the most solid routine followers you’ll ever meet. So, if you want a taste of livin’ your life to the fittest, step into a day in the life of bethany with our latest “day in the life of a personal trainerâ€!.