by Tyler
Posted on 14-07-2020 12:43 AM
Bus wanker is a derogatory term for people who commute to work on the bus , this was originally from the british tv show 'the inbetweeners " and became part of popular culture.
"i shout 'bus wench and wanker coffee mugs wanker coffee mug wench and wanker coffee mugs s' to people at the bus stop because i do not have the ability to do anything original and therefore compensate by resorting to televisual mimicry. ".
{[noun]} - the [collective] word for a group of "[chavs]" example: ey look at them big bunch of [chav's]. [arr] you mean the [wankers].
Post by vir litterarum » sat oct 11, 2008 1:18 am i read in an article that demosthenes uses the word α?τολεκύθος to describe men as "wankers," but i can't find it in lsj. Can anyone corroborate this for me?.
Classic thesaurus. (2013). Wankers thesaurus. Retrieved june 24, 2020, from http://www. Classicthesaurus. Com/wankers/synonyms chicago classic thesaurus. 2013. "wankers thesaurus" http://www. Classicthesaurus. Com/wankers/synonyms (accessed june 24, 2020). Harvard classic thesaurus 2013, wankers thesaurus, classic thesaurus, viewed 24 june, 2020,. Classic thesaurus. "wankers thesaurus" 18 may 2013. Web. 24 june 2020.
(32) tagawa, k. , marubuchi, s. , qi, m. L. , enokido, y. , tamura, t. , inagaki, r. , murata, m. , kanazawa, i. , wanker, e. E. This morning you are almost completely naked in front of the house for those wankers to see you, now you're dancing completely wasted with a woodsman who would have raped you, together with his friends, if i hadn't come here.
To masturbate is to stimulate yourself sexually. In other words, to have sex by yourself, with yourself. To masturbate means to have sex with yourself, usually using your hands. If you pick up a slang dictionary, you'll find hundreds and maybe thousands of terms that mean the same thing as masturbate.
Those terms are almost all inappropriate, so use them carefully. Some religious traditions think that masturbating is a sin, but most people realize that there's nothing harmful or unusual about masturbating — it's a natural thing that humans do.
Cockney rhyming slang is an amusing and interesting part of the english language. Originating in london's east end in the mid-19th century, cockney rhyming slang uses substitute words, usually two, as a coded alternative for another word. The final word of the substitute phrase rhymes with the word it replaces, for example the cockney rhyming slang for the word 'look' is 'butcher's hook'. Commonly only the first word of the rhyming slang is used, for example, 'butchers' means 'look', whereby the original meaning can be difficult to guess, and in many cases these single slang words are now widely used by people who are unaware of the cockney-rhyming origins.
Noun wanker a contemptible person; jerk. 1noun wanker a male masturbator. 1noun wanker a person who masturbates (used as a term of abuse).
1noun wanker contemptible man 1
countable noun wanker if someone calls a man a wanker, they do not like him and they think he is very stupid or unpleasant. 0.
Wanker nnoun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Pejorative, figurative, vulgar, uk, au (contemptible man) (très familier) con nmnom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". Ex : garçon - nm on dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon". (très familier, vulgaire) connard nmnom masculin: s'utilise avec les articles "le", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "un". Ex : garçon - nm on dira "le garçon" ou "un garçon".
Use * for blank tiles (max 2) use * for blank spaces advanced word finder find the.
There was a problem sending your report. {{/message}} {{/verifyerrors}} the word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. The sentence contains offensive content.
Rhyming dictionary: words that rhyme with.
These foreign words and phrases are now used in english does english have more words than any other language?.
Synonyms: word family.
Words related to wog: meet your meter: the "restrict to meter" strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. Meter is represented as a sequence of x and / symbols, where x represents an unstressed syllable and / represents a stressed syllable. (see "slash & x" notation for more info on how this works. ).
One of the things i cherish most about living in the united states - especially as someone with a deep interest in language nuances - is witnessing the linguistic evolution of the american vernacular. And one of the most interesting (and often hilarious) recent developments in this area is the emergence here of british swear words. There is something wonderfully unnatural about hearing otherwise harsh-sounding words uttered in an american accent: more so when it becomes clear that the speaker has no idea what the words mean.
Re: what does "wanker" mean? - 04-21-2010, 11:40 pm are you serious?!?! the guy asked what the word meant and whether or not it's safe to use, and i gave him an answer. It's a british slang, and i'm quite familiar with it. You have absolutely no reason to attack me, cranky old man, since i gave an honest answer to a simple question, without any hidden thoughts.
Pornstar got money in exchange for sucking big cock kinky wanker lora croft wins a dick for sucking it delightfully perverted slut natalli di angelo is always for sucking a tasty lollicock seducing a man black chick armany cash wins a cock for sucking it horny milf finds a big dick for sucking my mom seduce to little friend for suck him cock.
Do you think i'm a wanker or what? i'm not going to clean up your mess!¿crees que soy un pendejo? ¡yo no voy a limpiar lo que ensuciaste tú!.
A bloodywanker is when a man has sex with a girl that's on her period and when she starts bleeding he wanks off with the blood on it. She lets her boyfriend fuck her on her period he's such a bloodywanker by lussypover may 17, 2017.
The surname wanker is most common in austria. Click here to see other possible spellings of wanker.
Yeah, but steve's a wanker. SÃ, pero steve es un gilipollas. Oh, and the wanker just tweeted my location. Y el gilipollas acaba de twittear mi localización. He's the wanker mickey slapped on the video. Él es el pendejo mickey dio una palmada en el video. Clifford blades, a chartered accountant and therefore a sad wanker.
“wanker†is a surname that was first seen in essex in great britain. There are many variations of the spelling, from “wannaker†to “wannamaker,†but “wanker†would definitely be the most unfortunate in ireland. As per irish slang, the word “wanker†means a “despicable†or “unpleasant person. â€notable people with the surname “wanker†include belgian guitarist jerry wanker and austrian composer thomas wanker.
I am an asshole yes i am and iâ´m gonna hurt you i am a wanker yes i know and iâ´ll never change i am a sick man yes i am and i will desert you.
What made you want to look up wanker? include any comments and questions you have about this word. Ask the editor.
My heart was beating loudly in my chest, my cheeks were flushed and burning. I double checked the spelling in #everydaystyle & @stylingyou and hit share. I had just posted a photo of the outfit i was wearing on instagram. For the rest of the day, all i could think was, “does everyone think that i’m a wanker?â€.
"there are times when you come across somebody that’s really impressive, someone that’s got a proper living and really does make a difference to people’s lives. Then i do feel a bit of a wanker, admitting i’m an actress. That’s hard to say to someone who may be making a difference. But i don’t know how i could change things. ".
“wanker†originates from the late 19th and early 20th century. It started out as a public school slang, used by the “felstedian†community at felsted school in essex in the early 1890’s. They derived it from “stwankerâ€, which originally started out as the insult “stinkerâ€.
Context examples for "wanker" in spanish(!) these sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Wanker county is the name of a fictional county located in the state of wisconsin , and is notable for being the place where peggy bundy and many other wanker family members originate. Wanker county itself seems to be populated only by the wanker family, and has mottos, one of which al sarcastically said was "nothing says lovin' like marryin' your cousin" and "marry fat, marry family. " albert einstein has apparently remarked that for wanker country "everything is relative". The inhabitants are implied to be severely inbred.
The trouble with all this carbon footprint wank is that china and india will take absolutely no notice whatsoever of any green measures. 0 | 0 | * the following sentence examples have been gathered from multiple sources to keep up with the current times, none of them represent the opinions of word game dictionary.
This quarter’s tell us something was recorded on june 11th, 2013 at the top hat lounge in missoula, mt. The theme was “perceptionâ€. Pat abbe, shares his story “a wanker is what a wanker doesâ€Â or “so you want to be a wankerâ€. Pat explains how he and 5 other guys were drunks with a running problem.
Alas kinky wanker.
Exhibit a: people that are just dicks. (e. G. "boris johnson is a wanker"). Exhibit b: friendly nickname. (e. G. "oi wanker, you coming to the pub?"). Exhibit c: also used to described an inanimate object (e. G. Accidentally burning yourself with a lighter in which the lighter becomes one - "ah! you wanker!".
Date: 10 aug 09 - 04:29 pm i'm not sure why it never caught on over hereit is rather useful as both noun & verb. (i never even heard the term until i'd been online a couple years. )i do know that masturbation was not a common topic in my youthat least in the crowd i was around. About the only term i have ever heard as an adult is 'jerk-off', and it never seemed to be used in the half-kidding way that 'wanker' seems to be used in the uk. It was mostly used to refer to someone not present.
You're a principled wanker who gets confused sometimes. Sei un coglione di sani principi, che ogni tanto va in confusione. You wanker! - we should've fucking killed him. Coglione! - avremmo dovuto farlo fuori. You look like shit, wanker. Sei proprio uno stronzo, segaiolo. I just bought that car, you wanker. L'avevo appena comprata, quella macchina, segaiolo.
Or: whanker , chiefly british usage for: 1. The penis. See penis for synonyms. 2. A masturbator , especially one who masterbates frequently. 3. A term of abuse for an idiot or an unpleasant person. (adult / slang) (noun) a man that masturbates. A person that is disliked can be called a wanker, even though he doesn't masturbate.
As an australian, i'd put it between "idiot" and "dickhead". Edit: for example, when i was a kid going to rugby league matches, it was not unheard of to chant "wally's a wanker! (clap-clap, clap-clap, clap) wally's a wanker! (clap-clap, clap-clap, clap)" about a player called wally lewis. I don't think the same crowd would have chanted "wally's a dickhead!" or "wally's a cunt!".
By t-out $28. 22 tags: briefcase wanker, funny, comedy, wanker, british comedy, school comedy, the betweeners, in betweeners, the in betweeners, inbetweners, carly inbetweenrs, simon inbetweeners, will mckenzie, damon beesley, simon bird, simon cooper, neil sutherland, jay cartwright, blake harrison, james buckley, charlotte hinchcliffe, emily atack, carli damato, emily head, british tv series, breifcase wanker, the inbetweeners briefcase wanker, the inbetweeners will, the inbetweeners, the inbetweeners, the inbetweeners, the inbetweeners, the inbetweeners outfits, the inbetweeners, the inbetweeners, the inbetweeners characters, the inbetweeners episodes, cool, funny, comedy, the inbetweeners film, inbetweener, inbetweeners characters, inbetweeners friend, inbetweeners usa, inbetweeners episodes, tara inbetweeners, the inbetweeners imdb, the inbetweener wiki.
It is my personal conviction that sir fred goodwin is a wanker. Sir fred "banker" goodwin is the former chief executive of a certain financial institution, bailed out by the british government at enormous expense a while ago: consequently he's the recipient of a more-than-abstract amount of money that i paid in tax. He also appears to be somewhat litigious, to the point of having taken out a super-injunction banning news media from describing him as the entity for which the collective noun is a wunch. I would be unaware of the existence of this super-injunction or gagging order if it hadn't been mentioned in parliament, under parliamentary privilege: there's a rather profound freedom of speech issue lurking here, insofar as it appears to be possible for any random scumbag in the uk to pre-emptively ban all news media from describing him as a scumbag.
Right name. Wrong guy. Wgn anchor ben bradley's twitter has been blowing up and he has been called a "wanker" more times than he can count. And despite people being really pissed at him, it's not his fault. It seems that the people in britain have confused wgn ben bradley on twitter with a member of  british parliament, also named ben bradley.
Julian assange , rkahn julian assange is a wanker, a wuss and a twit. Years after he dumped online thousands of hacked documents, endangering people’s lives, he’s published a list of 140 things we dare not say about him, under threat of litigation. Give or take a forbidden word or two.
Issue 1-- in recent news, i've been friended by wank_watch. I am officially a wanker. *moons everyone* to commence the wanking that i am now perfectly entitled to, i shall delicately insert random obscenities just for the fun of it. *insert obscene, rude, trollish statements that will surely get people to hate me*.
"excuse me. " she said a bit louder this time still nothing. "excuse me , arthur!" she finally shouted gaining everyone's attention including her now awake brothers "ohhummm sorry about that maria" britain said blushing a bit "ohonhonhonhon" "shut up you frog!bloody wanker" "*cough* so umm britain i was wondering. "
we were sittin in the work van geting bored and my mate piped up wiv this question, i told him about the billy connely joke about the army beds wiv the sqeeky springswink wank wink wank. But now i'm curriuos to how it came about. Is it a slang word for yank or somthing.
You have searched the english word wank meaning in german wichsen. Wank meaning has been search 7432 (seven thousand four hundred and thirty-two) times till 6/24/2020. You can also find wank meaning and translation in urdu, hindi, arabic, spanish, french and other languages.
This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of wank (wank acronym/abbreviation/slang word). Ever wondered what wank means? or any of the other 9309 slang words, abbreviations and acronyms listed here at internet slang ? your resource for web acronyms, web abbreviations and netspeak.
Saw this idea on twitter, pretty simple, just replace any word of a film's title with the word 'wank' here are a few i liked nine and a half wanks nelson mandella a long wank to freedom honey, i wanked the kids stop, or my mom will wank anyone got any others?.
Wank meaning in urdu - in the age of digital communication, it is better for any person to learn and understand multiple languages for the better communication. In the modern world, there is a dire need of people who can communicate in different languages. However, a person feels better to communicate if he/she has a sufficient vocabulary. The wank meaning in urdu will improve your knowledge about wank. By visiting this page you will get wank of different words and you can easily improve your english and urdu vocabulary.
Tiddlywinks said: listen all, being a boy who grew up in lancs you can imagine i was a wee smiths fan. I even read his bloody books at recess. I'm dicky over all this bollocks! on the verge of bloody lurgy! if i'm narked over this stuff it's because i'm tired of hearing of it! morrissey is making the whole of england look like a bunch of fancies, which the world already does for the bloody record. And in this case, i agree. Who gives a damn about some duck hunters on a show? that's their right. It's legal. I eat meat. I love it as a matter of fact. I'm actually looking forward to bangers later. Forgive me but this has to be said. You bunch of prats are out of your mind for supporting this man in this quest if you want to call it that. Is he vegan? does the lad wear leather? he does, he doesn't. Who bloody cares?!?! it may have been a touch excessive but i torched anything morrissey related in one, masterful bonfire last night after a few too many pints. And even though the fumes smelled foul, they were a pretentious smell of foul. As if it were better than other shit smells. Once you listen to his music or words in realizing he's just a puff, it all sounds different. I'm 35 and single, and currently live here in the states. The work bell goes off here shortly, i'm putting in tom petty (the master), going to smoke a few fags, and try and get fancy on a girl. If i don't i will be unhappy and wank myself. Then drift off to rest. Quite being so serious, don't get in rows like women, just shag women, and teach them how to row the boat if you know what i mean. Ps - for the record, oasis bloody sucks too. I am out!!!.